North Korea's Posturing

Contributor: Ansley Ansley
Aside from the obvious "what the fuck?!" running through most everyone's mind, do you think North Korea has the balls to attack the United States?
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Contributor: Rossie Rossie
It's possible. Kim Jong-un is a loose cannon, anything can happen with that reckless nutjob.
Contributor: RonLee RonLee
Oh yes, imminently possible.
Contributor: Trysexual Trysexual
NO. Instant suicide.
Contributor: Ciao. Ciao.
An attack on US soil by North Korea at this point is both militarily/politically foolish and most likely out of NK's practical abilities.

On the other hand, all the posturing/rhetoric coming from North Korea helps to establish Kim Jong-Un with his own country, and buys time for further developing nuclear capacity. North Korea's ultimate goal, from my perspective, is to build up enough of a modest nuclear arsenal that it can confidently feel it has a deterrent from western invasion, and in their dreams force the US to hesitate/withdraw from its support of South Korea for fear of US troops getting caught in a potential conflict there (the latter will not happen).

North Korea should not be underestimated, they are a uniquely isolated state, but at the same time this sort of saber rattling is nothing new.
Contributor: dancingduo dancingduo
Honestly they would probably attack South Korea first. Since that country divided they have wanted to reunite it (through war). An attack on south Korea would be seen as an attack on the US.
Contributor: spiced spiced
Originally posted by Ansley
Aside from the obvious "what the fuck?!" running through most everyone's mind, do you think North Korea has the balls to attack the United States?
I don't think it's a question of "balls".

I think it's a question of magical thinking, the same kind that led Hitler to believe Germans were superior and could conquer the world, and that led Japan to believe something similar. I'm afraid that kind of magical thinking is deeply ingrained in the heavily-brainwashed and isolated North Korea.

The previous "Dear Leader" (Kim Jong-il) was strong enough to keep those with such magical thinking — and the military — under control; unfortunately, that doesn't seem to be true for the new kid (Kim Jong-un).

If Kim does start a war, it could be the ugliest, most destructive war since WWII, and could be the first time since then that nuclear weapons were used in war. It would be devastating for South Korea and probably Japan, too. Fortunately, it seems very unlikely that China would back North Korea this time. I would expect a broad coalition to take quick, decisive action. But I really hope it doesn't happen, because it would be almost unimaginably bad.
Contributor: SneakersAndPearls SneakersAndPearls
Honestly, not sure. On one hand, it would be suicide and you'd have to be some special kind of idiot to intentionally start a nuclear war that will likely end in your country getting wiped off the map. On the other hand, he seems not so interested in facts. I heard him called a "man-child" on the news the other night. I wonder how accurate that statement is. Someone who is truly childish and petulant won't care about the consequences.
Contributor: srexom srexom
he's a young kid running the country he's got potential to do anything.
Contributor: ViVix ViVix
Originally posted by Ansley
Aside from the obvious "what the fuck?!" running through most everyone's mind, do you think North Korea has the balls to attack the United States?
Not sure I'd call it balls. I'd say stupidity.
Contributor: TJax TJax
Directly? Hell no! Kim Jong Un is a fat idiot, but he isn't suicidal.

Hell, NK can't even seem to get rockets right let alone a missile with a navigation system complex enough to target something across the globe, even if they wanted to attack us directly, it's going to be a long while before they can make anything that doesn't just go spinning off into the pacific.

I do believe that he would build and sell tactical nuclear armaments to other countries that hate us at least as much and have the balls to smuggle / sneak one into a tactical location and detinate on site so that it can do a maximum amount of damage and avoid dealing with an entire planet's worth of anti-missile defenses that would vaporize an ICBM before it moved 1000ft in our direction. In my mind, this is WAY scarier.

My friends and I, however, expect that before that happens one of his close officers will one day put a bullet in his head and surrender to SK in hopes that they can finally get something to eat. That's what happens when you steal the food out of your people's mouths and lock it away in bunkers for your own personal feasts.
Contributor: bog bog
Originally posted by Ansley
Aside from the obvious "what the fuck?!" running through most everyone's mind, do you think North Korea has the balls to attack the United States?
I think anyone with a series of concentration camps containing upwards of 200,000 people shouldn't be treated as a logical person. I don't think it's balls; I think it's true insanity.
Contributor: Carrie Ann Carrie Ann
I worry that while everyone is snickering about the flowery wording they use and the frequency with which they threaten, they may carry out some thread that will have massive repercussions.

I do not necessarily thing that threat will be against the US, though.
Contributor: .kaycat .kaycat
I have a bad feeling in my gut they will, because they're fucking crazy... And it kills me because my bf just joined the army so if ww3 is a result from the stupid Koreans then I have a lot to loose as well.
Contributor: .kaycat .kaycat
Originally posted by .kaycat
I have a bad feeling in my gut they will, because they're fucking crazy... And it kills me because my bf just joined the army so if ww3 is a result from the stupid Koreans then I have a lot to loose as well.
Not to be racist. I am of Asian ethnicity as well but they are clearly far from us and the rest of the norm hence the fact they've sealed themselves off even from their own Korean kind lol
Contributor: MilitaryLove MilitaryLove
It seems like whenever they get a new leader, they try to "strut their stuff," but after a few strong words from the other nations they calm the fuck down. However, I think that this is a different story and Kim Jong Un really is crazy/stupid enough to go up against the United States, etc. If he does however, it will be shortly lived because they couldn't even accurately hit Japan with their "nuke."
Contributor: JackRaiden JackRaiden
They can't reach the US with their missiles. They might be able to manage some kind of strike on South Korea and/or US bases in the area, which could kill many. More missile defense systems have already been moved into the area. Any attack would mean a swift suicide.

Many people regard the closing of Kaesong as the real Red Line. (Basically, it earns them a lot of money, and it is the last thing they want to close.) It was closed to South Koreans yesterday, but the factories are still running...
Contributor: KinkyKatieJames KinkyKatieJames
I think he is arrogant enough to do it. I don't think it will end well for him though if he does go through with it.
Contributor: Ryuson Ryuson
I don't know if it will be on the US, but they seem to be getting kinda crazy down there. (Crazier?) With the UN and the US sided together, we could pretty much put them down if they even really tried, so I'd be more worried for the smaller countries surrounding them. I really hope they don't, though, as we REALLY don't need any more military involvement right now. :/
Contributor: married with children married with children
I think it is more likely that he will attack south korea or japan first.
Contributor: loveme loveme
Idk but if it happens, I think we are screwed. They're crazy and smart! That's a dangerous combo.
Contributor: Martiniman Martiniman
I think they would be foolish and honestly I think they are incompetent. The latest news says the rocket they have isn't even close to capable of reaching the United States.
Contributor: MilitaryLove MilitaryLove
Originally posted by KinkyKatieJames
I think he is arrogant enough to do it. I don't think it will end well for him though if he does go through with it.
I totally agree with you!