Medicinal Marijuana. For or against it? Do you use it medicinally? Do you use it recreationally? (Private Poll)

Contributor: Gunsmoke Gunsmoke
I agree with medical mj - but the way it's administered in CA is kind of a joke. It's really a back-handed decriminalization. However the Feds are not going along. Obama's Justice Dept has warned all the dispensaries in San Diego to close or risk seizure of all assets.

Decriminalization & taxation should be seriously looked at.
Contributor: aliceinthehole aliceinthehole
Originally posted by hyacinthgirl
I'm for legalizing it, or at least decriminalizing it. The only danger pot smokers form to the community are when they drive while high - but keep that criminalized. We're wasting so much money on warring against marijuana, and for what ... more
fake pot is horrible! its synthetic and there's no way of knowing what the heck it's made of. i had the most horrible trip ever on something called zombie matter. i'm sticking to the shit that grows out of the ground.
Contributor: Peggi Peggi
Originally posted by aliceinthehole
fake pot is horrible! its synthetic and there's no way of knowing what the heck it's made of. i had the most horrible trip ever on something called zombie matter. i'm sticking to the shit that grows out of the ground.
I'm with you on this one, although I've never actually had the fake stuff, I don't think I'd want to!
Contributor: eroticmutt eroticmutt
Originally posted by Peggi
Since this is such a "hot topic" these days, I've seen similar threads and polls, but I figured I would jump right into it!
I am 'For' medical marijuana. If scientists can create all sorts of frankenstein-chemicals mixing this and that then give it to people after only a few years or decades, then yes I think it is fair to say that they should be allowed to use an herbal drug which has been around for hundreds of years.
Contributor: -BillD -BillD
I am totally for medical marijuana, and the legalization of it in general. I used it recreationally in high school and part of college.
Contributor: Liz x420x Liz x420x
legalize it already. marijuana is very helpful for many illnesses, better than any prescription drug out there
Contributor: Peggi Peggi
I am already doing a ton of research and writing a thesis on this issue! It is honestly no where near as harmful as any pill you take that your doctor prescribes and has so many uses depending on the user! It is quite frustrating that something like this is illegal, although understandably there would need to be major regulation to prevent kids from getting their hands on it; but, like with alcohol, that can be done for the most part! And, on top of that, it is easy enough to put types of restrictions on it. Yes, it can cause work-related problems, but if monitored that problem is solved!
Contributor: Gunsmoke Gunsmoke
Originally posted by Peggi
I am already doing a ton of research and writing a thesis on this issue! It is honestly no where near as harmful as any pill you take that your doctor prescribes and has so many uses depending on the user! It is quite frustrating that something ... more
I'm not sure how you can say this. We've spent more than a generation trying to reduce lung cancer through smoking cessation - and its working. Do we want to give all that back and start a new lung cancer epidemic?

The psychoactive properties aside - there are just as many harmful gases in pot as there are in tobacco. No they are not identical - but have you ever cleaned a water pipe - where do you think that goo goes if your not using a water pipe - and no 100% of it is not captured in the pipe.

The work related problems are not as easy to solve as you suggest. The effects of pot can vary widely and be persistent much longer than alcohol. Do want someone operating a big rig, operating on you or policing your streets that is a regular pot smoker - I don't think so.
Contributor: zeb zeb
I do not use it.
Contributor: Peggi Peggi
Originally posted by Gunsmoke
I'm not sure how you can say this. We've spent more than a generation trying to reduce lung cancer through smoking cessation - and its working. Do we want to give all that back and start a new lung cancer epidemic?

The psychoactive ... more
Actually, when I spoke to a gentleman in the CDC, I was informed that it does not cause lung cancer. It, over long periods of time and during heavy exposure can cause a change in the cells in lung tissue leading to PRE cancerous scarring. Meaning, the scarring itself is not cancer either, but can LEAD to cancer. And if it is being monitored as would any other medication in the country, and based on the awesome power of science, you would have to break into a hell of a lot of homes and steal their stashes regularly in order to even receive that type of dose and consistency.

Then, as for the work related issues, it would be incredibly easy to just list everyone who is purchasing it so that employers can EASILY have access to this information with a simple background check. Because it CAN affect work performance, it SHOULD be one of the requirements. You should only be hired for jobs like that with the knowledge that you will still be subjected to typical random tests and that the same rules apply as they do now. Some job requirements may even be that you are not allowed to use it, and just like any other job, if it affects your performance you lose your job all together. Really, people will use the same common sense they use now. You have no idea how many people I know smoke before work and go there high because they can hide it by working well. Construction workers too!

Besides, that is just my thought on regular use.

I could go over a list of a million reasons as to why it should be legal for medicinal purposes. For example, I am much clearer using that than Diladid
Contributor: KC Kitten KC Kitten
NEVER touched it. NEVER plan to. 100% for legalizing it not just medicinally, though.
Contributor: Beck Beck
Originally posted by Gunsmoke
I'm not sure how you can say this. We've spent more than a generation trying to reduce lung cancer through smoking cessation - and its working. Do we want to give all that back and start a new lung cancer epidemic?

The psychoactive ... more
Never heard of a vaporizer? You can smoke it without inhaling the actual smoke.

Plus prescription pain medicine is really bad for you and I am sure that is what Peggi was referring to. Your pain medicine can eat holes in your intestines causing you to have issues with that. It can make you high as a kite and is abused way more than marijuana. You can take them by snorting, orally, and shooting them up. They give you the same side effects and they are almost the same chemically as heroin. Plus not to mention that sometimes the Dr prescribes them to people who do not even need them and to people who turn around and sell them. Also your pain medicine can cause chemical imbalances in the brain, that make you in more pain than before causing them to up the dose more often until there is no more, then when you finally get off of them. You find out that the pills were making you sick.

Medicines like Aderal for ADHD are close in side effects and highs are meth and coke. They speed you up and make you pay attention to something. When you do meth you are speedy and will wash you sink for 4hrs straight or pick at your face for hours.

The only difference is that the Dr gave them to you, legally.
Contributor: Ansley Ansley
Originally posted by hyacinthgirl
I'm for legalizing it, or at least decriminalizing it. The only danger pot smokers form to the community are when they drive while high - but keep that criminalized. We're wasting so much money on warring against marijuana, and for what ... more
There's one teeny tiny problem with lumping marijuana in with drugs that impair your ability to handle a motor vehicle well and that is the fact that a urinalysis will come up positive for marijuana use up to six weeks out from last use. Sometimes longer depending on your weight because THC loves fat cells.

If they mandated blood tests instead of urinalysis for suspected marijuana-influenced DUI incidents, I would be able to swallow that, but until it's mandated that impairment is judge solely from blood tests with a better parts-per-million ratio, I think that's opening the door for really bad things.
Contributor: Ansley Ansley
Originally posted by Peggi
Actually, when I spoke to a gentleman in the CDC, I was informed that it does not cause lung cancer. It, over long periods of time and during heavy exposure can cause a change in the cells in lung tissue leading to PRE cancerous scarring. Meaning, ... more
Then, as for the work related issues, it would be incredibly easy to just list everyone who is purchasing it so that employers can EASILY have access to this information with a simple background check. Because it CAN affect work performance, it SHOULD be one of the requirements.

What about the people using prozac, xanax, narcotic painkillers? Should they have to be subjected to a national registry and major invasions of privacy?

Do you know that the United States is the only country (who has the highest mortality rate in occupation-related incidents, btw) that allows drug testing. It's absolutely 100% against the law in Canada to drug test someone (last time I checked, laws change all the time) and the other countries strictly believe that what you do on your own time is your business.

Sure, I wouldn't want someone who toked for the very first time in their life out on the road driving or performing surgery. But a seasoned smoker who knows their limitations, doesn't make me bat an eyelash. I'd rather have them stoned on the road than road-raging it in traffic.
Contributor: NaughtyNikkie NaughtyNikkie
I'm all for legalizing it & not just for medical reasons.
I use it to get rid of my massive headaches & to ease my anxiety but that's not my only use for it.. I do smoke cuz I want to smoke as well. It's a nice way to end my day & get a great nights sleep !!
Contributor: null null
I'm pro-legalization, but don't use it myself.
Legalize it and tax it!
Contributor: interestingstuff interestingstuff
The federal government does not recognize marijuana as being used for medicinal purposes, but instead that marijuana is a dangerous substance and any use is illegal. There are about a dozen states that have legalized the medical use of marijuana.
Under the U.S. Constitution Supremacy Clause, when state and federal law conflict, federal laws win. The Obama administration says that they will not go after marijuana users as long as they are in compliance with their state laws. What do you guys think of the conflicting state and federal laws on marijuana?
Contributor: Miss Madeline Miss Madeline
Originally posted by Peggi
Since this is such a "hot topic" these days, I've seen similar threads and polls, but I figured I would jump right into it!
I am for the legalization of marijuana, medicinal or not. I do not smoke marijuana though, makes me too dopey to do much of anything.
Contributor: Ash1141 Ash1141
I'm for it
Contributor: karay123 karay123
I am for it medically and recreationally. However, I don't use it.
Contributor: TheSlyFox TheSlyFox
I'm not for it, but i'm not against it... It's more like "I don't care as long as somebody isn't shoving it in my face" But I, obviously, don't use it.
Contributor: Elaira Elaira
Think of all the money that the government would have if they legalized and regulated it. I mean, first of all, there'd be so many people that weren't in our prison system for things like distribution, so we'd be saving money there. Then, if it was taxed and regulated like alcohol and cigarettes, that would give the government even more money.

I've started smoking recently, but it's mostly to keep me from being so restless in the evening. I have ADHD and I can't afford real medication. It also keeps down the stress level and helps me sleep. I also have barely any appetite, but when I smoke, I find myself eating like I should. Now, is that really that bad? No. It's not.

When compared to alcohol and tobacco, marijuana is the least harmful of the bunch, but it's the only one that's not legal. No one has ever died from an overdose of it, but then there's alcohol poisoning. If you stop using it, you're not at a risk for seizures or death. It's not as addictive as cigarettes are in a physiological manner. And it also has medicinal uses and has been shown to have a very positive effect on people, unlike the other two.

I'm actually a Psych major with a concentration in substance abuse counseling and treatment and I'm all for it.
Contributor: Elaira Elaira
Originally posted by Beck
Never heard of a vaporizer? You can smoke it without inhaling the actual smoke.

Plus prescription pain medicine is really bad for you and I am sure that is what Peggi was referring to. Your pain medicine can eat holes in your intestines ... more

Thank you for being on the same line of things as I am.
Contributor: MrWishyWashy MrWishyWashy
For it, so ridonculous it isn't legal yet...
Contributor: Elaira Elaira
Originally posted by interestingstuff
The federal government does not recognize marijuana as being used for medicinal purposes, but instead that marijuana is a dangerous substance and any use is illegal. There are about a dozen states that have legalized the medical use of marijuana. ... more
I think it's Reefer Madness.
Contributor: Peggi Peggi
Originally posted by Beck
Never heard of a vaporizer? You can smoke it without inhaling the actual smoke.

Plus prescription pain medicine is really bad for you and I am sure that is what Peggi was referring to. Your pain medicine can eat holes in your intestines ... more
Yeah, vaporizers completely eliminate the toxins from the smoke.

And pain medications have already caused serious and some of them permanent damage to my body...all of them are legal! Some of them, my doctors maxed me out on, until I landed in the hospital.

I take Adderall, or took I guess I should say. And let me tell you, that is prescribed, legal and is basically speed. So yes, it is just like meth! They would rather hand that out, when it causes side effects to people, than MJ, which doesn't do half the things that ANY legal medication will do.
Contributor: Peggi Peggi
Originally posted by Elaira
Think of all the money that the government would have if they legalized and regulated it. I mean, first of all, there'd be so many people that weren't in our prison system for things like distribution, so we'd be saving money there. Then, ... more
You go girl! I just recently started too, actually just this year. I started for my migraines, but found that it helped with so many other things. I went from a regular mass dose of meds to none. I am glad that it helps you out with your ADHD at a more affordable cost!

Me, I get hungry and do eat a bit more, but I actually crave HEALTHY foods for once lol. My guy, he doesn't have cravings at all. I'm so glad he introduced me to my BETTER medicine

You know, I was on Adderall for my ADHD, and a lot of pain killers, I tell ya, this I will take ANY day over those nasty side effects!

I'm glad you found something that works hun!
Contributor: Talena Talena
I don't use it but I can't promise that I wouldn't if it were legal.
Contributor: bayosgirl bayosgirl
I am of the belief that all the plants God gave us are for our use and should not be regulated as drugs. Even the leaves of the Coca plant, which are refined to make cocaine, are themselves a safe and natural stimulant in moderation, similar to coffee. I don't understand why the hysteria about pot when it doesn't harm anyone. I have never tried it myself but I wonder if it would help with my anxiety and depression at all.
Contributor: Peggi Peggi
Originally posted by bayosgirl
I am of the belief that all the plants God gave us are for our use and should not be regulated as drugs. Even the leaves of the Coca plant, which are refined to make cocaine, are themselves a safe and natural stimulant in moderation, similar to ... more
That's why my boyfriend uses it