Relevant topic analysis on Female vibrators:
Book Search: manual female genital stimulation techniques
Hey folks! I'm looking for a bit of an instructional guide or reference book (as well as magazine articles, if you can point me to online references..
Female Anatomy - how do you measure?
I read someone say they are spaced 34.9mm apart. How does one get measured as to know how far spaced you are?
Survey On Female Same-Sex Domestic Violence
My sister is doing an anonymous online research project for school and is looking for females who have been or are in same-sex relationships where...
Female arrousal lube
What's the best kind to get? Does it really work? Will my husband 'feel' more from it too, or just me?
(females)Have You Ever Had This Happen To You Before Your Period Starts??
Okay out of 20yrs of having my unwanted period I have never had this happen until now...I get wicked nauseas a week before my period.It lasts for the.