Tonight is a sad night...and who better to understand and help pick me up than this incredible community?
As some of you who have known either my hubby or I might know, we had a BEAUTIFUL grey and white cat named Stormy. Let me tell you all about this two-colored beauty.
When she was barely weened she and her brother were given away to homes. I adopted her brother, Oreo, who was a lovely shiny black and white. My ex-husband adopted Stormy. He and his family were pretty mean to her, and she lived under a bed because they allowed their dogs to attack her and terrify her. She was flicked in the face for doing "cat" things, like laying in the laundry basket or jumping on the computer desk for attention. She had a crooked nose, because she got flicked too hard as a kitten, and it never went back to normal.
My Oreo passed away in January of 2008, and a few weeks later, the ex's family insisted that if we wanted her, we take her then and there or she was going to the pound for peeing on their clothes (due to, oh, maybe the litter box only being cleaned every few WEEKS?! I would pee on the clothes too!).
We took her. No questions about it, she was to be ours. So, a couple of years later, I met the hubby. The first time my hubby ever came to visit my house after we had begun dating, she took to him INSTANTLY. Due to her upbringing, she was afraid of strangers, yet there are a rare few who she INSTANTLY takes to.
She became "daddy's girl", and from the moment he moved in with us, we were a happy little family.
This evening, Stormy crossed over to the rainbow bridge. She would've been 8 years old on October 25th. She was a tiny little cat, she stayed very little and looked like she was only perhaps a year old. She was a very sweet lap cat.
She had something called mitral-valve prolapse. This is a type of heart condition, which she and her brother both had. It was the same thing that Oreo had passed away from, and it was unexpected in all accounts for her to pass.
She fell over, shook a few times, and she was gone. I watched her shake, I tried to clear her airway and make sure she didn't have something in her throat (I didn't want to believe I was watching this happen...AGAIN!), thought she was faking it, didn't want to believe she was really sick...
I didn't even have time to look up the number for the 24 hour veterinarian, before she lost life. I held her tiny body in my arms, still in shock. I told my hubby what had happened, and we both cried.
Our other cat, who Stormy was like a surrogate mother to, is also feeling it. She is restless and won't allow us to comfort her. She did come to me and lay on me for a brief time, but I think she is also missing her friend.
RIP Stormy, I love and miss you terribly!
This was taken just today, while she lay on my lap:
As some of you who have known either my hubby or I might know, we had a BEAUTIFUL grey and white cat named Stormy. Let me tell you all about this two-colored beauty.
When she was barely weened she and her brother were given away to homes. I adopted her brother, Oreo, who was a lovely shiny black and white. My ex-husband adopted Stormy. He and his family were pretty mean to her, and she lived under a bed because they allowed their dogs to attack her and terrify her. She was flicked in the face for doing "cat" things, like laying in the laundry basket or jumping on the computer desk for attention. She had a crooked nose, because she got flicked too hard as a kitten, and it never went back to normal.
My Oreo passed away in January of 2008, and a few weeks later, the ex's family insisted that if we wanted her, we take her then and there or she was going to the pound for peeing on their clothes (due to, oh, maybe the litter box only being cleaned every few WEEKS?! I would pee on the clothes too!).
We took her. No questions about it, she was to be ours. So, a couple of years later, I met the hubby. The first time my hubby ever came to visit my house after we had begun dating, she took to him INSTANTLY. Due to her upbringing, she was afraid of strangers, yet there are a rare few who she INSTANTLY takes to.
She became "daddy's girl", and from the moment he moved in with us, we were a happy little family.
This evening, Stormy crossed over to the rainbow bridge. She would've been 8 years old on October 25th. She was a tiny little cat, she stayed very little and looked like she was only perhaps a year old. She was a very sweet lap cat.
She had something called mitral-valve prolapse. This is a type of heart condition, which she and her brother both had. It was the same thing that Oreo had passed away from, and it was unexpected in all accounts for her to pass.
She fell over, shook a few times, and she was gone. I watched her shake, I tried to clear her airway and make sure she didn't have something in her throat (I didn't want to believe I was watching this happen...AGAIN!), thought she was faking it, didn't want to believe she was really sick...
I didn't even have time to look up the number for the 24 hour veterinarian, before she lost life. I held her tiny body in my arms, still in shock. I told my hubby what had happened, and we both cried.
Our other cat, who Stormy was like a surrogate mother to, is also feeling it. She is restless and won't allow us to comfort her. She did come to me and lay on me for a brief time, but I think she is also missing her friend.
RIP Stormy, I love and miss you terribly!
This was taken just today, while she lay on my lap: