I am so sorry that your husband was severely wounded. It's wonderful that you are determined to stay with him, but unlike what some others have said, it shouldn't just be because you are married with him or that you made a vow. It should be because you love him, you can accept the fact that he has been severely wounded, and you are willing to stay with him and continue to live with him as before with a few adjustments to your lifestyle. Your friend WAS pretty terrible to say what she said to you.
However, not everyone can cope with that magnitude of physical injury in their partner. It would be wonderful if we were all perfect human beings who behaved in the "correct" way every single time, but I don't know anyone like that. I'm sure there are people whose spouses were severely injured like your husband was, and who just couldn't deal with it. I don't think it's a matter of "loving him/her/pronoun of choice enough", but that person's own limit. It's amazing that you are that strong, but not everyone is, and we shouldn't judge someone simply because she isn't as strong as you are.
Personally, I don't know what I would do if that happened to my boyfriend. I'd like to think that I am strong enough to bear that emotional and physical burden. I want to be strong enough to stay with him even though he is severely injured. But you don't know what losing something is until you've lost it. With some situations, you can't predict how you will react or what you will decide until you are actually IN that situation. We all want to think we will act nobly in the face of adversity, but that doesn't always happen.
Again, your husband should be grateful that you are strong enough to stay with him. But that doesn't mean that we should look down upon others who aren't that strong. We can totally look down on your friend though, for being cruel to you when what you needed was support.