which store do you prefer..kmart or walmart?
Do you prefer K-mart or Wal-mart?
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Kmarts too pricey.
Walmart definitely
The kmart near me is run down.
But if kmart has a good sale going on I will go
The kmart near me is run down.
But if kmart has a good sale going on I will go
Close to picking neither, but chose WalMart. I prefer Target over either of the choices, but will go to WalMart in a pinch.
Whichever one is cheaper.
I never really liked either.
Walmart because its close!
Originally posted by
which store do you prefer..kmart or walmart?
I can't stand the whole consumer society thing, but I hit such places when there is anything I need and don't want to order stuff online...
Neither one. I don't think Kmart and Walmart are really that great price-wise, I get much better deals at my local stores when they're on sale.
I hate both of them.
I wholeheartedly agree, hate em all! ^^
Originally posted by
Master DarkWolf
I can't stand the whole consumer society thing, but I hit such places when there is anything I need and don't want to order stuff online...
TARGET!! I have one of their debit cards (it looks like a credit card but it's attached to your checking account) so I get 5% off all purchases!
I really dislike both of them, and picked neither, but I was forced to go to one I'd go to Walmart.
I don't really like either, but Walmart is a necessary evil unfortunately.
Neither. Target all the way.
I like Walmart better.
Walmart. I don't shop at KMart at all.
Originally posted by
which store do you prefer..kmart or walmart?
I like Target, but between your two choices it would be Walmart.
I have a walmart nearby that we shop at all the time, but Kmart actually has sales on clothes and stuff. the toy sales at christmas helped out SO much for us last year. I love going to Kmart and going shopping... And the fact they have a layaway all year round. Yup, Kmart is getting my vote
I like Walmart better.
I don't shop K-mart or Walmart. I LOVE my Costco; they have great prices and great 'free food'! And there Food Court is fantastic too!

I try to avoid both if I can help it, but I definitely go to Wal-Mart a lot more frequently since it's closer & the K-Mart here is not very nice.
I prefer Target.
Wal-mart, the Targets around here are pricier than Wal-mart and I can't say as the quality is better. Also Wal-mart carries a better selection of clothing(Target by me doesn't seem to have plus sizes) and shoes as well as the grocery section.
wally world sam waltons golden heap of cheap
Originally posted by
which store do you prefer..kmart or walmart?
I won't shop at Walmart. They are sexist and treat their employees terribly. Their "health care benefit" is to pay employees low enough so that they qualify for state food and medical programs. The state of California has actually said Walmart has cost them more in state aid programs for it's employees than Walmart has brought in in taxes. Plus, IMO their products are crappy quality. I refuse to buy 70 thread count sheets. Absolute crap.
KMart depresses me. It looks like one of those old Outlet stores, dark, messy displays, broken flooring. Our KMart has had the SAME exact items in their cleaning supplies for at least a year, not replacing any missing one and not getting any new ones. The place depresses the hell out of me. They went down when Martha Stewart left and took her higher quality product with her. I only shop there on occasion, because we have a Sears card, and I can use it there. It's usually my last choice, when I'm out of money, but need sanitary napkins or socks or something.
KMart depresses me. It looks like one of those old Outlet stores, dark, messy displays, broken flooring. Our KMart has had the SAME exact items in their cleaning supplies for at least a year, not replacing any missing one and not getting any new ones. The place depresses the hell out of me. They went down when Martha Stewart left and took her higher quality product with her. I only shop there on occasion, because we have a Sears card, and I can use it there. It's usually my last choice, when I'm out of money, but need sanitary napkins or socks or something.
I like Walmart and Target.
Originally posted by
Whichever one is cheaper.
out of the two, normally walmart. I just go to kmart for a few random things I know walmart doesn't carry.
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