I had to pick out the type I wanted, but ended up going with a group of appliances because of the savings, I needed all of them & wanted them to match the kitchen. Turns out, I LOVE my side by side & I almost never have to bend over, (which is something I have issues with at times). I know what is more energy efficient, but I really like what I have, probably because it is such a step up from what I used to have! I also have a stand alone freezer in the basement & an extra, as yet unused, fridge with top freezer that I had to buy when I was in my rental house. I could sell it, but with all the produce I grow, having the extra space to preserve the harvest, especially before canning, & during the Fall, would be helpful!
So, what do you prefer & if you like, tell us what you have & how you like it.
So, what do you prefer & if you like, tell us what you have & how you like it.