Is there anything you can't stand what most of the people do? (Like smells, tastes, animals etc... :D)

Contributor: DreamWolf DreamWolf
For example even the smell of melted cheese upsets my stomach so horribly that it could chase me out of this world!!! And people just wonder and shake head - but what could I do, I can't handle it, and God forbid I ever eat any of that stuff!!! ~lol

Is there anything what most of the people like but you can't stand it because of some personal reason? Like a smell, or afraid of dogs cause one barked at you loud when you were a kid? (I know, sensitive topics are related too, so feel free to participate only as much as you wish! ~smiles warm and blushy)
Answers (private voting - your screen name will NOT appear in the results):
I have more than one of those things!
22  (81%)
I have one thing like that!
5  (19%)
Nah, nothing like that in my case!
Other? :)
Total votes: 27
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Contributor: spunkmonkey spunkmonkey
I can't stand when people chew with their mouth open.
Contributor: ViVix ViVix
Originally posted by DreamWolf
For example even the smell of melted cheese upsets my stomach so horribly that it could chase me out of this world!!! And people just wonder and shake head - but what could I do, I can't handle it, and God forbid I ever eat any of that stuff!!! ... more
The smell of ketchup...I can eat it, but the plate has to be instantly rinsed afterwards. The smell of redbull for obvious reasons. A few others as well.
Contributor: married with children married with children
i dislike bad eating habits and people who cut you off in the middle of a sentence.
Contributor: SaraW0512 SaraW0512
I have several!! Talking with food in your mouth, wearing a jacket but the shoulders are slouched down around your arms, smacking on gum like a cow...I could go on and on lol.

As far as food - I cant stand the smell of popcorn, bacon or oranges. They all turn my stomach!
Contributor: richsam richsam
i cant stand dominos pizza but thats cause i was preg and ordered some n it smelled like throw up so of course me being preg and ran and got sick and my son is now 9 and every time im around that pizza it still smells the same way to me and ppl thinks im crazy
Contributor: GONE! GONE!
The smell of balogna. Ugh!
Contributor: KyotoAngel KyotoAngel
I consider myself a reasonably patient person (except when it's time to check the mail xD ) but I cannot stand the sound of people scratching their skin.
I know it's a normal thing to do really but it drives me nuts. >_<
Contributor: lovekink lovekink
Eggs(cooked just about any way) tuna fish and cologne. They make me gag really badly and if I can't get away from the smell I will end up losing any meal I had eaten.
Contributor: butterflygirlxo butterflygirlxo
I hate smelling meat loaf or tasting it. YUCK.
Contributor: Allison.Wilder Allison.Wilder
I absolutely cannot stand the sound of people chewing. Mouth closed, mouth open it doesn't matter. It skeeves me out to the point that I have to leave the room until they're done eating. Especially people that breathe loud when they eat. Like they're suffocating or something because their mouth is full of food.

I can handle it with a few people. My best friend is the only one I can go to restaurants with and my kid, it doesn't bother me when he eats. Everyone else though, disgusting.
Contributor: Allison.Wilder Allison.Wilder
I thought of something else, too. The sound of jingling keys or change in a pocket. It's a mindless thing to do, but irritates me to no end.
Contributor: NarcissisticLust NarcissisticLust
Originally posted by DreamWolf
For example even the smell of melted cheese upsets my stomach so horribly that it could chase me out of this world!!! And people just wonder and shake head - but what could I do, I can't handle it, and God forbid I ever eat any of that stuff!!! ... more
I probably have a few, but I can't stand the smell of butter. Melted butter is fine, but cold butter is just disgusting. Also, cigarette smoke makes me gag.
Contributor: RomanticGoth RomanticGoth
The color of bologna, the feel of paper towels and terrycloth, and tasting cigarettes when you kiss someone.
Contributor: Geogeo Geogeo
I'm very picky about everything in life so I have a lot of pet peeves. I really hate when people make noises in conversation instead of using the word. Like instead of saying "that tasted good" they'll say "that tasted num num num" It's so irritating.

And the sound of bristles gives me shivers, like toothbrushes or sidewalk sweepers, I have to run away when I hear it.
Contributor: Geogeo Geogeo
Originally posted by lovekink
Eggs(cooked just about any way) tuna fish and cologne. They make me gag really badly and if I can't get away from the smell I will end up losing any meal I had eaten.
The smell of eggs is super gross
Contributor: MistressDandelion MistressDandelion
With fibromyalgia, about any smell, noise or something can get irritating as hell...Especially if I'm on a bad day. But if I have to chose an universal sound that bugs me, it would be my voice.
Contributor: CoffeeCup CoffeeCup
Mayonnaise. I have a completely irrational distaste for mayonnaise.
Contributor: Voir Voir
I hate the smell of perfume; and pretty much any floral scent aside from the Bath and Body Works; Japanese Cherry Blossom.
I'm allergic to eucalyptus 8) smelling it makes my sinuses bleed horribly and bathing with it makes me itchy.

I dislike the smell of Hispanic foods; the spices and strong aromas kill my appetite and make me feel sick.

I dislike beef; it's disgusting and eating is a no.

Fast food - needs to disappear. Like... right now.

Walmart... the YOLO saying, this obsession with mini skirts and cowboy boots. Getting tattoos of stars all over the body or in random ass places.

I dislike lots of things 8D
Contributor: Rossie Rossie
I HATE people who eat with their mouth open and make smacking noises. I also hate the 'ODOR' of Dial Deodorant soap, when someone with that 'smell' passes by within fifteen feet of me, I will hold my breath and fan my hand to make the smell go away sooner; I know it's rude, but I can't help it!

There's a lot of other things that I cannot stand, but those two are the major ones.
Contributor: unfulfilled unfulfilled
The smell of sausage makes me sick.
Contributor: Allstars316 Allstars316
I don't like the smell of fish.
Contributor: Jaimes Jaimes
The sound of someone eating when they are on the phone with you.

People who can crack their neck or back on a whim gives me the chills.

Herbal mint. The smell makes me very queasy, along with Euchanacia (sp?). I worked in the kitchen of a tea parlor all through high school, and any time people would brew those types of herbal health teas, my stomach would do flip flops. One in particular mixed together the above mentioned teas with Rooibos and lemongrass. The combination smelled like vomit, though I ordinarily LOVE lemongrass.
Contributor: digit88 digit88
Originally posted by DreamWolf
For example even the smell of melted cheese upsets my stomach so horribly that it could chase me out of this world!!! And people just wonder and shake head - but what could I do, I can't handle it, and God forbid I ever eat any of that stuff!!! ... more
I can't stand people being idiots on the road and then blaming you for doing something wrong
Contributor: caligaliber caligaliber
Originally posted by spunkmonkey
I can't stand when people chew with their mouth open.
OMG That irritates me to no end! Mix that in with heavy breathing with the chewing and I get very angry.
Contributor: Jaimes Jaimes
Ooh, ooh. I forgot one that I secretly harbor.

I get annoyed when people claim to be insomniacs because they don't sleep at night, but then sleep from 5 am until 2 in the afternoon.

Please, pretty please, grab a dictionary, go stand in the sun for a few hours to fix your circadian rhythm, and stop whining to me about how tired you are.
Contributor: Hallmar82 Hallmar82
Lip smacking - either when eating or talking drives me crazy...that and stupidity of course.
Contributor: Khanner Khanner
I don't have any huge important ones, but just a couple pet peeves:

Cologne/perfume: Most of them smell like rubbing alcohol and hairspray to me, especially when people just douse themselves in it. It's supposed to be subtle, not fill a whole room! When I was a child and my senses were keener, I had to hold my breath walking past Bath and Bodyworks. I've grown to like some scents, though.

Dirty public toilet seats: I understand when you flush some toilets it can spit some water out, but I don't understand when people don't clean up what is obviously their piss and pubes. Stop hovering and use a seat cover!

Forks scraping on your teeth: I hate the sound and when I accidentally do it I get the shivers. I hate how sound artists in the movies go overboard adding this noise, too.

Cigarette smell gives me headaches. If I'm around it long enough, it makes me nauseous, too. I don't look down on people for smoking but do it outside, please.