I don't think smoking is sexy, but I don't find it to be a turn off. I have met some attractive smokers, but it's generally because they are attractive, not because they are smoking. I don't really like the smell.
Is smoking sexy?
Most definitely NOT! I won't socialise or date a smoker. I can't stand to be around them. I use to be a smoker and now they anger me no end cause most are too selfish to consider any health issues someone nearby may have which could cause their air supply to be shut off - like severe asthma. It's one thing for someone to kill themselves by filling their lungs, but others shouldn't have to become victims.
I have no issues with those who consider others and go elsewhere, where no one else has to smell it.
I have no issues with those who consider others and go elsewhere, where no one else has to smell it.
I think it's disgusting and irresponsible. I suppose people have a right to do whatever they want to their own bodies, but second-hand smoke affects everyone, even if the person only smokes in their own home. I can't breathe when people around me are smoking.
Cigarette butts are just gross, too.
Cigarette butts are just gross, too.
Not at all.
do not find it sexy at all. its a turn off when I see a cute girl smoking.
No. I think it looks disgusting, tastes disgusting, and makes a person look disgusting.
Originally posted by
Ok so I smoke. And I have no idea what about me people find attractive, so I want to know. . . Does anyone think that smoking is sexy?
I don't think smoking is sexy. I smoke and I hate it. Yes, I know, makes no sense, right! :/
Originally posted by
Ok so I smoke. And I have no idea what about me people find attractive, so I want to know. . . Does anyone think that smoking is sexy?
very unsexy.
Not at all. It's disgusting.
I find some imagery and pictures with smoking or paraphernalia sexy. Audrey Hepburn, James Dean - you know. I think it's the idea that they're sexy people being young and carefree and taking risks and not giving a damn.
But in person, I just can't take it. I have asthma and any sexy imagery is cancelled by the fact I can't breathe if it's wafting at me.
I don't think it's gross or disgusting and have no problem with it. It's a risk, but hopefully an informed one. I know quitting can be very hard, and that adds a bit of ethical grey area since addiction can overpower the desire not to take that risk.
Personally, the sexy look and feeling are cancelled out by the long-term effects. It's only good to be reckless and young if you're not going to live to be old.
But in person, I just can't take it. I have asthma and any sexy imagery is cancelled by the fact I can't breathe if it's wafting at me.
I don't think it's gross or disgusting and have no problem with it. It's a risk, but hopefully an informed one. I know quitting can be very hard, and that adds a bit of ethical grey area since addiction can overpower the desire not to take that risk.
Personally, the sexy look and feeling are cancelled out by the long-term effects. It's only good to be reckless and young if you're not going to live to be old.
Not at all.
Not sexy at all.
When I smoked, I thought it was. Now, not so much.
I don't find it attractive. I mean it doesn't make you ugly but I just don't find it sexy. I hate the smell of smoke &I try not to date guys that smoke since the one in high school. Luckily my fiance doesn't so I'm set. I just hate the way it tasted when I kissed someone that smoked or could smell it on their hands or their entire person.
Originally posted by
Ok so I smoke. And I have no idea what about me people find attractive, so I want to know. . . Does anyone think that smoking is sexy?
It's not sexy.

At one time marketing used to make people believe it was sexy. Now, we are better informed and the glamour no longer exists. It is a nasty habit and I'm glad I never tried it.

No I essentially agree I just can't get over the marketing. My mind knows better, and smokers in reality have bad breath and teeth, but when I look at a picture like this I think they are even sexier for the cigarette! Marketing prevails.
Originally posted by
Fun with Dick & Jane
At one time marketing used to make people believe it was sexy. Now, we are better informed and the glamour no longer exists. It is a nasty habit and I'm glad I never tried it.
I hope no Jedi take a dislike to you.
Originally posted by
No I essentially agree I just can't get over the marketing. My mind knows better, and smokers in reality have bad breath and teeth, but when I look at a picture like this I think they are even sexier for the cigarette! Marketing prevails.
I think it's sexy, BUT I feel guilty for feeling that way, haha.. I would never start, because of the health reasons, and I would not want anyone I loved to smoke either. The smell does not really bother me, but the health reasons do... But visually, it's very appealing to me.
I honestly don't find the cigarette sexy. Now if she had a lollipop in her mouth...
Originally posted by
Not sexy?
Personally, I hate the smell of smoke. It takes away all the other good smells of a person, like their overall scent, their breath, their clothes, their hair, etc.
No, smoking is not sexy. It's a big turn off.
um no, not for me.
My partner smokes, but no... I don't think it's sexy at all.
Ew, no.
not sexy
not...but as an ex-smoker i do love the smell of fresh smoke. i sometimes walk through a crowd of smokers who are forced to stand outside. i try not to linger too long though. it makes them nervous.
I'm indifferent to it.