Introvert vs. Extrovert: what do you prefer in a partner? Why?
Introvert vs. Extrovert: what do you prefer in a partner?
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Introvert vs. Extrovert: what do you prefer in a partner?
(59 posts)
Introvert vs. Extrovert: what do you prefer in a partner? Why?
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My girlfriend is a mix of both, and honestly if she were one or the other I don't think our relationship would last. I love her introverted ways just as much as her extroverted.
A little more introverted
Definitely extrovert
Introvert, I seem to get on better with other introverts.
I used to like extroverts, but my tastes have changed. My boyfriend is an introvert, and sometimes it gets annoying but it also means he doesn't mind if I go out on girl's nights! As he is fine by himself at home.
Every guy I have dated has been far more extroverted than I. I think I would like a fellow introvert, but it never turns out that way.
I've dated both, and they are both good in different ways. I think I do slightly prefer a fellow introvert though
I would just like a person who isn't shitty. Know anybody like that?
We both share qualities of each of these, in different settings. I am, actually, by nature, shy. However, I get up and do lectures in front of 500 people, and have no issues with it. Hubby has some of those same features. People who meet him would call him "extroverted", but he far more enjoys being with me, alone, and spending time doing "quiet" things, then working the room at a large party..although he will, and does, do that often. He gives lectures in many different countries on his area of expertise, and yet he always gets a slight gut ache from anxiety because he does not like "large groups", but once you get him up there...he is amazing. He says hello and is "friends" to all the staff in a store or restaurant, but he is quiet with anything personal, unless around very good friends.
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Introvert vs. Extrovert: what do you prefer in a partner? Why?
Thus, introvert or extrovert are really not so clearly or easily defined.
I like a mix of both, but if I had to choose... it would be extrovert because I'm an introvert
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Introvert vs. Extrovert: what do you prefer in a partner? Why?
There's two sides to my guy-- a very private side, and yet, he's so energetic with others. It's very nice.
As an introvert myself, it is nice to have a boyfriend who is an extrovert
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Introvert vs. Extrovert: what do you prefer in a partner? Why?
Honestly, somewhere in the middle of the two would be best.
I prefer in the middle. Too extroverted won't deal well with my social anxiety. Too introverted means neither of us will ever leave the house.
My partner is a mix of both
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Introvert vs. Extrovert: what do you prefer in a partner? Why?
In a partner, I like aspects of both but a little more emphasis on the extrovert.
I'd guess that's how I present as well... well maybe I'm a lot more extrovert, actually.
When I was a kid I was very shy. I've really worked at overcoming that. Some might say that I worked too hard at it... LOL!
I'd guess that's how I present as well... well maybe I'm a lot more extrovert, actually.
When I was a kid I was very shy. I've really worked at overcoming that. Some might say that I worked too hard at it... LOL!
I'm an extrovert, but my hubby is an introvert
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Introvert vs. Extrovert: what do you prefer in a partner? Why?
I prefer more in the middle but leaning more towards an introvert.
A mix is a must, but more extro than intro.
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Introvert vs. Extrovert: what do you prefer in a partner? Why?
I prefer having an extrovert for a partner, since I'm pretty introverted. I like having a social buffer around
I've had both types of partners & find the extroverts to be more fun.
the extrovert
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Introvert vs. Extrovert: what do you prefer in a partner? Why?
A little more extrovert.
I connect better with fellow introverts.
Yep, in the middle is the most ideal. Mine's a bit more on the introvert side.
Originally posted by
- Kira -
I prefer in the middle. Too extroverted won't deal well with my social anxiety. Too introverted means neither of us will ever leave the house.
My reasoning too.
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Introvert, I seem to get on better with other introverts.
I have to go with introverts
I have to go with introverts
I have to go with introverts
My Baby is very introverted, and I love that in her of course, wouldn't want her to change that ever...
My OnlyMaster too, and I love that so much in Him, just like all qualities of His of course!!! ^^
Originally posted by
Master DarkWolf
My Baby is very introverted, and I love that in her of course, wouldn't want her to change that ever...
Prefer an introvert.
I wish he was more extroverted....but it is okay.
Slightly extroverted. I tend to be the quiet one so I like a guy who can fill the opposing side.
a little of both honestly
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Introvert vs. Extrovert: what do you prefer in a partner? Why?
They need to be more extroverted than me or we'd probably never end up dating! XD But that may change eventually. And a mix is best.
Introvert. I don't know, I get along better with them.
I get along better with introverts also.
I'd say introvert
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Introvert vs. Extrovert: what do you prefer in a partner? Why?
Slight to moderate extrovert. It's good to have someone to encourage me to try things, but there are days when I don't want to go out and be crazy
I think I'm a mix of both but mostly an introvert, example: It bums me out that women my age at my work and I don't click, they go out for margaritas and dinner, then i think..I'd rather go home and watch tv, knit, read a book, take a nap, or play a video game and just generally not have to wear pants( I hate pants)then I become less sad that I don't get on with my female co workers LOL. That's why I enjoy my boyfriend, we aren't constantly going out and doing stuff with others like going to bars or partying (how exhausting) I enjoy excursions but large groups of people make me anxious and I like being by myself or with one or two friends at the most. I generally respond and open up to people who approach or peruse me, I'd never be the person to go up to a guy or girl in a bar and start chatting/flirting lol I'm far too shy.
I need time to decompress and time alone, so introverts are the best match for me.
extrovert so im forced to not be a hermit
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Introvert vs. Extrovert: what do you prefer in a partner? Why?

Hmmm not sure..I might lean to introvert, since I am one too, but it's not a deal breaker, unless she is hyper dependent on being around other people every second.
An educated extrovert - like my boyfriend, who understands that crowds drain my energy even though he recharges during them, and doesn't believe there's anything wrong with me because I'm like that. He also takes over a lot of the interactions and introduces ideas of what to do, which I appreciate, as I'm rather lost on such things and usually end up staying home and knitting. We've spent some evenings in and watching Netflix, but we've also gone out to the fair or watched a stage production.
Contrary to popular belief, introverts are not shy - crowds drain their energy is all. (Extroverts get energized from being in them.) I usually require a week or so to recover after being at a weekend-long convention. Parties take me three days to recover from. Instructors have been shocked to find out I'm an introvert because I give great presentations and have performed before crowds of hundreds.
Contrary to popular belief, introverts are not shy - crowds drain their energy is all. (Extroverts get energized from being in them.) I usually require a week or so to recover after being at a weekend-long convention. Parties take me three days to recover from. Instructors have been shocked to find out I'm an introvert because I give great presentations and have performed before crowds of hundreds.
i'm a mix of both with a lean on the introvert side, but i like an extrovert who can get me out of the house to socialize and deal w/ being awkward/some mild social anxiety.
I don't prefer anything per se but I picked introvert cause my partner is one.
Introvert probably
Extrovert. I'm too much of an introvert on my own, and with another one I get the feeling that nothing would ever happen.
i prefer an extrovert. it equals me out.
I'm both depending on the situation so I don't particularly care - it just depends on how well they can communicate with me. It's not really my business how they communicate with others unless it's extremely negative or could cause problems.
My boyfriend was an introvert when we first started talking, he has come out of his shell a quite a bit. I love being the one to "awaken" his personality.

A little of both. I tend to get along with introverts better, since I'm an introvert myself. But I also like people who aren't afraid to stand up for themselves. I like extroverts in the bedroom though.
I am an introvert, so I think I would like an extrovert to balance me out.
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