im scared to have a baby because of giving birth, how bad does it hurt: rate 1-10

Contributor: jjesssica jjesssica
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im scared to have a baby because of giving birth, how bad does it hurt: rate 1-10??
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Contributor: Zombirella Zombirella
I'm scared too but I really want atleast one child, so I think it's worth it. The pain won't last forever.
Contributor: Peggi Peggi
Honestly it depends on the person.

My mom said that her child (I was adopted) who she delivered came with NO pain, NO complications and a short labor. She had a great OB which I think is honestly the key to an easy labor.

I am a bit afraid of the same thing, because I am a very small woman and have a tilted pelvis, so I may require a c-section, should I ever be able to carry to term (my condition causes carrying a pregnancy to term very difficult). That is very scary...but if you want the child you will be willing to do anything, believe me

Just get a great doctor and hopefully you'll have a labor like several of my friends and my mom
Contributor: K101 K101
Originally posted by jjesssica
im scared to have a baby because of giving birth, how bad does it hurt: rate 1-10??
Depends on the person as well as the size of the baby. My OB/GYN tells me I can't carry to full term. I lost two of mine already, but am coping with un-biological children who are just as perfect as my own would be. Anyways, I still think there's always an ounce of hope. People are told they'll never give birth all the time and yet they end up being able to. I could be one of them, but it's too painful to bear going through again for one and two, after being told that my body was very small and "close together" and that would make it impossible for me to give birth naturally, I've began to think of this as maybe not so horrific after all. Maybe I'll be happy forever with only our non-biological kids.

Still, the pain depends on many things. When my twin gave birth.. .OMG! She yelled every cuss word a dozen times. I had never seen anything like it. She was in a lot of pain and the doctors kept wanting to "Wait and see if the baby decides to flip over." Such BS. She went through those hours of screaming her head off for nothing. The gave her a ceserian anyhow!

Then I've seen my older sister give birth as quietly as a mouse! It really depends.
Contributor: K101 K101
Originally posted by Peggi
Honestly it depends on the person.

My mom said that her child (I was adopted) who she delivered came with NO pain, NO complications and a short labor. She had a great OB which I think is honestly the key to an easy labor.

I am a bit ... more
Hey! I have a tilted cervix. How neat? Lol. Sounds like we may have a lot in common downstairs! Lol.
Contributor: PassionateLover2 PassionateLover2
Originally posted by jjesssica
im scared to have a baby because of giving birth, how bad does it hurt: rate 1-10??
Since the beginning of time, only a woman can give birth. You should look at childbirth as something very very special. It is so wonderful and beautiful that whatever the experience you have, it is something that you will personally cherish for the rest of your life. Do not be scared or afraid, but rather privileged in the experience, because sometimes a few women cannot have the opportunity to bare children and that is very sad. Whatever pain or disconfort you may have is shortlived and that the end result is a gift of life!
Contributor: Rossie Rossie
For me, childbirth pain was the only kind of pain I cannot endure. When I had my first child, I fainted during labor and the doc had to use vacuum and forceps to get my daughter out. I didn't go through much labor when I had my younger son, because it was a breech birth and the doc had to do C-section on me.
Contributor: Peggi Peggi
Originally posted by K101
Hey! I have a tilted cervix. How neat? Lol. Sounds like we may have a lot in common downstairs! Lol.

While I usually try to find things like tv shows and music in common, hey, I'll take it LOL

My mother and one of my best friends also have a tilted cervix as well, but I've never actually talked to anyone else who has had an issue like this!

I read your other response as well, about not being able to carry to term! I'm sorry to hear that, and I hope that you have recovered emotionally as much as can be done from the two attempts!
Contributor: mpfm mpfm
My births were both very easy. I didn't experience anything more than some moderate cramping. It really depends on the person though. I wouldn't decide not to have a child just because of the pain of childbirth. Even woman who have very long and painful labors say it is worth it. The pain is quickly forgotten (or seen as a badge of honor) and you have the precious baby.
Contributor: Sundae Sparkles Sundae Sparkles
I used to work on the maturity floor & everyone is different depending on the labor, how they deal with pain, their soundings, the size of the baby, If the baby wants to come out, if you want pain medication or not. I would have to ask each new mommy how there pain was on a scale of 1 to 10 10 being the worst pain of their lives. I never got a 10 and I got more 0 then I'd ever expect.
If you have a c-section the pain is more afterwards then during the procedure. getting up for the first time having a folly catheter & just being plain scarred that your belly is gonna burst open
Contributor: unfulfilled unfulfilled
It honestly depends on the person, but with both of mine I had them naturally no meds whatsoever and it didn't hurt to me. I was healthy throughout my entire pregnancy making sure I ate properly, exercised, and used natural pregnancy teas. (Traditional Medicinals Pregnancy Tea)and then at the end of the third Trimester Red raspberry Leaf tea. My labor and delivery was easy.
Contributor: Mwar Mwar
Eh, I'll have one and see how it goes. Some women bounce back remarkably after having a baby. Others... not so much.
Contributor: LLmama LLmama
Once you get through the entire pregnancy process, you'll have come to terms with it. I'm very petite and dilvered a 9lb 1.5oz (yess those oz's count!) You gotta go in with a clear head. If it was that bad, women wouldn't do it over and over and over. I have a friend of my Dad's tell me just days before I was induced that people sometimes just blow it up to be horrrrible. Yes there are horror stories, they do happen. But, you might have a wonderful labor and delivery. I enjoyed every second of being in labor and I was induced (the so called worst!) It hurt when it came time to push, its a feeling like no other. But you're so focused on meeting your little baby, that you don't even care! You get through it and the outcome is the most wonderful, perfect little baby that you and your partner created! I know,I'm a mushy sap but I really loved the entire process & love my Daughter even more!
Contributor: PropertyOfPotter PropertyOfPotter
It's a very temporary pain to bring such a huge blessing into your life!!!
Contributor: mama2007 mama2007
Originally posted by jjesssica
im scared to have a baby because of giving birth, how bad does it hurt: rate 1-10??
I have 2 kids, they're 10 months & 6 days apart in age. my son was born at 34 weeks and because i was terrified he wasnt gonna be okay, it took me 15 mins to agree to push to deliver him and then just 15 mins to deliver. labor was like 22 - 25 hrs i think total. with my daughter, she was born at 37 weeks and was EASY labor! i loved her labor lol. i was already 5 cm at 36 (i was 37) week appt, and had her 3 days later.i felt close to no pain until about 20 mins before she was born. but both times i got an epidural, and both times i did tear. but both kids born vaginally

100% TOTALLY WORTH IT! they are now 3 1/2 and 4 1/2 years old i love being a mom and a stay at home mom to them. they're my life. labor is a short term pain you will forget once baby is in your arms
Contributor: mama2007 mama2007
Originally posted by Mwar
Eh, I'll have one and see how it goes. Some women bounce back remarkably after having a baby. Others... not so much.
I did not wait 6 weeks either time to resume sex hense why my kids are under a yr apart in age. it took me about 2 1/2 wks to heal 1st time and 2 wks the 2nd time but 2nd time i waited 3.5 wks because of birth control
Contributor: Gracie Gracie
Every birth is different. But the deal is when youre 9 months pregnant, you are so ready to have the baby!
Contributor: digit88 digit88
Originally posted by jjesssica
im scared to have a baby because of giving birth, how bad does it hurt: rate 1-10??
probably 11
Contributor: Talena Talena
I have birthed 5 babies, and honestly, my first was the most pain-less but there was still pain. My second was the most pain-ful. I delivered vaginally as well as c-section. And here is my opinion on this. Yes there is pain involved, some recovery times are quicker than others (my first was the fastest recovery, my last was the longest). All of the pain is only temporary and is much worth the reward you get in the end, when you look at your baby for the first time, most of that pain you just felt seems to disappear.
Contributor: Beck Beck
I had horrible back labor both labors and contractions that topped the scale before I was even dilated to 3. Both of my labors lasted 12-13 hours. I caved in and took the epidural both times. The first I was only an hour away from actually delivering. And the second time I was 4 hours away from delivering. I didn't have naturally brought on labors either time. I had to be induced the first time because my water broke, but no signs of baby other then mild contractions. The second time I had to be induced because I had too much amniotic fluid for 39 weeks, so they were worried about him. When I went to deliver the second time I wasn't dilated at all just had a soft cervix. So just to dilate me to 2 took over 12 hours of the nasty gel they put inside. Then once I started showing signs of dilating they started the drip to induce contractions. I was completely fine until the Dr came in to check the process and I wasn't very far, so she manually stretched me! This was the worst thing I felt the entire pregnancy! Once she did that my contractions wouldn't stop. A couple hours later I was still only at 3, so I decided I wasn't going natural because it was taking far too long and I was already miserable with no one around to help claim me. (My mom, dad, and mother in law were on their way, but not until they were sure baby was coming because of work and many other things. My hubby had to tend to our 3 year old since he couldn't be at the hospital. Later in the day my step daughter came over to watch my toddler, but she had to wait until she was out of school and everything.) So, I was alone with the nurse in the room the entire time. After so long of those contractions I couldn't take it and took the epidural.

I originally didn't want the epidural because the first time I was given one; I couldn't feel anything. I mean I couldn't feel anything! Dr had to tell me when I had contractions so I could push. I had zero feeling in my legs, so my husband and my mom had to really keep a hold of my legs to help me push. I didn't even feel my son come out. However, the epidural I was given the second time was so much better. I really love that anesthesiologist. He listened to my concerns and set up the epidural for me to control. He gave me a remote to go with the drip and said if you start to feel pain hit this button. I never needed to hit it and I could still move in my bed because I had to change positions many times. (I spent the majority of this labor in doggy style because my son was caught on my hip bone. They thought I might need a c section, but moving around moved him.) And I could feel my legs, but most importantly I knew when my contractions were happening, so I felt them without pain. It was wonderful!

There is always going to be pain; you are shooting a watermelon out of a a small hole that has to stretch. It'll never be painless. However, you have options for your pain. You don't have to go natural and there is nothing wrong with not going natural. Your pain won't matter much once it's all done and over with. The endorphins rush threw your body once you actually give birth. This helps with pain.
Contributor: thisisadeletedaccount thisisadeletedaccount
My mom had me by cesarean because I was really premature, and she says she sometimes feel sad that she missed the chance to have a natural birth experience. Most of her friends responded with "Haha, hell no, don't be bummed that you missed out on tons of pain." It really seems like everyone has a different experience, though. You can also give birth so many ways - you can work with a doctor, a doula, etc. - there are different approaches to the process of birth and labor.

I have no clue if I'll ever give birth, but I figure I'm in okay shape to do so if I ever decide to, because both my grandmothers did it seven times. SEVEN. TIMES. That still boggles my mind, but I figure if they could do that, I can probably pop out one or two if I want to.
Contributor: jjesssica jjesssica
Originally posted by Zombirella
I'm scared too but I really want atleast one child, so I think it's worth it. The pain won't last forever.
yea, ugh ik :/ 9 months tho of cramps in terrible. i can't stand period cramps so i take advil, and when i do have a baby, i can't use it :l
Contributor: jjesssica jjesssica
Originally posted by Peggi
Honestly it depends on the person.

My mom said that her child (I was adopted) who she delivered came with NO pain, NO complications and a short labor. She had a great OB which I think is honestly the key to an easy labor.

I am a bit ... more
I suppose ur right! And yea, im small too :/ and very skinny, so that is a weakness and it might not turn out so great:/ yes of course ill want it :] lol. C sections suck ass!
Contributor: jjesssica jjesssica
Originally posted by thisisadeletedaccount
My mom had me by cesarean because I was really premature, and she says she sometimes feel sad that she missed the chance to have a natural birth experience. Most of her friends responded with "Haha, hell no, don't be bummed that you missed ... more
Well at least ur here on earth with us! ;D oh okay, lol yea no more than two p:
Contributor: jjesssica jjesssica
Originally posted by digit88
probably 11
O:! o no lol
Contributor: jjesssica jjesssica
Originally posted by Talena
I have birthed 5 babies, and honestly, my first was the most pain-less but there was still pain. My second was the most pain-ful. I delivered vaginally as well as c-section. And here is my opinion on this. Yes there is pain involved, some ... more
aww(: yea, when i see those moments on television, it makes me want to cry lol.
Contributor: Scorpionwally Scorpionwally
You can't really rate it , it's a different kind of pain then there is the happiness after when you are holding that bundle of joy in your arms
Contributor: SneakersAndPearls SneakersAndPearls
I've had two (one intervention-filled and one natural birth). The amount of pain depends on so many things. For instance, if you get pitocin to speed up labor, some women claim the contractions hurt more than normal. If you let everything run it's course (if there are no emergencies, of course) and are able to sit up or walk around (some hospitals allow it, some don't), it's not that bad, imo. There's also a theory that the more scared you are are going into labor the more it will hurt. Honestly, my second without pain meds had a lot less pain and was a lot shorter than my med- and intervention-filled first.

If you are really concerned about the pain, I suggest you look into the Bradley Method or Hypnobabies.

Other than that, do your research and if you ever become pregnant, interview different obs/mws/nursemw and find one that you click with.