How secure do you feel about the information you have shared here on EF Forums?

Contributor: Bignuf Bignuf
We were discussing the EF Forums themselves last evening with our little "speak freely Friday group". A few people in our group pointed out that we all tell our kids "never post personal information online" (we say that too), and "what-ever you post IS out there forever, and WILL be able to be linked to YOU". So...despite the fact that most of us post here "anonymously", the fact is, EF knows exactly who we ALL are. That is a fact. The question is, how secure do you think your information is, as we "bare our souls" about VERY personal matters, is, on this site...forever????
Answers (private voting - your screen name will NOT appear in the results):
I trust nothing posted here will ever be linked with me, online, or off.
I hope nothing posted here will ever be linked with my real name, online, or off.
I kind of think someday things I post here could end up linked with my real name, online, or off
I expect someday everything I post here will be linked with my real name, online, or off..
I post NOTHING here I would not want freely known on any PUBLIC site about me.
I post things I would NEVER want freely known about me on any PUBLIC website.
Total votes: 130 (86 voters)
Poll is closed
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Contributor: Bignuf Bignuf
We did notice that the "security statement" at EF only relates to SALES transaction information. There is nothing posted about the privacy or security of information posted publicly by the individual on the EF Forums.

Should we thus have "no expectation" of real privacy or security?

I fully trust EF at the moment, but what if it were sold (bought off) by another company...etc? Would new owners be as scrupulous?

This stuff may keep me up at night now. What is YOUR take?
Contributor: bayosgirl bayosgirl
Honestly, I never think about it.
Contributor: Bignuf Bignuf
Originally posted by bayosgirl
Honestly, I never think about it.
I never did either, till tonight. I DID just find a post, from a while back from Fred Petrenko, Owner and President, of EdenFantasys, who was reassuring people after SOME kind of security breech of info.

He sounds like an honest guy. I hope that ALL the staff honors that commitment to FOREVER security of these posts and the deletion of them ALL should this site ever be sold off.
Contributor: Errant Venture Errant Venture
Everything I post online I have no problem telling someone in real life (if they were okay with discussing such things, that is). I never post anything that could give my full address, or my full name, away.
Contributor: Ansley Ansley
Originally posted by Bignuf
I never did either, till tonight. I DID just find a post, from a while back from Fred Petrenko, Owner and President, of EdenFantasys, who was reassuring people after SOME kind of security breech of info.

He sounds like an honest guy. I hope ... more
No one in their right mind would wipe an entire forum just because the company was sold. And EF was sold to Liberator at one point, they disagreed on a few things and Fred bought it back. Nothing changed. No information was "leaked".

If you're worried about someone eventually linking your real identity to your profile, be careful of what you choose to put out there. That's just common sense on the internet.

The people who work for Eden also have their personal lives all over the forum in some manner or another, I seriously doubt anyone would ever risk putting someone's real life in jeopardy.

Now, if another random user stumbles on your stuff and recognizes you, that's not on Eden. They didn't make you put those details out there, they just provided an arena to do it.
Contributor: Beck Beck
Nothing I post here should be linked to me, but I am the real me on here, So it would not bother me to have things linked to me. If I was at a random place and someone asked me "are you that beck girl on EF?" I would be like why yes I am! It does not bother me what I do on here. And everyone who knows me knows I am on here.

The size the world is compared to how many of us are on EF, I doubt anyone will ever see it, that I know.
Contributor: js250 js250
I am a very private person and would not like the info I post to become public knowledge, but it seems like almost everyone else on here feels the same way and respects others privacy. I also keep most of my life separate from here and relate problems or experiences that could relate to a general population and that is specific to me but common in the overall world. Make sense? I trust the site and have seen how diligent they work to keep everything right so I am going to continue my level of participation and discussions with full confidence.
Contributor: Talena Talena
There are certain people out there that I would not want reading what I wrote and knowing it was me but on the other hand, I am an adult and I do have a sex life (that's why I have kids) and adults have sex (well most of them) and that's nothing to be embarrased about. We just choose to have lots of fun doing it.
Contributor: Kaltir Kaltir
I don't see anyone really connecting this to my real life, but I'm not really worried about most people knowing anyhow. Most people that know me already know more than most would care for anyhow, lol.
Contributor: null null
I keep all Eden, other sex toy things, totally separate from my 'real life'. Even my mail box is a temporary one.
Contributor: Jul!a Jul!a
Originally posted by Ansley
No one in their right mind would wipe an entire forum just because the company was sold. And EF was sold to Liberator at one point, they disagreed on a few things and Fred bought it back. Nothing changed. No information was ... more
Yeah, this is pretty much my opinion too. I personally feel that there isn't much room for complaining if somebody finds something you posted publicly on the internet, especially if you know that that area can be seen by everybody on the internet. I generally try to keep my Eden life separate from my real life, but if somebody from my real life were to find me on Eden, I wouldn't try to deny anything either.
Contributor: wrmbreze wrmbreze
I don't use my real name on here simply because I don't want it to turn into the crap they have with people getting fired or not getting jobs because of what they post on FB. Honestly though if anyone asked me if I was wrmbreze from EF I would say yes. It wouldn't be hard to find out if you really looked because this name is a variation of a nickname I was given in college. I feel like we as adults and have the right to live our lives as we see fit as long as we're not hurting anyone, but I also don't want anything I do/say out in the interwebs to affect my kids. I am not ashamed of what I do/say here but some things are only the business of those who I choose to share them with.
Contributor: Mihoshi4301 Mihoshi4301
I don't every post anything too personal, just because I am wary of the fact that it could be traced back to me.
Contributor: Avant-garde Avant-garde
I prefer to have all online information be as anonymous as possible.
Contributor: OrangeKushBB OrangeKushBB
I try to be as anonymous as possible, and hope everything remains calm and smooth.
Contributor: GenderSexplorations GenderSexplorations
Eh, do my best to stay fairly anonymous and just hope no one who I wouldn't mind sharing with connects the dots.
Contributor: Sinfully Sinfully
I honestly don't mind and pretty much anyone that matters to me in the real life knows I shop online here. I have no shame.
Contributor: Sir Sir
I don't post things here that are either personal to me or extremely confidential. I do not do so anywhere on the internet. I am fairly transparent, but there is information that I keep private for obvious reasons.
Contributor: Peggi Peggi
Honestly, I don't post anything on here that I don't want people to know about me. The fact is, though, with my name on here "Peggi", it wouldn't be hard to trace back to me in real life. The way I spell the name, which is my nickname, is fairly unique. Also, my avatar is an up-to-date photo of myself. "Peggi" is part of my name on all of my social networking sites, like facebook.

That being said, I would be incredibly easy to find if someone wanted to. Does it matter? Not really to me. While I do have a highly professional career, if someone is searching this site and finds me, they would have no right to criticize if they are on here too, and as for personal thoughts, I'm not worried about what people think of me, my lifestyle or my love of toys and sex.

But, you make a very good point. Personal information, I don't see being "leaked", or anything. The staff keeps us safe, and I don't see them selling the company!
Contributor: K101 K101
I try not to post anything too personal, but truth is all the relationship, sex stuff is incredibly personal. I don't get too into dirty talk when I write or do my reviews because I don't want that to be linked to my name. Lol. I actually use my real name so I'm sure it could EASILY be linked to me. I also use my real photo. At first I was really afraid to do that, but then I realized I'd much rather have fun, be myself and be able to really open up and do my best and it'd be hard to do all that in total secret. I don't like hiding and I just didn't feel like I could really accomplish much by doing that. I have too much fun Lol. I wouldn't want people from my area knowing ANYTHING about my personal, sexual stuff because there's too many obsessive people that would love to use something like someone's sexual experiences as gossip. The things we talk about and do here at EF seem personal to me, but we're kind of all trusting of each other (most of us) and want to connect, open up, share and learn from each other and I figured I should at least make the most of it rather than hiding and keeping things secret. It's more fun for me so it was a risk I'm willing to take. I don't mind much because I don't go into deep detail about using my toys Lol. I feel like most of our talk and reviewing here is on a mature level so it couldn't be too bad if someone found out.
Contributor: unfulfilled unfulfilled
I don't have any fears that the info would be leaked. I don't post things that others don't already know about me.
Contributor: El-Jaro El-Jaro
All the sale info on EF is kept private, this include assignment info (since the assignments go through the system as orders).

Otherwise, you use the site at your own discretion. If you aren't comfortable sharing info on the site...don't. It's really an exercise in common sense. If you don't want people to trace your account back to you, don't set your screen name to your real name or include your face as an avatar.
Contributor: Shellz31 Shellz31
I'm careful with what I share. I don't share much with people in person, so I'm not going to give away too much of myself here! I'm more of a private person.
Contributor: allinonekid allinonekid
Originally posted by Errant Venture
Everything I post online I have no problem telling someone in real life (if they were okay with discussing such things, that is). I never post anything that could give my full address, or my full name, away.
Same here
Contributor: Bignuf Bignuf
Originally posted by null
I keep all Eden, other sex toy things, totally separate from my 'real life'. Even my mail box is a temporary one.
WOW..that is serious separation.
Contributor: The Curious Couple The Curious Couple
I know it would be difficult if not impossible our actual lives to our Eden life. We like our privacy when it comes to our sexuality.
Contributor: Bex1331 Bex1331
I'm not concerned if people know this is me, I'd tell this stuff to everyone anyway
Contributor: Mwar Mwar
My payment info is the only thing that links me. The e mail I use for EF was created just for this
Contributor: mlmac mlmac
I don't think that anything I post here will ever be linked back to to me one way or another. At least I hope not.