Why do so many men not have pictures of their families? (I'm not judging, it just seems to be a trend.) My Man does it also.
When our youngest baby was about 9 months old he said, "Do you have any pictures of the baby I could bring to work? The ladies are yelling at me that they want to see the baby."
I said, "She has gotten older, and looks nothing like she did as a newborn. They want new pictures, right?"
He paused a minute and said, "Uh. I don't have any pictures of her at work at all." In his wallet? No. Not there, either.
WTF? Really? Nine months and he hadn't brought a pic into work to show "the ladies" he works with? (This was before phones with pic capability was common.) I carry pics of him and the kids all the time.
He was freaking out because I had a virtual scrap book to bring to my High School reunion. "Nobody wants to see our kids, P'Gell, leave those at home." Yeah? EVERYBODY wanted to see what our kids looked like. HMPPH. Good thing I brought them anyway.
In fact, the question "Do you have pictures of your kids?" was third only to "What do you do for a living now?" and "Are still with that old guy?"