how many people get to work overtime?

Contributor: married with children married with children
Do you get to work overtime? And by overtime I mean you get paid time and a half.
Answers (public voting - your screen name will appear in the results):
I get paid to work overtime
married with children , slynch , zracer , lovemuscle n cookie , dv8 , leatherlover , gsfanatic , Sundae Sparkles , travelnurse , BeepBop , Thumper Logic
11  (26%)
No overtime at my job
MaryExy , Waterfall , Sammi , Acorn , ac0313 , Taylor , darthkitt3n , Dusk , angel142stx , Redboxbaby , Ciao. , deltalima , Allstars316 , RedKyuubi , Bethy Cassatt , Femme Mystique , Trysexual , Feisty , <3BF , Cat E. , bayosgirl
21  (49%)
dezzydezire , js250 , mandiegk , onehotmomma , v23 , jeangel246 , Chefbriapink , kitty1949 , Gdom , Daofan , MissCandyland
11  (26%)
Total votes: 43
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Contributor: Waterfall Waterfall
The position at my job is part time, therefore we don't get overtime. Although I believe there are other positions at the place I work that get it.
Contributor: MaryExy MaryExy
There's no such thing as overtime pay in babysitting, even though a normal week is over 40 hours for me. On multiple occasions I've been tempted to charge late fees of sorts, though, when the parents are a good hour or so later getting home than they say they'll be.
Contributor: Sammi Sammi
My day job is salaried, so I can work overtime but I don't get paid for it.
Contributor: Acorn Acorn
I can't even get a full time job, so overtime is a no go.
Contributor: js250 js250
I own two businesses, so it's all overtime - minus the pay!! My local business just crashed, but I found a way to restart. Had to move for cheaper lease & come up with more options for clients and lower design fees. My internet business is doing ok, but the time vs. payout is not always a good thing. (I also do restorations and rebuilds in my spare time.)YIKES!!!!!
Contributor: married with children married with children
I get to work overtime sometimes. They dont like it because it cost so much money. Not that I see any of that money. I take the overtime when it is offered.
Contributor: ac0313 ac0313
I do not. I haven't had overtime potential since I was in college...many years ago!
Contributor: RonLee RonLee
Occasionally, as needed by the organisation.
Contributor: lovemuscle n cookie lovemuscle n cookie
I used to work minimum 45 hour/weeks, but now pretty much 40 hours. Though one-two times a month I will do overtime for Server/Network maintenance.
Contributor: mandiegk mandiegk
I'm a salaried employee so I don't get paid for overtime, but it is pretty much a requirement with my job. If you leave the office before 8 or 9, or don't come in on Saturday and Sunday, you better have a stack of files at home with you.
Contributor: onehotmomma onehotmomma
I am a stay at home mom, so I don't get paid at all. My other half works, and he gets overtime quite a lot actually If he ever works over 8 hrs in a day it's overtime pay. Makes for nice paychecks during the holidays
Contributor: Dusk Dusk
My job is a sort of "you will probably work this many hours" flat-rate job. Yay for working at all hours of who knows when!
Contributor: v23 v23
Originally posted by MaryExy
There's no such thing as overtime pay in babysitting, even though a normal week is over 40 hours for me. On multiple occasions I've been tempted to charge late fees of sorts, though, when the parents are a good hour or so later getting home ... more
I wish there was overtime for babysitting!
Contributor: Ciao. Ciao.
I am salaried, which is great in many ways, but it has been less than ideal over the last 3 months where I was given the extra responsibilities of two other staff members that left for other jobs. So yeah, I get to work overtime but don't get paid for it at all.
Contributor: RedKyuubi RedKyuubi
none for me
Contributor: Bethy Cassatt Bethy Cassatt
I'm part time. Overtime is when I forget to time out for the day and the computer adds on ten extra hours I didn't work, haha.
Contributor: Femme Mystique Femme Mystique
I'm exempt, so I can work until I'm blue in the face and there won't be extra pay.
Contributor: Trysexual Trysexual
None here..don't want any OT here paid or otherwise.
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
In my specialty, (nursing work with post partum women and their babies, in lactation and pp doula work) we are encouraged NOT to work more than 40 hours a week. Burn out is high in our profession, and the owner of our agency encourages us to take care of ourselves so we can be available fully to our patients.

I've been working with women with PPMD (post partum mood disorders) a lot lately, and it can drag you under if you don't take some time for yourself. So, no overtime for me, (paperwork etc is done on our own time and we don't get paid for it.)

My husband is an Engineer and on salary, so even though he often works more than 40 hours a week, he doesn't get paid overtime. Same paycheck every two weeks.
Contributor: kitty1949 kitty1949
My job has overtime, I just haven't had the opportunity to get any.
Contributor: gsfanatic gsfanatic
If I work well over 40 hours, I do get overtime
Contributor: Feisty Feisty
Unfortunately, No overtime at my job.
Contributor: travelnurse travelnurse
At times I get get as much as I want but I can easily burn out and I have basically always worked extra every pay period!
Contributor: <3BF <3BF
Most places that offer overtime hours will get angry with you for working over 40.
Contributor: BeepBop BeepBop
I did when I worked in fast food! But they always tried to avoid it for obvious financial reasons.

No job now= no more overtime, though. :s I could really use the money, though.

Do most people feel angry/annoyed or overjoyed by overtime?
Contributor: Daofan Daofan
when i was working, i pulled 50 hours or more every week. its was mandatory. at the time i hated it, but the $$$ was really good.
Contributor: bayosgirl bayosgirl
Considering my hourly is $4 (I'm a server in a restaurant), overtime wouldn't make much difference.
Contributor: MissCandyland MissCandyland
I have never gotten overtime at any of my jobs.