** I hope that, although talking about sexual abuse can be disturbing, this discussion can also prove cathartic or otherwise helpful to those who participate.**
I know there are a couple of threads already that talk about rape, but they seem to focus on the rape of adult females. I haven't found a thread that discusses the rape of males or childhood molestation. I know this is an unpleasant subject, but I know that talking about unpleasant things can sometimes help people to deal with them. So I was just wondering how many people in this community have survived some sort of sexual abuse.
In my opinion sexual abuse includes, but is not limited to: being molested as a child; being violently raped; being raped by coercion; being raped while you were drunk or otherwise incapacitated; or having sex used to physically or emotionally harm you in any way. Simply having a stranger pinch your butt in a crowded subway, or having a drunk grab your boob in a bar is NOT sexual abuse. It's not acceptable behavior, but I do not consider it sexual abuse.
In the survey, I am including the option of saying that you don't know if you have been sexually abused. Sometimes memories are not clear-cut, and it is possible to be confused about what really happened, especially if the abuse happened when you were a child. Also, survivors of “date rape” can be unsure if what they experienced was really rape. (Though in my opinion if anything happened that you did not expressly consent to, it was rape.)
I am including the “other” option for anyone who might be differently gendered or who might not fit into the stated categories in some other way.
Voting will of course be private. Your name will NOT be shown.
I know there are a couple of threads already that talk about rape, but they seem to focus on the rape of adult females. I haven't found a thread that discusses the rape of males or childhood molestation. I know this is an unpleasant subject, but I know that talking about unpleasant things can sometimes help people to deal with them. So I was just wondering how many people in this community have survived some sort of sexual abuse.
In my opinion sexual abuse includes, but is not limited to: being molested as a child; being violently raped; being raped by coercion; being raped while you were drunk or otherwise incapacitated; or having sex used to physically or emotionally harm you in any way. Simply having a stranger pinch your butt in a crowded subway, or having a drunk grab your boob in a bar is NOT sexual abuse. It's not acceptable behavior, but I do not consider it sexual abuse.
In the survey, I am including the option of saying that you don't know if you have been sexually abused. Sometimes memories are not clear-cut, and it is possible to be confused about what really happened, especially if the abuse happened when you were a child. Also, survivors of “date rape” can be unsure if what they experienced was really rape. (Though in my opinion if anything happened that you did not expressly consent to, it was rape.)
I am including the “other” option for anyone who might be differently gendered or who might not fit into the stated categories in some other way.
Voting will of course be private. Your name will NOT be shown.