How long are your finger nails?

Contributor: Purpleladybug Purpleladybug
I am in the process of trying to break myself from biting my nails
Contributor: Anne Ardeur Anne Ardeur
My nails are pretty short at the moment, but I love when they're long.
Contributor: BadgersRose BadgersRose
I keep them fairly short and tidy.
Contributor: El-Jaro El-Jaro
I've been biting mine for years...
Contributor: toxie m toxie m
I got lucky with the nail genes and have long, lovely strong nails. Whenever I have them painted I always get asked if they're fake because they do look pretty perfect. Of course, they're much more often unpainted or the polish is all chipped
Contributor: Lithaewyn Lithaewyn
I used to keep my nails long but it's so much easier to maintain short nails. Also, I thought only long nails were pretty but short nails can be too!
Contributor: Bunnycups Bunnycups
I also file my nails often.

I've tried tips and after a little while I end up ripping them off. I prefer short nails. I feel more comfortable with shorter nails.
Contributor: idunshire idunshire
I have to trim my nails at least once a week to make digital stimulation comfortable, THAT'S how fast my nails grow. I like to keep them short, but I forget to trim them often (and when they grow out super long I feel so much more dramatic and graceful, but they're just not practical for sex).
Contributor: lezergirl lezergirl
I play cello and have a gf... no long nails here haha!
Contributor: Joie de Cherresse Joie de Cherresse
I generally keep my nails long. They just break often. I take vitamins for them, but I forget to take it most of the time so that's why it isn't working, lol.
Contributor: indiglo indiglo
My nails are usually long and pretty and well kept. They've never gotten in the way or caused a problem, but then again I don't go around gouging myself down there with them. lol
Contributor: SexyTabby SexyTabby
I like when mine grow out but honestly I'm too hands on and they are soft and weak. I break them faster then they can grow.
Contributor: PiratePrincess PiratePrincess
My nails are generally medium length. They're usually fine unless I'm careless about them near my boyfriend. He sometimes forgets to clip his though which can cause quite a problem at times...
Contributor: Lady Venus Lady Venus
I grow my nails out, but after they get so long they get brittle and chip easily. I clip them short and then grow them out again. Clip, and repeat.
Contributor: joja joja
I play guitar, so they're always super short. I can't stand having long nails now.
Contributor: ID42 ID42
My nails are very thin and a bit brittle so I keep them trimmed short. It works well for me here in this house with the kids though. I used to love going to have my nails done though, I miss acrylic nails. I try and keep all the funk out from under them, but again, house with kids it's not always possible. I also try to make sure my toes are neat and painted as well.

When I was a kid I had a terrible nail biting habit. It didn't dawn on me until years after I quit, that I had quit biting them. Of course it was then that I thought a bit about it and realized I had stopped when I started smoking. Joy.
Contributor: sexyk515 sexyk515
mine are long and they look great done
Contributor: SamsDelight SamsDelight
Mine grow so fast I cut them a few time a week. Can not stand dirty nails.
Contributor: married with children married with children
I have to keep my nails short. I hate them long.
Contributor: cobiffle cobiffle
I usually keep mine real short for some reason.
Contributor: hornypoet69 hornypoet69
I have always been bad about cutting my nails regularly. As a guy, especially as a little boy this wasn't good. I've always been forgetful, and if its not something I have to do every day, it tends to get neglected for far too long. I recently started painting my nails though, and I love it. I had them done at a party and decided to keep them. I've actually been better about keeping them trimmed, because I've noticed that the polish on trimmed nails doesn't chip as quickly. Also just because I'm thinking about and looking at my nails a lot more than I was, I am more aware of it when they get too long.

Did I mention I love having my nails painted? They are currently a deep blue. Everything I do with my hands seems more fabulous with blue fingernails (Yes, even that...) I recently bought some purple that I can't wait to try. Okay, now that I've exposed myself as a flaming queen, I'm gonna shut up now.
Contributor: sexy19364 sexy19364
My nails are very weak, and break off all the time. So I have a bad habit of biting my nails to smooth them out after they break.
Contributor: Miss Morphine Miss Morphine
I keep mine pretty short b/c dipping my hands in photo chemicals (to enlarge black and white negative) keeps my nails pretty weak.
Contributor: pollux pollux
I also bite my nails . . . not as much or as badly as a kid, though.
Contributor: Taylor Taylor
I have to keep my nails super short for work. For some reason people don't like to be scratched up when they are getting their massages
Contributor: Beck Beck
I am woman and a nail bitter, I know bad habit. It is really hard to break.
Contributor: Starkiller87 Starkiller87
My nails grow really really really fast. So I feel like I always cut them but they are still long. They are probably my best feature, hahaa I know stupid but I always compliments on my hands and nails.
Contributor: Rossie Rossie
I only keep a little bit of nail growing, whenever it grows longer, it gets in the way. I like my man's nails short and filed, or else I won't let him touch me down there.
Contributor: tickle me pink tickle me pink
I don't pay too much attention to my nails. When they start getting too long I'll clip them but otherwise I just leave them alone. No matter how long they are, though, I always keep them clean!
Contributor: emiliaa emiliaa
My nails are not terribly strong, they tend to chip and look ugly, plus I have compulsions to chew them. I keep them VERY clean, as I have to for my food service jobs....though right this second I just got off work and they're a bit dirty. LOL. I keep them short too for similar reasons.