How do you handle menstration?

Contributor: Badass Badass
This is mostly for women, and kind of personal, but I'm inqusitive...
How you you collect your menstration?
Answers (public voting - your screen name will appear in the results):
ghalik , Rin (aka Nire) , SJ88 , November , DreamWolf , calliope , PeaceToTheMiddleEast , underHim , Secret Pleasure , Ice1 , VenusianThunder , Yumi , Kithara , Ghost , gracklebird , MissCandyland , padmeamidala , Silverdrop , P'Gell , Lilith Bealove , ViVix , Buttercup Green , Sohotdinosaur , KateQ , Squeaky , Tangles , Mew , Stinkytofu10 , True Pleasures , bayosgirl , sexxxkitten , Terri69
GirlOnGirl , jmex83 , Taylor , Beck , Rin (aka Nire) , SJ88 , November , calliope , tiggle biddies , Loriandhubby , VenusianThunder , Yumi , Highmaintenancegirl916 , Kithara , Ghost , Woman China , ksparkles16 , Silverdrop , Various , ViVix , KateQ , Squeaky , powerandintent , Mew , Bex1331 , bayosgirl , pootpootpoot , LavenderSkies
Dive cup or something similar
corsetsaurus rex , DeliciousSurprise , freud13 , Ghost , Roz W , P'Gell , indiglo , Ryuson , KateQ , joja , alliegator , aliceinthehole , Bex1331 , True Pleasures , VelvetDragon , Shellz31
Sea Sponges
A towel
Other, please do tell
ghalik , Vanille , potstickers , PeaceToTheMiddleEast
I'm a dude or no longer have periods
funluvinmama , Sir , Entropy , BlooJay , melissa1973 , dv8
Total votes: 86 (65 voters)
Poll is closed
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Contributor: jmex83 jmex83
Originally posted by Badass
This is mostly for women, and kind of personal, but I'm inqusitive...
How you you collect your menstration?
well, not ME personally-obviously lol.

My wife tho, she hates pads. Trust me, I hear about it all the time if she is out of tampons lmao

didn't see that "im a dude" one until I hit the tampons box haha
Contributor: Vanille Vanille
I use a combination of tampons and a cloth pad for the first day or two as my flow is pretty heavy and the cloth pad saves my panties from being murdered. Also the pad is washable/resusable, so I'm saving the planet at least somewhat. If tampons with cardboard applicators weren't so difficult for me to use, I'd switch to a more earth-friendly brand of tampons.
Contributor: Beck Beck
I stick to my Tampax Pearl Tampons because they are the most comfortable for me. I too can't stand pads. I hated having to wear them after I had my children.
Contributor: Rin (aka Nire) Rin (aka Nire)
I use pads, usually. I only wear tampons when I sleep. My vaginal canal is short, so I can always feel even small tampons rubbing against my cervix as I move and making me feel all dry (sometimes even burning). The only reason I put up with them is because pads, even "overnight" pads, are crap when you're laying down. It's not a pretty thing to wake up covered in blood that leaked all over the place.
Contributor: corsetsaurus rex corsetsaurus rex
Moon cup FTW! I cannot express adequately how much I love that thing, although I guess that's partially the case because I hate pads and really resent having to spend extra money every couple months (along with BC pills) that my brothers and friends don't have to simply for being born with lady bits. (fing "woman tax") -_-. But the moon cup saaavveed meee!

Although I've heard some (probably not factual) horror stories about menstrual cups sucking out IUDs, so I'm back with pads for the moment until my 1 month check-up with paragard and ask my doctor that likely silly question about it being okay.
Contributor: November November
I usually wear cloth pads, because the disposable ones give me a rash. On very rare occasions, I will wear a tampon.
Contributor: calliope calliope
Pads usually I have trouble keeping tampons in since I gave birth. I need to try the cups
Contributor: tiggle biddies tiggle biddies
Originally posted by Badass
This is mostly for women, and kind of personal, but I'm inqusitive...
How you you collect your menstration?
lol i like that - how do you collect your menstration
Contributor: PeaceToTheMiddleEast PeaceToTheMiddleEast
I don't really get mine because I am on the Depo shot. When I do I use pads or OB tampons.
Contributor: underHim underHim
Pads. Tampons don't really work that well for me, something to do with my tilted uterus. Might try again though since I've had a kid.
Contributor: Secret Pleasure Secret Pleasure
Contributor: funluvinmama funluvinmama
have an IUD, so I don't have one.
Contributor: VenusianThunder VenusianThunder
I use tampons generally, though if it is really heavy, I have used both tampons and a pad just in case.
Contributor: Highmaintenancegirl916 Highmaintenancegirl916
Tampax Pearl,but some times a pad.
Contributor: Entropy Entropy
I'm a dude but gf uses a pad.
Contributor: Woman China Woman China
OB tampons. We finally got these new comfort ones in that are amazing!!!!
Contributor: ksparkles16 ksparkles16
I'm a total Tampon girl! I were pads under my tampons the first few days so my underwear doesn't get gross. I personally can't stand wearing only pads when my flow is heavy. Once I put my tampax pearl tampons on I feel 100% better! lol
Contributor: MissCandyland MissCandyland
Contributor: padmeamidala padmeamidala
Originally posted by Badass
This is mostly for women, and kind of personal, but I'm inqusitive...
How you you collect your menstration?
I use pads although sometimes I also use a menstrual pad called Instead.
Contributor: Silverdrop Silverdrop
I tried the cup, but could never get it to work. I use pads mostly, because I can feel tampons. I know they say you can't, but I use the smallest ones available and I can still feel them.
Contributor: BlooJay BlooJay
I'm a guy. No period here.
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
When I was much younger (High School and college) I used tampons. I just was getting too many vaginal infections and the tampons were worsening the situation. I switched back to pads, and I usually use those.

I do have a box of disposible menstrual cups. They just felt weird. I'm kind of a "Celebrate your Moon Time" chick (even though I often get nasty nasty cramps) and I feel weird when I use the toilet and can't see the flow. Does that sound weird? I'm just so used to having it there when I menstruate, that the cup made me feel weird. I will keep them for emergencies and when we go swimming (if we go) this summer.

I actually made cloth menstrual pads, I used flannel in a cute pink rose pattern. I attached velcro, and some velcro to several pairs of panties. I never used them. Just too used to regular pads, regular absorbency, with wings. I HATE the "overnight" pads, (unless it's the second night, then I might need those) because they feel like a diaper.
Contributor: Various Various
Tampons. I am 100% for other types (except pads) but the thought of the Diva Cup really skeeves me out. It shouldn't, but it does. I still am going to give it a try one day.
Contributor: Lilith Bealove Lilith Bealove
I use pads. But I haven't had one in nearly a year and a quarter. I had was pregnant (9 months no bleeding), post partum (6 weeks bleeding!!), and I've been nursing for 6 months (no period for the majority of nursing mama's!!)
Contributor: ViVix ViVix
Originally posted by Badass
This is mostly for women, and kind of personal, but I'm inqusitive...
How you you collect your menstration?
Pads and tampons, but a friend keeps trying to get me to try the cup.
Contributor: indiglo indiglo
I use the silicone DivaCup. Before that, I used OB tampons overnight, and a pad during the day. (Any brand but Always, the plasticky material those are made of used to irritate my skin.)
Contributor: ViVix ViVix
Originally posted by corsetsaurus rex
Moon cup FTW! I cannot express adequately how much I love that thing, although I guess that's partially the case because I hate pads and really resent having to spend extra money every couple months (along with BC pills) that my brothers and ... more
I'd be interested to know if that can happen!
Contributor: ViVix ViVix
Originally posted by November
I usually wear cloth pads, because the disposable ones give me a rash. On very rare occasions, I will wear a tampon.
How come everyone knows about cloth pads except for me? LOL.