Hoe much would you pay for a black lab mix puppy?

Contributor: Sunshineamine Sunshineamine
My black lab mix is pregnant and the father is a purebred black lab. My vet suggested to have my Clementine have a litter before she gets spayed because apparently it is better for her health and can improve her hyperactivity.

So I want to sell the puppies because I definitely can not keep them all, but I am not sure how much to ask. I don't want to be a jerk and charge too much but I don't want to give them away for free either. I am afraid if I go to low or don't charge I might have people who may not be the best pet owners get a puppy because they are cheap or free. I feel that people who genuinely want a dog to love and take care of would certainly pay a fair price. I am definitely going to have their first shots done and have them de-wormed first. My Clementine was a rescue, so I paid the adoption fee for her but I am just not sure what would be a fair price for the puppies.
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7  (21%)
1  (3%)
2  (6%)
Nothing I don't like dogs
2  (6%)
Nothing they should be given away
6  (18%)
And of course ... Other
15  (45%)
Total votes: 33
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Contributor: AngelvMaynard AngelvMaynard
I would sell them for your out of pocket cost for first set of shots and maintenance until they are adopted. That way you break even and they find a good home.
Contributor: Ghost Ghost
I would not pay anything and would never go to a breeder. Far too many dogs (and other animals) are killed every year in shelters, or thrown into the street. I adopt my animals, only.
Contributor: FaerieLove FaerieLove
Originally posted by AngelvMaynard
I would sell them for your out of pocket cost for first set of shots and maintenance until they are adopted. That way you break even and they find a good home.
I second that
Contributor: indiglo indiglo
I agree with Angel as to what you should do.

But Elnoa expressed my personal thoughts on the matter.
Contributor: Gunsmoke Gunsmoke
Originally posted by Ghost
I would not pay anything and would never go to a breeder. Far too many dogs (and other animals) are killed every year in shelters, or thrown into the street. I adopt my animals, only.
Ditto - that's the answer.

Friends of our all bought pure breed dogs - they've all passed away. Our free pound-puppy is still going strong 13 years now.
Contributor: TameTemptress TameTemptress
Originally posted by Ghost
I would not pay anything and would never go to a breeder. Far too many dogs (and other animals) are killed every year in shelters, or thrown into the street. I adopt my animals, only.

We have a black lab mix. We got her when she was about 3 months old, at a shelter. She's awesome. I plan to adopt another in a few years.
Contributor: Kkay Kkay
If I were in the market for a dog, I'd be willing to get a black lab mix for what Angel stated.
Contributor: Sunshineamine Sunshineamine
Originally posted by AngelvMaynard
I would sell them for your out of pocket cost for first set of shots and maintenance until they are adopted. That way you break even and they find a good home.
That's what I was thinking. About 50 bucks per pup should totally do it. I want them to go to good homes for sure then Clementine is getting spayed. The vet was right her demeanor has changed for the better already though.
Contributor: Sunshineamine Sunshineamine
Lol I just noticed I totally botched the spelling of "how" in the poll question. Spelling fail.
Contributor: Peggi Peggi
While I agree with the statements on not buying from breeders because thousands of dogs are put down every single day in the United States alone due to lack of homes, if you are going to sell them, you would want to be selective about potential owners. NEVER assume that just because someone pays large amounts of money for an animal that they will love the animal, because people who go to breeders are not necessarily animal lovers. Many purchase the animal to breed themselves, or for show or other money making methods.

Definitely get what you pay for back as was said previously, for vet bills and such. If you plan to list for the price of the breed, if you are somehow able to get papers for your dog as well as the male dog, you could get up to $800 per puppy depending on what breeds yours consists of.

Something you will also want to look into is preventative care for hip dysplasia for Clementine since larger dogs are already prone to that particular disorder and pregnancy raises the risk. There are a lot of simple procedures to help with that, as I discovered after my Doberman was diagnosed.

Good luck and I bet once the puppies arrive you will fall in love with them and have a hard decision on which one(s) not to keep!!! Puppies are a lot of work, but so much fun
Contributor: Sunshineamine Sunshineamine
Originally posted by Peggi
While I agree with the statements on not buying from breeders because thousands of dogs are put down every single day in the United States alone due to lack of homes, if you are going to sell them, you would want to be selective about potential ... more
True, very true. I am not selling them as purebred or anything, clementine is a mutt after all. I thinks she is mixed with a pitbull but that doesn't matter to me since she is 100% awesome. I have two people for sure from my work who would want a puppy so there are two puppies I don't have to worry about being treated poorly but I do plan to be the best judge I possibly can be when selling. I know I'm going to fall in love with each and every one. On the plus side they will be ready in early December so I hope due to the season that many potential new puppy owners will be family oriented and want the puppy as a family Christmas present. That would be ideal.
Contributor: Rossie Rossie
Originally posted by AngelvMaynard
I would sell them for your out of pocket cost for first set of shots and maintenance until they are adopted. That way you break even and they find a good home.
I agree with Angel. And please, please make sure the prospective people who'll adopt them are not just getting a puppy for fun, they have to understand the puppies will get pretty big and need lots of exercise. I hate seeing dogs sent to the pound, just because people got tired of them, or do not have time to take care of them properly.
Contributor: Rossie Rossie
Originally posted by Ghost
I would not pay anything and would never go to a breeder. Far too many dogs (and other animals) are killed every year in shelters, or thrown into the street. I adopt my animals, only.
But there are people out there like my son, who is extremely allergic to everything else, except for pure bred poodles. He would sneeze, eyes turn red and watery, and wheeze as if he has asthma!
Contributor: Bignuf Bignuf
Originally posted by Sunshineamine
My black lab mix is pregnant and the father is a purebred black lab. My vet suggested to have my Clementine have a litter before she gets spayed because apparently it is better for her health and can improve her hyperactivity.

So I want to ... more
The price is really based not just on being pure bred, but on how good a hunter or tracker...whatever, the parents are, in a breed like a lab. A good dog can fetch many hundreds or thousands. For just "pet" dogs, yes, asking a hundred or so will "weed out" those who cannot financially take care of the dog and will help pay your expenses for having brought up the puppies, but much more then that is pretty tough to get.
Contributor: Bignuf Bignuf
Originally posted by Sunshineamine
Lol I just noticed I totally botched the spelling of "how" in the poll question. Spelling fail.
Strange that SPELL CHECK works on the BODY of the text here...but NOT on the headings. Also, you can EDIT and correct the text, but not the title or heading of anything. I cannot understand WHY. Also, for the most sophisticated website EVER, I would think EF could fix those two hiccoughs in the program.
Contributor: Wildchild Wildchild
Originally posted by AngelvMaynard
I would sell them for your out of pocket cost for first set of shots and maintenance until they are adopted. That way you break even and they find a good home.
I agree completely with what Angel wrote. I don't know too many ppl that would pay for a mix that couldn't be papered. Just be careful who you let adopt the pups. There are far too many crazy ppl that abuse animals in our society.
Contributor: Ash1141 Ash1141
Most people wont pay a lot for a mixed breed puppy. I would probably give them away or ask for the cost of the first set of shots.
Contributor: Starkiller87 Starkiller87
It is a mix so not as much as a full breed at all. We have a few dogs one being a welsh corgi, pure breed and we paid I want to say 600 for her. But I would never pay that much for a mix breed.
Contributor: LaLaLouise LaLaLouise
Normally I would expect to get a mix dog for free (unless it's a "fashionable" mix, bleh), but since you're taking care of first vet costs, I would say $50 or whatever your cost was to vet, feed, etc.
Contributor: mandiegk mandiegk
Originally posted by Rossie
But there are people out there like my son, who is extremely allergic to everything else, except for pure bred poodles. He would sneeze, eyes turn red and watery, and wheeze as if he has asthma!
I'm allergic to most dogs too. I had to pay a lot of money to get myself a hypoallergenic poodle hybrid - I've never found a hypoallergenic dog in a shelter. Non-shelter puppies need good homes too.
Contributor: wetone123 wetone123
Originally posted by AngelvMaynard
I would sell them for your out of pocket cost for first set of shots and maintenance until they are adopted. That way you break even and they find a good home.
This is the right answer.
Contributor: Ansley Ansley
I don't want to be the Debbie Downer here, but check your local laws because I believe it's illegal to sell mixed puppies. You can ask for a rehoming/adoption fee that is reasonable, but you can't outright sell the dog for a large profit. I believe this is to protect dog owners in the American Kennel Club who go through the trouble of documenting and putting forth all of the effort that goes into maintaining pure bloodlines.
Contributor: Peggi Peggi
Originally posted by Sunshineamine
True, very true. I am not selling them as purebred or anything, clementine is a mutt after all. I thinks she is mixed with a pitbull but that doesn't matter to me since she is 100% awesome. I have two people for sure from my work who would ... more
If it is pitbull there isn't a breed name, but I know a lot of mixed breeds are actually given more value than purebred dogs! My Jackabee (Jack Russell terrier and Beagle mix) is worth somewhere between $700 and $900 were I to buy her at a pet store. I thought she was just a little mutt, myself

That's good you know at least 2 of the future owners, to ease your mind on that one
Contributor: MrWishyWashy MrWishyWashy
Not much help here, sorry, I have no clue, not sure what I would charge.
Contributor: Love Perpetua Love Perpetua
I also would never buy a dog for the reasons Elnoa already said, but I think you should consider selling then at a price that will cover the shots/spay/neuter, and anything extra I would probably donate to a local animal shelter. So maybe $300? Priced high enough to make sure you aren't selling the dogs for medical research, etc. Also please consider doing home checks/interviews to make sure potential owners will love and care for their dog for it's whole life - getting a puppy is a big long-term commitment! Can also ask about how much exercise they will give it, how long it will be left alone durin the day, what they plan do do when they go on vacation,what they'll do for socialization and training, etc. A lot of people don't seem to understand that dogs require a lot of time and attention, and they turn around and leave their dog at the pound after a year or two.
Contributor: GravyCakes GravyCakes
our 1st black lab was a purebred & only cost us $100. the 1 we have now cost us over $300 or $400. the 1 we have now is super purebred, though. her grandparents & parents were cadaver dogs, & national jumping champs, & stuff like that.
Contributor: ToyTimeTim ToyTimeTim
I paid $300 for my Zoe (Lab mix), best money I have ever spent on a dog. She has been the greatest dog for the kids. We bought her from a pet store and that is the reason for the price. She came with a one year guaranty on her health and had all her shots.

If not for that I would not have paid over $50 for her.
Contributor: Sunshineamine Sunshineamine
Originally posted by Ansley
I don't want to be the Debbie Downer here, but check your local laws because I believe it's illegal to sell mixed puppies. You can ask for a rehoming/adoption fee that is reasonable, but you can't outright sell the dog for a large profit. ... more
Not in Wisconsin it's like a different planet up here. Not selling for profit anyway. Just want to at least break even. It's a law that if you are selling as purebred you must have papers but it is ok to sell mixed puppies.
Contributor: hjtee hjtee
I'm not sure where you are from, but I would pay nothing for a Black Lab. I live in Labrador, and all labs are easily available for adoption at the SPCA with a little background check.
Actually, I'd pay nothing for any dog, knowing there are perfectly good dogs for free that need homes. Especially any mixed dogs.