Do you know how to swim, and did you take lessons?
Have you taken any swimming lessons?
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I never took lessons but I know how to swim.
never..learned on my own
Have never took them but have really thought about it
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Do you know how to swim, and did you take lessons?
I've never had lessons and can't swim.
I took lessons - twice - and I still can't swim.
I was tossed in the poor and told to try my hardest to touch the bottom. If I couldn't then to hold onto the side. I learned to swim completely on my own.
I did in the sixth grade. Didn't help much though
I took them for a few years as a kid
In 4th grade I had swimming lessons.
Learned alone
I took swimming lessons as a kid. It was a lot of fun. I don't think I'd do it as an adult though.
My mother insisted that I take swim lessons when I was 13. And she enrolled me in a class with children half my age. It was a bit of a confidence killer, but I learned how to swim.
Swimming lessons as a kid. A couple of live saving classes in college. And swiftwater rescue as an adult.
I took swimming lessons when I was really young, then I learned how to really swim on my own. I took a conditioning swimming course through my university that helped me to master each stroke.
Yes. I took swimming lessons when I was younger.
Originally posted by
Do you know how to swim, and did you take lessons?
yes, my whole childhood. I was also on a swim team growing up.

I learned to swim without professional lessons. My dad taught me. My mother put me in swimming lessons for a few months when I was a kid though to learn to swim better and learn how to dive.
I learned to swim from a combination of lessons from family, lessons from swim teachers, and swimming for a summer team for most of my childhood. Swimming is the best!
My mom taught swim lessons, so yeah, I learned pretty early!
I learned to swim very early and when I was around 10 years of age I taught a heavy set woman how to swim in the deep end of our apartment complexes swimming pool. It only took about an hour or two to get the woman to let go of the edge and swim across the pool to the other side. Sink or swim was my parents method. Thank goodness I swam.
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Do you know how to swim, and did you take lessons?
Everyone in my family (except me, of course) sails, so we're all taught to swim around the same time we learn to walk, sometimes earlier.
One of the schools I went to back home had a pool in it. So we had to learn how to swim in order to use it. So I took the lessons.
I know how to swim, but I didn't take lessons. My dad taught me.
I could swim as soon as I was put into water, granted it was more of a dog-paddle thing.
Never had lessons, my add showed me the strokes for freestyle swim and I picked it up easy. I love the water and swimming and urk yeah I was on a swim team for a while although it took the joy out of it. Something about diving into a chlorine filled pool and listening to all the voices that saps the joy from swimming completely for me
Never had lessons, my add showed me the strokes for freestyle swim and I picked it up easy. I love the water and swimming and urk yeah I was on a swim team for a while although it took the joy out of it. Something about diving into a chlorine filled pool and listening to all the voices that saps the joy from swimming completely for me
knew how to swim, lessons just made me better. Then took synchronized swimming. so much fun.
I took lessons when I was a kid.
Took swimming lessons at an early age.
I never took lessons, and as a result, I cannot swim. I wish I knew how, I think it's a valueable life skill.
I took swimming lessons when I was five