What do you think of it?
Some people were trying to get me to come back and play it, but I don't think I want to...so I wanted to hear some of your opinions if you play. I used to play back when the level cap was 60/70/80, 60/70 being the best and to me that was when it was a good game. I used to love playing it with friends and met a lot of nice people. I haven't played the new expansion Mists of Pandaria, but I don't think I want to. The game has become too idiotically easy with and overdose of reward. When Blizzard started advertising the game on television for the casual gamer to play was when it became a pathetic excuse for a game. I saw more trolls, more noob casual gamers, the angsty teens, and the unemployed depressed people...who wants to play a game with people like that? It was horrid. I then only played PvP and even that became unbearable. I was just wondering what other people thought of the game...either back then or now.
Some people were trying to get me to come back and play it, but I don't think I want to...so I wanted to hear some of your opinions if you play. I used to play back when the level cap was 60/70/80, 60/70 being the best and to me that was when it was a good game. I used to love playing it with friends and met a lot of nice people. I haven't played the new expansion Mists of Pandaria, but I don't think I want to. The game has become too idiotically easy with and overdose of reward. When Blizzard started advertising the game on television for the casual gamer to play was when it became a pathetic excuse for a game. I saw more trolls, more noob casual gamers, the angsty teens, and the unemployed depressed people...who wants to play a game with people like that? It was horrid. I then only played PvP and even that became unbearable. I was just wondering what other people thought of the game...either back then or now.
(1)I am personally offended by this