Have you ever gotten a speeding ticket? How many? What happened?

Contributor: vegan.guy vegan.guy
I'm just curious how many people on here have gotten speeding tickets. Feel free to elaborate in the comments. What happened? How fast were you going? Was the officer polite?

How many speeding tickets, if any, have you gotten?
Answers (public voting - your screen name will appear in the results):
Over 3 Speeding Tickets
RonLee , Jimbo Jones , That Guy , jroho , ToyTimeTim
5  (6%)
3 Speeding Tickets
LittleBoPeep , Bunnycups
2  (2%)
2 Speeding Tickets
jfree , TheSinDoll , Miss T , MissBre
4  (5%)
1 Speeding Ticket
vegan.guy , Taylor , Chilipepper , Kindred , darthkitt3n , newlady , Jul!a , ahammer , liilii080 , *HisMrs* , married with children , SexyTabby , IndependentlyHappy , sixfootsex , Lily Night , lezergirl , allehcat , gone77 , Lummox , tim1724 , Eden C. , ~LaUr3n~
22  (27%)
I have never had a speeding ticket
PussyGalore , ellejay , BadassFatass , Waterfall , namelesschaos , null , sarahbear , LikeSunshineDust , Coralbell , potstickers , Yoda , toxie m , 00 , Crash , cnspots , DeliciousSurprise , Danielle1220 , removedacnt , BluePixi , Pleasure Piratess , Rainbow Boy , Lovelies , Sweet-Justice , sbon , onehotmomma , Lio , buzz , Naughty Student , Envy , Anne Ardeur , xoflxokcxo , C4ss , CSEA , Eliza , Hot'n'Bothered , PiratePrincess , DCorrelle , Cream in the Cupcake , ❦Angel Of Music❦ , Shellz31 , moonch1ld , Illusional , dv8 , slynch , MaryExy , hjtee , Keegski , EJ
48  (59%)
Total votes: 81
Poll is closed
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Contributor: PussyGalore PussyGalore
I have never had a speeding ticket. I've had other tickets but I drive at a safe, sane speed. If I'm keeping up with traffic, I stay in the middle so either the front or the back car takes the hit if there's a speed trap somewhere.

My run-ins with the law have all been relatively tame. *knock on wood* I did get a ticket for not wearing my seatbelt. Still think the cop was just bored. The precinct is notorious for taking kids fresh out of the academy and sicking them on every BS infraction known to man.
Contributor: Taylor Taylor
I've had one sppeding ticket and it was definitely deserved. I was going 43 in a 35 zone. I just paid it. The officer was pretty polite to me. I got nervous and started crying and he reassured me that it wasn't that it wasn't a big deal and to just pay the ticket and be more careful from then on.
Contributor: Chilipepper Chilipepper
On Day 6 of driving from Montana to Florida with a husband I was hating more and more every hour, a nervous cat, and a restless dog, I estimated I was about eight hours from my final destination so I floored it.

Doing 90 in a 75 zone in Georgia's Speed Trap Alley.

What surprised me is when the officer told me I had a flat tire. I had not felt it, but when we got everything situated to change it and all, we discovered it was a three inch long piece of half of a tie-buckle from a truck. If it had gone higher it would have busted my windshield and possibly maimed/killed one of us.

So I was a bit grateful to be able to pay that ticket.

(The other shoe dropped thirty miles after putting on the new tire - the differential caught fire and the fire truck had to be called at the rest stop. I told my husband "FUCK IT" and called my father to get the babies and me.)

(From then on, I REFUSED to drive through Georgia.)
Contributor: RonLee RonLee
The last speeding ticket that I got, the officer cut me a break. He wrote it for 29 over in a 55 zone but I was actually going faster. As well, just about five miles previously, I was going about 110. So I was pretty lucky that time. Yes I also lived in Germany and yes had a relatively fast car there. So I had the opportunity to learn how an automobile handles differently at higher speeds. Some of my friends who know my propensity for exceeding the legal limit ask why I'm in such a hurry. Getting there quicker isn't it at all, it's the thrill of speed.
Sadly, just this year, here in the peoples republic of illinois, over forty is now mandatory jail time... so I'll have to get my adrenaline rush in some other way. hmmmmm no wonder I'm now more interested in toys...
Contributor: BadassFatass BadassFatass
I've been pulled over once for speeding but got off with a warning, which I definitely won't complain about.
Contributor: null null
I've gotten pulled over a few times, but never gotten a ticket. Cops tend to leave cars with firefighter tags alone...
Contributor: sarahbear sarahbear
I've been pulled over once for speeding (doing 64 in a 45). I had just come off the interstate and was running my mouth and didn't notice the change soon enough. I was honest with the cop about how I just wasn't paying attention and he told me to be careful and slow down.
Contributor: vegan.guy vegan.guy
Originally posted by null
I've gotten pulled over a few times, but never gotten a ticket. Cops tend to leave cars with firefighter tags alone...
Yeah . . . not mine. lol
Contributor: vegan.guy vegan.guy
I've gotten 1 speeding ticket, and one written warning. The speeding ticket was in upstate New York. This is going to sound really bad but I was doing 83 in a 55. You really had to be there to realize that it really wasn't a big deal for the street I was on. The highway was massive and not busy at all. It was relatively straight too. The speed limit should have been atleast 65 . . . not that it would have made a difference since I was doing over 80.
Contributor: potstickers potstickers
Thankfully I have never gotten a ticket or been in an accident. The worst thing I've done is moved forward slightly into a phone pole but no damage, and when I was first learning, I scraped the side of the car into a palm shrub that was sticking out onto the street. Haha.
Contributor: toxie m toxie m
Never had a speeding ticket, never been in an accident. I've only gotten one parking ticket when I was running late for class one time and my usual spot had a brand new No Parking sign on it. I was so distracted looking for other No Parking signs that I didn't notice the apparently-safe spot I'd chosen was in front of a fire hydrant, haha.
Contributor: darthkitt3n darthkitt3n
I got one before in my mom's car, because the speedometer decided to die. It was stuck at 70, which was the speed limit. I apparently was going 80. The cop didn't care.
Contributor: Jimbo Jones Jimbo Jones
I've gotten quite a few speeding tickets over the 20 years that I've been driving. I have received one in a while (knock on wood) but I have been pulled over twice recently and was let off with warnings. I guess they took pity on me. I've found that if I try to be polite and apologetic it seems to serve me better than if I'm in their face about the whole thing.
Contributor: newlady newlady
One. Only one. I blame my children. We were on a long, boring road trip, on a very long and straight and boring road. That was years back when AQUA was a bit hit (remember them?) and the girls thought it was hilarious to hit repeat on the "Barbie Girl" track. Clearly, I was not in my right mind after 7 or 8 times of listening to this....I got caught going 140km. Not my fault that road was so darn smooth and traffic free..well, except for that policeman!
Contributor: Jul!a Jul!a
I've been pulled over for speeding twice, but only gotten one ticket. It was by my ex's college where the speed limit drops a total of 20 mph over a few miles, and I was on my clutch coasting up to a red light. Saw a car pull out behind me with no headlights on, knew it was a cop, and just pulled off onto a side street and waited for my ticket. 9 months later I got pulled over again, but because the cop that pulled me over was really just looking for drunks, and I answered every question truthfully, he just wrote me a warning.
Contributor: liilii080 liilii080
I paid the ticket and was put on court supervision for over a year. I was doing 15 over, crying on the way home because my bf got deployed the day before and I was speeding home from work to cry and cocoon. Horrible week that was but #$%^ happens.
Contributor: That Guy That Guy
Originally posted by liilii080
I paid the ticket and was put on court supervision for over a year. I was doing 15 over, crying on the way home because my bf got deployed the day before and I was speeding home from work to cry and cocoon. Horrible week that was but #$%^ happens.
Isn't that always the way? They always get you when you're already in a bad mood.

I used to have terrible experiences with cops every time I talked to one for any reason. I think I've gotten more assertive with age, and they seem to be much nicer for it. They're like wild animals, you've got to act like you respect them, but are ready to snap their necks the second they do anything to piss you off, or they'll push you around.
Contributor: Bunnycups Bunnycups
What can I say? I'm usually running late.
Contributor: *HisMrs* *HisMrs*
I got one when right before my 18th bday. I was going 13 over (I think a 63 in a 50). I took defensive driving and got it taken care of quickly! I've been in 2 accidents and neither were my fault!
Contributor: TheSinDoll TheSinDoll
I'm going to say 2, but maybe three. I've been pulled over for so many things that it's hard to remember. Running stop signs, running up on curbs, cutting people off, following too close behind a cop, running a yellow light (had no idea that would get you yanked)... it's hard to keep up.

I'm not a good driver. I can't tell you how many sobriety tests that I've had done on me due to bad driving.

I am a sad, sad driver.
Contributor: married with children married with children
just one. I was only 5 miles over the speed limit. I think the cop was having a bad day.
Contributor: vegan.guy vegan.guy
Originally posted by married with children
just one. I was only 5 miles over the speed limit. I think the cop was having a bad day.
wow, that stinks!
Contributor: Pleasure Piratess Pleasure Piratess
I've only gotten pulled over one time, and that was when I was 16. It was almost midnight and I was coming home from college. I stopped in town to meet my boyfriend and then follow him the back-way home. He was driving like a bat out of hell and I was trying to keep up when I lost sight of him. Next thing I knew red and blues where flashing in the rear-view and I about went into a panic.

A gorgeous cop knocked on my window and asked me if I knew why I had been pulled over. Having heard before that its best not to lie, I went ahead and admitted that I had been speeding. Then he informed me that, indeed, I probably was speeding, but he didn't actually have the radar on. I was being pulled over for running a stop sign.

But you know what? I never did get a ticket.
Contributor: Sweet-Justice Sweet-Justice
Never had one. THANK YOU GOD!
Contributor: IndependentlyHappy IndependentlyHappy
I've gotten one speeding ticket. I was heading home at about 2:30 and was stopped literally a BLOCK and a half from my house.

I was cited for going 42 in a 30. I think the officer mostly wanted to make sure I wasn't drunk since it was late at night. I ended up talking it down to a parking ticket, and paid a $55 fine for it in court.
Contributor: jroho jroho
I had several when I was younger, but none in the last 10 years. I guess it's true that you slow down when you get older - and then you become that guy in the fast lane going 40 MPH.

I was able to avoid getting a ticket twice by eluding, not outrunning, the cop chasing me. The first time was at night and I was going probably 75 in a 55. I saw the patrol car on the other side of the highway and turn around in the median behind me. Luckily, I was able to mix in with traffic coming onto the highway and he lost sight of which car was which.

The second time was similar to the first. I was definitely speeding and was caught by a patrol car on the other side of the highway. I was able to take the nearest exit and pull into a gas station, hiding on one side of the building. I saw the patrol car take the same exit and speed off in the other direction. I pulled out and back on the highway and continued on, but a little slower this time.

So, if we're keeping score: Cops = 4 , Me = 2
Contributor: sbon sbon
I got pulled over for speeding once, but he gave me a ticket for something else so I wouldn't have to worry about points.
Contributor: onehotmomma onehotmomma
no tickets. I don't drive though, lol. I hate it. I will only drive if I absolutely have to (I have to rush my kids to the ER) other than that, I get too much anxiety about it.
Contributor: vegan.guy vegan.guy
Originally posted by sbon
I got pulled over for speeding once, but he gave me a ticket for something else so I wouldn't have to worry about points.
oh yea? That's pretty cool! It sounds like most people got a much nicer cop than I did when I got my ticket.