Guns in the home

Contributor: rawsonbr rawsonbr
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Do you have one? Why? Do you feel safer?
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Contributor: LilLostLenore LilLostLenore
no dont have one.
Contributor: SMichelle SMichelle
I don't allow guns in my home.
Contributor: KyotoAngel KyotoAngel
Originally posted by rawsonbr
Do you have one? Why? Do you feel safer?
I don't have one and never plan on acquiring one, a tazer/knives/pepper spray maybe...but not a gun.
Contributor: BobbiJay BobbiJay
I used to have one. I was raised around them. Most of my family were/are military, police and hunters so it was normal to have them. I was taught at a young age that guns are not bad what people do with guns are. That being said they were never just laying around, they were always in a locked gun safe or cabinet with the ammo stored separately.
Contributor: bsgs bsgs
^^exactly...guns are not bad or scary, when handled correctly, theyre a lot safer than what some people think. yes the shoot/kill things, but they have safety levers, you can lock them, and unload them...i have several guns around my house, and i plan to teach my boys how to use guns when they get a little bit older. we dont have a gun safe yet, but all my guns are behind locked doors and the ammo is in a completely different part of the house...the only exception being the loaded pistol under my bed, but there isnt a round chambered in it, and its on safe
Contributor: ToyTimeTim ToyTimeTim
Originally posted by rawsonbr
Do you have one? Why? Do you feel safer?
Three guns can be found in our home; a 12g pump shotgun (mine), a 22 rifle (kids) and a 22 pistol (the wife's). You will also find; two compound bows, three stick bows, a recurve bow and one cross bow. Yes, we have a lot of projectile type weapons. lol

As to the why, the guns are mostly for fun but we do live out in the sticks somewhat so there is some need. The shotgun was bought for clay's and for home defense, nothing tells a would-be burglar that he needs to leave like the sound of a pump action. The 22's are only used for target shooting. Everyone in our house shoots on regular basis. My two kids (13 and 11) and I also hunt every fall with our bows/cross bow.

Do we feel safer? Yes and no. If I can get my gun, load it and have it ready before the person gets in, yes. But what are the chances of that happening? Maybe 50/50 at best? Better off just grabbing my Njoy Eleven (It's in my headboard) and beating the crap out of them. On the other hand, if there is a animal coming for a visit (We have bears, wolves, coyotes etc.), yes again. Most of the time just the sound alone will scare of most animals.

Weapons do not make you safe, only the ability to use them (Whatever kind of weapon you use) with confidence in that time of need can make you safe. Funny thing is, you will not not truly know until that time comes. I can honestly say that I am more accurate with my compound bow than the guns (Shooting the bow for 10 years longer) so the animal/person breaking in probably will not hear the shot when/if it goes off.
Contributor: acessorie acessorie
No guns are not allowed in my home. We have other means of protection that work just as well without the fear of my children hurting themselves severely.
Contributor: Eliyahu Eliyahu
Yes...we have a short/pistol grip shotgun for home defense, and my daily carry handgun (I have a CCW license, and seldom leave the house unarmed...never when I'm with my family). Soon, my wife's 9mm will be back from repair, and she'll go through her CCW course too.
Contributor: Eliyahu Eliyahu
Originally posted by KyotoAngel
I don't have one and never plan on acquiring one, a tazer/knives/pepper spray maybe...but not a gun.
That's interesting. Killing with a knife is far more an intimate affair than shooting someone who's intruded upon your family. Not only do you really have to work for it (who's going to stand still while you do it?), you're going to get good and bloody in the process. Personally, I wouldn't want to stay that close to an intruder, let alone be exposed to their body fluids (while being scraped and cut myself), but to each their own
Contributor: Subbi Subbi
Not at the moment but I want to again. My dad always use to have guns in the house (he loved hunting and was in the army for a long time). I'm going for my gun permit shortly. I personally feel better having a gun in the house.
Contributor: GravyCakes GravyCakes
nope, but only b/c i don't have a permit or the money. if i had either, then i'd probably have one. lots of people say things like, "you don't need guns, that's what cops are for." but what the hell am i supposed to do until the cops get there? i've been trying to get my hands on some pepper spray so that i'll have something that i can keep on my person. i would love to get a tazer, too.
Contributor: Eliyahu Eliyahu
Originally posted by GravyCakes
nope, but only b/c i don't have a permit or the money. if i had either, then i'd probably have one. lots of people say things like, "you don't need guns, that's what cops are for." but what the hell am i supposed to do ... more
As the saying goes, "when seconds count, the police are just minutes away...". There's also a misguided and false belief in many that the police have a duty to actually protect the population. They have no such obligation...police investigate or respond to crimes after the fact has occurred, and occasionally while it's in progress - they don't stop it from happening in the first place (because that would be a violation of civil rights). Only you can protect you and believe anything else is to believe in fantasy. Fantasy is easier than preparedness for most people.
Contributor: Ms. Spice Ms. Spice
The sole purpose of guns is to harm or destroy something. I grew up with guns in the house and I didn't feel any safer than living in a home without them. I feel like the only reason many people keep guns is because there's this widespread paranoia in our culture that someone is out to harm us. Uh, right. If someone wants to steal my TV, he/ she can go right ahead. It's not worth my psychological health (because, you know, killing people actually does inflict trauma) and it's not worth the robber's life. TV=/= human life.

Unless someone keeps a gun on their side at all time, I'm not sure how they would even access a weapon like that if someone is breaking in, because most of the time it's locked up so that kids or pets can't get a hold of it. So, then the purpose of even having a gun is totally counterproductive. You have this weapon... that you can't even access. You have to admit it's ironic.

I feel like it would be safer if our country was without guns. Other countries with full gun bans actually have lower gun related injuries and crimes. I would feel safer in a country where I knew my crazy ass neighbor wasn't legally allowed to own a dangerous weapon.

If I had children, I would NEVER let them play in a house where guns were owned. I would feel terrified at the prospect of my children being harmed, even if the owner kept it in a "safe place." There are too many "what if" situations that could happen. I don't even feel safe going to a home with numerous firearms.
Contributor: Eliyahu Eliyahu
Not to be pedantic, but...the sole purpose of a gun is to fire a projectile. The intent is on the shooter...but the gun is nothing but a tool. As far as the irony you mention goes, that works for my house, I have a weapon loaded and available at all times. Not always on me, but as you say, what's the point if you don't have it when you need it? Our children know what they are, and not to touch them...that's been drilled in to them extensively.

In my state, it's illegal to shoot in defense of property; yes, they can take the TV...I have homeowner insurance. I can shoot once I become reasonably fearful for my life, or my family's safety. If, after taking the TV, they re-enter my house and take a step towards the back of the house, where my boys' bedoom is, or our bedroom is, I'll drop them real fast. I'm a combat veteran, so I'm well aware of the mental anguish that taking life causes...but what's worse? Shooting a scumbag, or knowing I could have prevented my kids from being hurt, my wife raped, or worse? My family comes first 10 times out of 10...fuck the guy that threatened them. He picked the wrong house.

Also - I've lived in one of those gun-free countries before, for many years. Even though the lawful were disarmed, many of the criminals still had guns, and often they outclass the police! Crazy...
Contributor: CreamySweet CreamySweet
Originally posted by rawsonbr
Do you have one? Why? Do you feel safer?
Absolutely. And several - all loaded. Why? Because I have the ability to control and manage my own emergency when someone chooses to be the aggressor and bring the fight to my door or otherwise threaten my life or family. In the amount of time it will take from when you dial 911 or whatever dedicated emergency number you have, it gets routed through the psap call center and law enforcement is dispatched, responds and arrives at your home there is pleanty of time foryou to have your throat cut, your head beat in with a bat or hammer or for you to be taken hostage once the crack head assailant realizes law enforcement has been called or is outside. I And if you assume that simply giving them what they want will be tewarded with compassion, respect and kindness and you not being stabbed, raped by a hepatitis aids and std infected individual or kidnaped by the same individual you are absolutely underestimating the potential of your adversary. How often do you hear "Oh I have an alarm". Have you ever tested to see how long your monitoring company takes to pass that along to the emergency call center from when they get it? They don't dispatch the cops, fire or rescue, they simply call 911 on your behalf via a special 7 digit number that has a lower priority to be answered in the 911 center ( the real one that actually sends a police car) then regular calls to 911. Also when the alarm company tries to call you to confirm its not an accidental activation the bad guy know he only has a few minutes to kill or rape you so he better get to it so he can be gone before someone shows. And hey if your dead or in a coma you can't describe him to police. "I have mace/pepper spray" Yep... Good plan. Ever tried it? Know how far it sprays? Is it still charged or like most aerosol cans has it lost charge? Also...Having been sprayed with it and having sprayed it several time do you know most people can fight through it if motivated to kick your ass? At 5'4" with boobs every time I have used it, it has gotten all over me as well as them and I still beat their ass along with several of my associates at the same time and all the peperspray really did was piss everyone off more. Most cans say "Do not use on enraged, deranger, agitated, drugged or demented persons or others with a reduced sensitivity to pain" not kidding! Who the fuck am I going to spray it on? The Avon lady? "Oh I have a (fill in the blank) bat, golfclub, rock, stick,Etc.." Good luck...they have pcp, acid, coke, crack, meth, heroin, booze, sexual predator rapist tendency, homicidal, psyco...ok you get the ponit. And shove your ninja skills up your ass because they are good right up until one, two, three of more get hands on you.

Dont just buy a gun. Get some good real training. Then buy the gun and go get more training. When your done go get more and then figure out how to pay more attention to what goes on around you and less to farmville/facebook. If you think it can't or won't happen to, in front of or around you then your living in false belief in modern society.
Contributor: CreamySweet CreamySweet
Originally posted by CreamySweet
Absolutely. And several - all loaded. Why? Because I have the ability to control and manage my own emergency when someone chooses to be the aggressor and bring the fight to my door or otherwise threaten my life or family. In the amount of time it ... more
Just saw the "live in a gun free county" thought. Good luck...never any violence in Belfast Ireland... Oh or Mexico. Great examples of gun free countries.
Contributor: HugsAndBites HugsAndBites
paranoia is just another word for longevity
Contributor: CreamySweet CreamySweet
Originally posted by HugsAndBites
paranoia is just another word for longevity
Exactly! I think probably one of the sadest and best examples at my local level happened a few years back. Retired woman hires a local known carpet cleaning company Btw we are talking small town not big "crime ridden city" - you know the little places people say that doesn't happen here. Anyway, carpet cleaners come in the morning and clean. About 11 that night one of the crew comes back and breaks in - mind you he knows she's there even through his drugged out fog. Drags her down the hall, beats her and cuts her throat with broken glass. Doesn't killer but nearly. Not satisfied with that he goes to her garage. Gets a gas can for the lawn mower and dumps gas all over the down stairs ( he left her upstairs) and torches the house. She's not dead because she got out and managed to crawl to a neighbors porch while he was getting the gas can. He later surrendered at a local military base front gate claiming nazi's made him do it and he was part of a resistance movement. Here we call it 5150 which in his case meant crazy as a shithouse rat. She is lucky to be alive. Its not always going to be from where in youmind that you think danger will come. Its the high school kid who tries to take the cops gun out of the holster while breaking up a kid fight. Its the guy or gal looking for a fix and you just happen zlong to solve their cash problem.
Contributor: rawsonbr rawsonbr
I just don't know what I want yet. If I want one, or just keep a tazer. I think of protection a lot.
Contributor: unfulfilled unfulfilled
We don't have one in the house, but my husband has swords and ninja stars that count LOL! He's a blackbelt martial artist.
Contributor: rawsonbr rawsonbr
Originally posted by unfulfilled
We don't have one in the house, but my husband has swords and ninja stars that count LOL! He's a blackbelt martial artist.
Contributor: Shellz31 Shellz31
Most definitely NOT! I wouldn't live or even visit in a place or country where ya have to keep a gun by your side for safety.
Contributor: kims89 kims89
I dont have no now but i was raised in a home with them. I knew better to touch them unless i had to. If someone breaks into my home id like to know i can protect myself.
Contributor: Pururin Pururin
I've got a few rifles and my fiance owns firearms as well. I don't necessarily feel safer owning them, but I do enjoy taking them to the range after a long day at work and opening up on targets shaped like zombies.
Contributor: starklover starklover
Originally posted by rawsonbr
Do you have one? Why? Do you feel safer?
yes it is under lock and key