Goodbye Canada

Contributor: CheerfulLoner CheerfulLoner
Yesterday, May 2nd, Canada was forced into yet another election.

The Conservative Party of Canada won a majority for the first time in many years, meaning that they hold enough seats to vote in anything they wish, no matter what the other parties say or vote... and they are not nice people.

They want to kill our Universal Health Care.
They are anti-gay.
They are anti-women.
They are anti-immigration.
They are anti-science.
They want to cripple the poor and make the rich richer.
They want to wage war alongside America and ensure our mutual demise.

They want to destroy Canada, but of the 28% of the population who actually voted, there was enough amongst them to give the maniacs power. They gave power to a group who instilled a Young Earth Creationist as *Science Minister*, to the same group of people who were actually found in CONTEMPT OF PARLIAMENT, with a minority, no less!

Goodbye Canada, all that you had stood for is about to end.
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Contributor: Ansley Ansley
Welcome to America!
Contributor: toxie m toxie m
I was so upset last night about this that I couldn't even bear to think about it. We have the worst voting system ever.
Contributor: BBW Talks Toys BBW Talks Toys
I will be the first to admit that I know nothing of how Canadian government works.

However, I will say what I would say to an American with the same complaints. Did you vote? If not, why not?

I'm not trying to sound harsh. Really. And I don't know if you voted. Elections are your chance to get your voice heard. So if you didn't vote, complaining about the results is not really appropriate. If you did vote, and it didn't go your way... then complain away! But what can you get involved in, what can you do more proactively, to ensure a higher voter turnout next time(at least for your province)? (This is going to sound a little trite but...) Be the change you want to see.
Contributor: El-Jaro El-Jaro
Canada was on my list places to go when America gets too conservative for my tastes...looks like that's about to change...
Contributor: toxie m toxie m
Originally posted by BBW Talks Toys
I will be the first to admit that I know nothing of how Canadian government works.

However, I will say what I would say to an American with the same complaints. Did you vote? If not, why not?

I'm not trying to ... more
I absolutely voted. In the past I've been apathetic but this time around Harper riled me up so much that I HAD to get out and vote for anyone but him. So I did my research, ranted and raved to all my friends, cast my vote. And then felt serious dismay to hear that Harper got his majority, ugh. Still, at least the NDP had their best time ever. Gotta cling to some shreds of hope there, hah.
Contributor: BBW Talks Toys BBW Talks Toys
Originally posted by toxie m
I absolutely voted. In the past I've been apathetic but this time around Harper riled me up so much that I HAD to get out and vote for anyone but him. So I did my research, ranted and raved to all my friends, cast my vote. And then felt serious ... more
Congrats on making it to the polls! I really despise politics; but I'm a huge fan of doing the research and going to the polls. Glad you did your research and voted! Sorry it didn't turn out in your favor.

And Mr. Sauce... gets too conservative? We're pretty much long past, no?
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Originally posted by CheerfulLoner
Yesterday, May 2nd, Canada was forced into yet another election.

The Conservative Party of Canada won a majority for the first time in many years, meaning that they hold enough seats to vote in anything they wish, no matter what the ... more
It sounds like Reagan/Bush era USA! Shit.

I'm sorry. Can y'all have a Revolution?
Contributor: LicentiouslyYours LicentiouslyYours
Originally posted by El-Jaro
Canada was on my list places to go when America gets too conservative for my tastes...looks like that's about to change...
Mexico or Bust?

On of my favorite quotes in politics is: Decisions are made by those who show up. If not enough of your peeps are making it to the polls... get involved in Get Out The Vote efforts and knock on doors. It's proven by much research here in America and I have to assume the same sort of theory would pan out in Canada that the more people who vote, the higher the liberal voting percentage becomes.

Conservative campaign organizers have made a science out of discouraging people from voting because they know that if they can get people to stay home, they have a higher chance of winning. Liberals initiated the Get Out The Vote initiatives that encourage everybody to vote, regardless of ideology, and when they can get it done well, it wins them elections. Apathy and cynicism are the conservative party's best friends... if you give in to it, they win.

Contributor: Jobthingy Jobthingy
I was a good girl and voted last night. Not for Harper.

It is true what BBWTT said though, so many will bitch and complain about what is going on but wont bother to leave the house to vote.
Contributor: Antipova Antipova
Why on *Earth* did you only have a 28% voter turnout? I think we had a higher turnout for graduate student association voting! How is it that less than a third of Canadians felt that this election might matter?

A majority of the opinions of 28% of the population hardly constitutes a majority of opinion, and I would say it's not fair to govern based on only that. But if those are the only people who cared enough to show up, what else is supposed to happen?

Is this your usual voting time, or was it a special election? Who called it, if so? How did nobody vote?
Contributor: CheerfulLoner CheerfulLoner
Originally posted by Antipova
Why on *Earth* did you only have a 28% voter turnout? I think we had a higher turnout for graduate student association voting! How is it that less than a third of Canadians felt that this election might matter?

A majority of the ... more
We've been in a minority government situation for a good 7 or 8 years now, and we've held four elections in that period of time; An election can be called at any time if the minority leading party does something to upset the other parties, who will then call a vote.

Of course, with the Conservatives being the bastards that they are, they did everything in their power three times over to piss all over everything in parliament to keep trying to get a Majority. See the above list for things they are actively doing.

Nobody is voting because everyone just seems to feel it is hopeless. Hell, I agree with them - I hate ALL politicans, no matter who they are, but I hate some more than others. I voted, and I dragged my roomate out to vote for the first time ever just to drive the point into his head that he needs to, but I've met a bunch of others who didn;t bother because 'it was hopeless'.

Mexico is too hot for me; I like France.
Contributor: toxie m toxie m
Originally posted by Antipova
Why on *Earth* did you only have a 28% voter turnout? I think we had a higher turnout for graduate student association voting! How is it that less than a third of Canadians felt that this election might matter?

A majority of the ... more
I saw that the turnout was 61.4% (source), but I'd still rather it be made mandatory or something
Contributor: ToyGurl ToyGurl
Guess I'm not goint to Canda :/
Contributor: alliegator alliegator
Originally posted by toxie m
I saw that the turnout was 61.4% (source), but I'd still rather it be made mandatory or something
Here in the US we've had some screwy elections. The Electoral College system we have is a hangover from when most citizens weren't literate and the Framers of the Constitution were afraid 'the masses' were too stupid to vote wisely. For modern countries made up of an educated society, I don't understand why a simple popular vote doesn't rule.
Contributor: CheerfulLoner CheerfulLoner
Originally posted by toxie m
I saw that the turnout was 61.4% (source), but I'd still rather it be made mandatory or something
I looked that up and you are right - 61% turnout; mea culpa. Not sure why my source states 28%, but 61% is still depressing.

I had a thought about voting, though; tie it in with income tax. If you don't vote, you don't get any money back. Basically a non-vote is a vote for being a slave.

Would jump the numbers in a hurry, methinks.
Contributor: Antipova Antipova
Originally posted by toxie m
I saw that the turnout was 61.4% (source), but I'd still rather it be made mandatory or something
I had to go check what the US's was for the last presidential election (here), and it looks like with 61% you're in about the same ballpark as we are. Does having multiple non-conservative parties make much of an impact? If the Liberals and the New Democratic Party had been aligned, it looks like they'd have taken the popular vote... but then of course I have no idea what the differences between the two parties are, perhaps they're not really very compatible.
Contributor: Antipova Antipova
Originally posted by CheerfulLoner
I looked that up and you are right - 61% turnout; mea culpa. Not sure why my source states 28%, but 61% is still depressing.

I had a thought about voting, though; tie it in with income tax. If you don't vote, you don't get ... more
At the same time, if you make voting mandatory, you encourage people who have no opinion, and who haven't done any research, from voting. And then you'll wind up with elected officials who just happen to have catchy names, or nice colored ties, but might be insidious liars, because the populace didn't make an informed choice about their desires, they were just filling out a form because they "had" to.
Contributor: loveshocks loveshocks
It was about 60% of eligible voters that voted.

40% of the people who voted had voted for the Cons, so ~24% of all eligible voters put them back in power. With a majority.

Representing Canadians, hah.

We need electoral reform, but we're never going to get it as long as people like Harper can have a majority in the House of Commons with just 40% of the popular vote.
Contributor: CheerfulLoner CheerfulLoner
Originally posted by loveshocks
It was about 60% of eligible voters that voted.

40% of the people who voted had voted for the Cons, so ~24% of all eligible voters put them back in power. With a majority.

Representing Canadians, hah.

We ... more
True that, but it'll be hard to convince any of the governments in power to change it because after all; it worked for them.

It;s not unusual, either... most of the majority governments won in the same fashion, I know that Chretien himself sat with a Majority three times with 40% or thereabouts.
Contributor: RonLee RonLee
In my Ex's home country, voting was mandatory. Even after we were married and she had her resident alien status, there was a $100 fine for not voting. She had to have something done by her consulate and they required us to pay that fine before they would do what she needed.
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Originally posted by Antipova
At the same time, if you make voting mandatory, you encourage people who have no opinion, and who haven't done any research, from voting. And then you'll wind up with elected officials who just happen to have catchy names, or nice colored ... more
I TOTALLY agree. I spoke with people before our elections who were SO woefully ignorant about the political process, the candidates and the issues that I prefer they don't vote!

Some of the things some people say scare me. In a free country, one should have the right NOT to vote if one doesn't want to.

I always vote, but I do my research and read for months before every election. So many people just vote however some radio talk show jerk tells them to, or believes urban legends or vote the way their friends do that they are better off not voting.

IMO, you should have to pass a test, 5 questions on the facts about current issues, 5 questions about the Constitution, 5 questions about the way government is set up, and 5 questions about American History. If you don't get at least a 60% or 70% score, you don't vote. Clueless people, who refuse to educate themselves tend to vote on things other than facts and the issues, and cause idiots and evil people to get in office.

If you don't know who your Representative is, if you don't know the name of the Vice President, if you can't name at least half a dozen parts of the Constitution, if you can't find DC or your state on a map, if you can't form a cogent argument as to why you vote, why bother? Yes, Virginia, some people simply don't care enough to learn enough to vote intelligently. Whether someone is Conservative or Liberal at least they should KNOW what they are voting for.
Contributor: toxie m toxie m
Originally posted by P'Gell
I TOTALLY agree. I spoke with people before our elections who were SO woefully ignorant about the political process, the candidates and the issues that I prefer they don't vote!

Some of the things some people say scare me. In a ... more
True. Well, then maybe what I want is something like mandatory education on the subjects, and then voting. Which is a crazy fantasy, I realize. Haha. But still. If only people weren't such lazy idiots! Sigh.
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Originally posted by toxie m
True. Well, then maybe what I want is something like mandatory education on the subjects, and then voting. Which is a crazy fantasy, I realize. Haha. But still. If only people weren't such lazy idiots! Sigh.
Yeah. It's not going to happen. Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large crowds!
Contributor: Antipova Antipova
Originally posted by toxie m
True. Well, then maybe what I want is something like mandatory education on the subjects, and then voting. Which is a crazy fantasy, I realize. Haha. But still. If only people weren't such lazy idiots! Sigh.
You can put people in classrooms and show them slideshows until your face turns blue---but you can't make someone care if (s)he doesn't want to.


Well said, P'Gell. My sentences above got all garbled, but we have similar thoughts.