Ater walking through the mall this morning, it seemed obvious, when people watching, that tall people seem to find other tall people to date and marry. A bit less so with short and average height. Also blond hair/blue eyes couples were very common.
So here is the little, unscientific (no numeric ranges....we all KNOW if we are tall/short or average height in general) quiz.
List YOU and then your significant others HEIGHT then yours and you sigmificant others HAIR color, then you and your significant others EYE color.
Results will look like this....I'll start;
average/average blond/brown blue/green
How does your pairing add up?
So here is the little, unscientific (no numeric ranges....we all KNOW if we are tall/short or average height in general) quiz.
List YOU and then your significant others HEIGHT then yours and you sigmificant others HAIR color, then you and your significant others EYE color.
Results will look like this....I'll start;
average/average blond/brown blue/green
How does your pairing add up?