Anyone ever had fireman see your melted toys, ummm, ME!!!

Contributor: SimpleHedonist SimpleHedonist
You know you are having a shitty night, when the highlight is finding humor in the fact that a whole crew of fireman just tossed a bunch of my melted sex toys out into the yard for the neighbors to see, lol!!

So, the kids and I were all sitting around the house tonight packing up boxes to get ready for our move from Oregon to Florida next week, and we started to smell this weird funky hot/burning smell from the air conditioning vent. Called my husband and my dad to come see if they could figure out what was wrong. Turned off the AC and still smelled it. Hubby went into the attic to see if he could see anything, still nothing. So after an hour of trying to figure it out, and the smell just getting worse and worse, we called the fire department. They poked around the house for 20 minutes or so, and couldn't figure it out either. Finally this really nice fireman asks if we have a fireplace.... ummmm yea! We had piled up all of our ready to go moving boxes right in front of the fireplace, so it could not be seen. The nice fireman moved a couple boxes, and out pours the smoke. It seems that somehow the gas fireplace came on behind all of the boxes sometime this afternoon and we had no idea.

Once the source of our trouble was discovered, the fireman proceeded to quickly haul all of the hot boxes out into our yard. We ending up getting most all of our electronics (TV's, DVD's, and one of the computers) melted, among other things. BUT, I think the saddest AND most humerus moment, was when they pulled out 4 full Eden tote bags full of melted and semi-melted toys. I swear I wasn't sure if I should laugh or cry when they got tossed in the yard.

Despite the losses, we were very lucky!!! The fireman said that the inside of the fireplace was over 1200 degrees!!!! We were very close to a very scary house fire.

So, anyone else every had fireman or other emergency personal ever discover your toy stash in some way or another? Come on ya all, I could use a laugh!!!!
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Contributor: solitudinarian solitudinarian
Glad you're ok, but it's a shame about your toys and other items. I was wondering the other day if my toys would be recognizable after a house fire. Can't say I've had any emergency personnel discover my toys, but I've heard about people ringing 911 over a weird banging noise to have a police officer discover that their vibrator turned itself on inside a drawer.
Contributor: unfulfilled unfulfilled
I'm so glad you and your family are safe. Sorry you lost your toys, electronics, and other things melted, but at least you guys are safe.

I have not had any issues like this.
Contributor: SimpleHedonist SimpleHedonist
I woke up this morning realizing just how lucky we were!!!! It was really late last night when we discovered the smell.... we could have easily gone to sleep and had the whole house catch on fire!!!!

Stuff is just stuff.... it can always be replaced!!! 7 years ago we lost our home in Katrina, and we literally lost everything. When that was all over all that we were really were upset about was pictures and things like that.

Ughhhh, now I just wish I could get the nasty smell out of everything!!! Anyone have any good tips to get rid of smoke smell?
Contributor: Sodom and Gomorrah Sodom and Gomorrah
One time I seriously thought there was a gas leak in my home we immediately called the gas company to come check the leak. He ran his machine everywhere but found no leak. Then he says I smell it too. Hmm. So then he sits at the dining room table and says here's your smell. It was the water in the flower base that smelled like rotten eggs. LOL That was somewhat embarrassing!
Contributor: Kissy Kissy
LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLL OLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL so funny.... good thing you are moving states away!??!?!?! Good luck with the move!
Contributor: Kissy Kissy
ps - I can see the neighbors now, "ahhhh so that is what all those shipping boxes from ups were for!"
Contributor: Khanner Khanner
Oh no, at least you're OK. Moving's a pain, isn't it?
Contributor: travelnurse travelnurse
Thank goodness it was only a few boxes and your family is Ok. I am so sorry about your toys though!
Contributor: PeaceToTheMiddleEast PeaceToTheMiddleEast
Oh wow sorry to hear this happened to you. Glad you guy's are safe. I have not had anything like this happen.
Contributor: Lildrummrgurl7 Lildrummrgurl7
So glad to hear you're okay! I've never had anything like that happen, thankfully.
Contributor: JennSenn JennSenn
That's terrible! Glad you're ok. I hope that never happens to me! XD I would DIE of embarrassment.
Contributor: Ganconagh Ganconagh
Glad you are OK! As humorous as part of that story is, I can just image the insurance adjuster when s/he reads the claim
Contributor: Mirachaya Mirachaya
Glad to hear you are okay. Sorry for the toy losses though.
Contributor: lovebites lovebites
glad you're all okay! that never happened to me but i would be devastated! Lol
Contributor: SimpleHedonist SimpleHedonist
Thanks to everyone for all the good thoughts!!! I am feeling sooooo lucky today, you cant even believe it!!!

Now, hopefully the move goes smoother than the packing, lol!!!
Contributor: Mwar Mwar
Glad to hear you're safe! And it was good you were proactive in figuring out the source!

I think I would find the humor in it as well. There's no choice, really, is there? Sucks you have to restock, but it's a good reason to justify getting ALL THE SEX TOYS!

And sex toys will get replaced. Family can't be. Glad to know everyone's well! Hugs!
Contributor: icelandia icelandia
Glad you're ok! Go on an Eden shopping spree!