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We make jokes about points, when people make stupid decisions when walking. Like, "ten points for that guy," you know?
I can't say that I've ever honestly wanted to run someone down, but the thought has crossed my
We make jokes about points, when people make stupid decisions when walking. Like, "ten points for that guy," you know?
I can't say that I've ever honestly wanted to run someone down, but the thought has crossed my mind.
Mind you, after four years of being a pedestrian in downtown Montreal? Cars and their drivers are the devil and they should be banished from the Earth. Quebec (especially Montreal) has some of the worst drivers (and with all of the one-way streets, it's really not very user friendly). I was told to prepare myself for Florida, but in comparison, it honestly wasn't that bad.
I haven't ever really wanted to run anyone over UNTIL... I was on Neurontin once & had a psych reaction & did NOT allow myself to drive! I wanted to kill people, not kidding, I was a bundle of rage. It came out of no where, too. First I was irritable with most people, thinking they were morons, that kind of thing. Then I was driving & my leg started shaking as it was all I could do not to run these obnoxious teenagers over! I had to pull over, park the car & walk around a while. I at least figured out it was the medicine, even though no one warned me of such a bizarre reaction! I had my dad come over with my brother in the car, I got in with my dad & my brother took my car to my parent's where I couldn't get to it. Dad dropped my off at my house. Holy crap, I was only on it a week when that happened. Needless to say, I was talking to the Dr as I was walking off my rage-on.
Well, now that I've shared all that TMI, maybe someone else will fess up, ha ha! No, I don't really expect anyone to really follow through! Relax, this is just in jest!
BTW, I think the point system is funny!