Of course this is a more complex topic - for example I feel like I have lived sooooooooooooooooooooo long already that I wouldn't wanna have one more life... :D But I am such a jolly person that I totally feel like a kid in the candy store, just in general everyday! :D ^^
Do you feel like you are older or younger than how old you are? :D
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How old do you feel? :)
(81 posts)
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I feel younger than my peers... I hope I feel that way when I am older!
I feel like I've had different life experiences than most of my peers. So both older and younger in some ways.
I feel much older than my 18 years.
I had kids at 16yrs old..I have had four kids and I am just turning 28 this year. So, I would definitely say that I was forced to grow up quickly and much too young. I had a house before I was 19 and I've been through a slew of vehicles, life experiences and what not. I can honestly say that I've been through more in my 27 1/2 years, than most have at 40. I would say that I feel older than I am because of all my knowledge/experience and seeing my kids get older too lol....But I still feel young physically and mentally/emotionally. My kids keep me feeling young I love them for it!
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I have been told I'm an old soul since I was a kid. My step-sister's father-in-law assumed I was in college at her wedding reception and I was a freshmen in high school.
And then there's the way I behave with friends. I am easily amused, and my sense of humor tends toward potty humor rather than witty humor, so...
And then there's the way I behave with friends. I am easily amused, and my sense of humor tends toward potty humor rather than witty humor, so...
Older and younger in different ways.
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I'd say half younger, half older. It evens out, haha.
I guess a little both, depending on what we're talking about. I certainly don't feel my age though.
I'd say I feel older, most definitely.
Physically I feel a lot older, sometimes. Mentally, I generally feel a few years older.
I definintely feel older! lol
It depends on the day on whether or not I feel young or old.
I've always felt older then I am I think it has to do a lot with having to grow up fast.. then once I got older I've always hung out with people that are older then me
I feel older than many of my peers. I am going to work, going to bed early, exercising and eating well, while many people around me that are my age are going out drinking and partying and I feel like I have settled down earlier than many others. I am okay with this though.
I think I'm much more grown up than most of my peers but at the same time I tend to approach most days with a childlike joy so it's weird. I do feel like I kind of skipped my teenage years (never went out drinking or partying etc.) but whatever I still have fun.
when i was younger (in my teens- I'm now 35) I used to say that I felt like I was 13 going on 73. I said this because in some ways i felt emotionally stunted while in others I was wise beyond my years. Now at my sexual peak I feel EXACTLY my age. part of this is because I am a recovering speed/heroin/coke/crac k user (5 1/2 years since active addiction) and I spent 5 years as an STW on the street. because of the extreme emotions my limbic system underwent, a part of me seemed to excellerate. When I was younger I was an over-achiever and felt like I was always trying to climb this ridiculously high ladder that everytime i got too far ahead, slipped down several rungs until eventually the whole thing fell over and I ended up in a pit. Climbing out of that pit was hard, but as i used to reach for the stars now my goals are actually achievable. The one thing that I am behind in is motherhood. Becoming a mother and giving birth to a child one day is almost everything to me and as I reach middle age my biological clock is ticking away SOOO loudly! I think this aids to my overactive libido. I wonder- do you think women are more likely to get pregnant when having an orgasm at the same time as sperm makes its way to their cervix?off topic I guess but I'm wondering what I can do to make up for my decline in fertility.lol
anyway yes I am 35 and proud of it! there was a time when I didn't know if I would live to see another day and now I have a 10 year plan! (i'll save this for my blog lol)
anyway yes I am 35 and proud of it! there was a time when I didn't know if I would live to see another day and now I have a 10 year plan! (i'll save this for my blog lol)
I'm the oldest of five children. I've always been very old for my age. I never really got into the whole partying and highschool/first years of college rebellion, I skipped ahead to getting my degree and adulthood. Found the love of my life at 17. He was 30. We married 4 years later and now at 25, I've adopted a 15 year old. So I've made choices and been the product of a childhood that have advanced me beyond feeling 25.
But, I also lose my mind over bunnies, I am very physically playful, and I get very excited about crafts and planning other things. I am young at heart in how I enjoy life, but I also feel like I'm very wise for my age when it comes to decision-making and my value in my career paths.
Neat question!
But, I also lose my mind over bunnies, I am very physically playful, and I get very excited about crafts and planning other things. I am young at heart in how I enjoy life, but I also feel like I'm very wise for my age when it comes to decision-making and my value in my career paths.
Neat question!
I am physically out of shape so most days I feel WAY older but emotionally I am just beginning to grow out and up so I sometimes realize that I am WAY older than I feel.
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Most of the time I still feel like a teenager.
Experience wise, I feel way older than my years, however most of the time I still think I am in my twenties....then I realize I am 43. Ouch!!
I feel younger than I am
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I always feel like I'm an old woman, then I sit down and start watching kid shows on tv and feel like I'm 12.
I definitely feel younger, other than my stomach not being as tough as it used to be. And I have a little less patience. Little things like that, nothing major...
I've always felt older mentally, but I look younger physically. 25, but I get mistaken for under 18, and I feel like I've been through other lives before.
I feel both older and younger than 23 in different ways.
I feel younger than what I am.
Great question! I feel so much older. I have never been able to relate to people my age due to my life experiences.
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I always feel older than I am, I don't really know why. Maybe it's just the people that I hang out with.
I'm pushing 40, and I've had a very impoverished and hard life up until a couple of years ago. In this way I feel old. However, I've always been a late bloomer, and I feel like I'm just coming into my sexuality, and just starting to be able to financially and emotionally afford a family, a home, and security.
i feel older than i am...
I often feel older when I hurt from a long shift at work, but that's working on your feet I guess. Because I have zero interest in kids or starting a family, I also often feel more immature than other women my age who's biggest concerns seem to be getting married and having kids.
Honestly, I'm going to be turning 20 in about 9 days and I do feel older. The reason I say this is because I'm already married and have a baby who will be 1 years old soon. I've matured fairly quickly for my age considering the circumstances. I know I'm still young but at times I feel older.
I feel older when I'm attending play dates for my children, making appointments and bill paying, but then there are times when you catch me jumping on the couch and I feel like a child again.
I've always been called "a little adult" even as a child. I feel so weighed down by some things. I try to take on a lot. but in some ways I act like I'm 5.
I feel younger than I am (26) but not in a good way.
I have had an extremely hard road in my 29 years. Some days my body or mind wont function properly but on a normal day I feel like Im younger than 29.
I am 34 with three daughters, my oldest goes to college in a year. I was a young mom and i have loved everyminute of my life with my kids, I laugh cause i am often mistaken for my oldest girls sister. and I get hit on all the time by guys who are still in their 20's . it makes me feel good about myself,
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I'm 24 but love 50s music, knitting, cats and bingo...I'm meant to be a grandma.
I feel like I quit aging at 21.
I was born an old soul
It depends on the day and/or mood that I'm in.
All depends on the day!
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I feel older due to my health conditions, younger due to my love of cartoons, pokemon, and childhood nostalgia
It's funny you ask this. In my teens I felt older, probably because I was pretty serious about competitions and stuff. Now that I'm in my mid 20's, I feel and look younger but I have the expectation that people around me should "smarten" up.
In many ways I feel older than I am, but me and my inner child are going to be lifelong friends anyway. xD
Younger--when I was a kid, anything in the 20s range sounded adult to me, and I...don't really feel like an adult.
I definitely feel younger than I am... I can't believe I'm almost 21, I feel like I'm still 16 or something.
I absolutely feel younger than I am. I am 37, and I feel more like 30, if not younger.
I feel older than my age, most of the time. Most people my age are just now having kids, and I am done have kids, have been for 2 years.
I feel like an old man. Haha.
I feel older in body, but younger in mind.
I'm pretty stupid sometimes but other times I don't understand how people my age can act so immature.
Growing old is mandatory, growing up is optional. But I have to say younger in some ways, older in others.
younger! mostly my immature sense of humor
I generally feel older than my peers, but in some ways... I feel very much like a kid haha. I am the youngest of my sisters and I have enjoyed being the youngest for the most part. Now that I am a parent though, I feel a bit older than my age. People say I act/talk older than my age too.
I feel younger than I am.
I generally feel older than I am. I've been referred to as an "old soul" once or twice.
A bit older than most of my friends, but much younger when I go to work (I'm the youngest by quite a few years)
I feel older in some ways, younger in other ways...
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Mentally younger, Physically,older
If I'm too stressed (like now) I feel like I'm 50 -_- But when I'm not, I feel like a kid.
I feel older.
I feel older and younger sometimes
I feel very old for my age
I feel older in some ways and younger in others. It all depends on the situation. At work, I feel younger then I am, as I haven't been in full time work for very long but I feel older in terms of my relationship as I am so far ahead of my friends.
I feel older, but I look younger, confuses a lot of people who don't know me well.
I feel older
I feel young until I look at my rapidly growing daughter, the it shocks me into reality
I usually feel my age but sometimes I feel like I'm a lot younger than I am.
I feel older than I am!
I still feel like a kid. That is the key
I feel younger
In some aspects of my life, I feel older. But in others, especially when it comes to my hobbies (anime, manga, cosplaying, video gaming, etc) I feel a lot younger.
I'm getting married this year, so that's making me feel pretty old. Especially since a lot of my friends are married already, and did so at a much younger age. For example, when a friend of mine will be the age I am now (24.5) she'll have been married for 5 years and probably have several children.
On the other hand, I'm not that old. I'm not even 25 yet for heaven's sake! There's still so much of life ahead of me that I often feel like such a young kid. And people still refer to me as a kid (mostly my father-in-law)... It's an interesting dichotomy.
On the other hand, I'm not that old. I'm not even 25 yet for heaven's sake! There's still so much of life ahead of me that I often feel like such a young kid. And people still refer to me as a kid (mostly my father-in-law)... It's an interesting dichotomy.
At this very moment I feel older...physically not mentally. My back is killing me so I feel old.
However, I usually feel younger. I look younger than I am, I don't feel like I ever really "grew up" as in having "adult responsibilities" like others have (marriage, kids, whatnot).
However, I usually feel younger. I look younger than I am, I don't feel like I ever really "grew up" as in having "adult responsibilities" like others have (marriage, kids, whatnot).
I generally feel younger, but when I was young people told me I acted very mature for my age. But I have always felt younger than I am. I never seemed to fit in with my age group.
A little of both
I feel older than my years in some ways and younger in others.
Intellectually, I feel a lot older than other people my age, but I don't feel very mature and I still enjoy being a kid too much.
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