Originally posted by
Sounds like a good idea, however, what happens if someone asks about something Eden doesn't sell or use to sell but is no longer in Eden's inventory? If someone offers an opinion that might be different from what management would expect
Sounds like a good idea, however, what happens if someone asks about something Eden doesn't sell or use to sell but is no longer in Eden's inventory? If someone offers an opinion that might be different from what management would expect (pimping Eden products) would that be viewed as advertising and therefore not receiving any compensation?
If what I'm saying isn't making sense, perhaps this example might. Let's say someone wants a plug for long term wear, you know, one to wear while going about one's daily activities. Eden use to sell the Njoy line of products, plugs included. If I were to answer this person's question and recommend my favorite size of Njoy plug, would that be seen as advertising or would that just be plain old helpful?
Obviously, we would not want to see Eden being trashed. Ideally, I'd like to see people talking about Eden on positive terms; besides offering sex products, we have hundreds of helpful articles, a forum with a great, smart community members, and several programs that people love.
We're not looking to have you guys pimp out Eden products, we'd like to see people talking about the site, generating some buzz.
To answer your question about the plug - if you wanted to post something on your social media account about it, we would consider it promoting Eden, as long as we're mentioned. Any posting where you mention us would be considered participating in the new program and will get you rewards.
Does that make sense?