I can really go to "extremities"!
Min. a cup of coffee and tea within an arm's reach (plus water of course, always!), and I happen to have other drinks too around sometimes - juice, egg nog, what not, whatever it may be what I want to drink as well... It has happened quite a few times already that I had 4 drinks around, and had to tell myself no as I was wanting a 5th one too because I just wanted to enjoy it too... It's so lovely to be able to have such a selection when savoring nyummminess, am I right? ^^
Min. a cup of coffee and tea within an arm's reach (plus water of course, always!), and I happen to have other drinks too around sometimes - juice, egg nog, what not, whatever it may be what I want to drink as well... It has happened quite a few times already that I had 4 drinks around, and had to tell myself no as I was wanting a 5th one too because I just wanted to enjoy it too... It's so lovely to be able to have such a selection when savoring nyummminess, am I right? ^^