Were money not an item where would you live and why?
Once upon a time I dreamed and dreamed of living in Tokyo, Japan. I would still love to visit, but with all the natural disasters and political turmoil (their bizniz with the War on Yakuza) the desire to live there all the time has fizzled.
Living out of the country, I'd want to live in London.
In country New York or a city in California (mostly because of their artistic opportunities). However, idealistically I would live in London. Away from US politics - or at least not so directly influenced by them. And in a prosperous city...andtheaccentshu gh
Once upon a time I dreamed and dreamed of living in Tokyo, Japan. I would still love to visit, but with all the natural disasters and political turmoil (their bizniz with the War on Yakuza) the desire to live there all the time has fizzled.
Living out of the country, I'd want to live in London.
In country New York or a city in California (mostly because of their artistic opportunities). However, idealistically I would live in London. Away from US politics - or at least not so directly influenced by them. And in a prosperous city...andtheaccentshu gh