I try my best to follow this but I often find myself giving my all while the other person takes advantage of it with relationships,my marriage and friendships. Seems that when I am in a relationship and when I was married I would do my all cook,clean,do laundry,get them up for work,pack their lunches,walk them out the door and have dinner ready when they would come home. I would bring them things,do things for them even if they were capable of doing it themselves. That is just me giving and loving, my most recent ex use to take a huge advantage of me in daily life and what not. It was NEVER about me if I brought ME up I was being selfish and being told the world doesn't revolve around me. While they maybe right it doesn't revolve around me my world revolved around them and what they wanted couldn't them remotely do the same thing?! I have always been an "OPTION" never a priority. When it came to friendships I would always be there for those "friends" when their lives were falling apart,when they needed something whether it was food,a ride somewhere no matter what I was there!! Tables were turned when my life came crashing down around me an I was in need of a shoulder to cry on,an ear to listen or just someone to hangout with to get out of the house.
I am now out of ALL the above relationships/friendsh ips an I REFUSE to look back or go back to them. I deserve better then that, my most recent ex realized I was done doing for him when I was FINALLY able to stand up an tell him NO I AM NOT DOING THAT FOR YOU! It felt so great but at the same time I felt extremely guilty for doing that since I was always there and always giving and doing what he wanted or needed.
You sweetheart are strong as well and you will figure this out I know you will Just keep that pretty head up and you know I am here if you need to chat!!!