Does your family know about your sex toys/EF?

Contributor: Bignuf Bignuf
Originally posted by catgirl9
My family does not know and I don't ever plan on telling them. They wouldn't care, but I'm still not going to tell them.
No one else's business.
Contributor: Bignuf Bignuf
Originally posted by SparklyGlitter
I dont think that it is my familys buisness, but i think its great that some people can be close
That is a bit TOO close for family to discuss, I think.
Contributor: Bignuf Bignuf
Originally posted by SecretToyLover2
I don't find it to be any of my family's business either. There's a few people I've been close enough to tell (like my aunt, who opened her mouth not knowing how my parents are). But I sort of wish that they would see eye to eye with ... more
We have spoken to friends we know well, about such things...but NOT family. That creeps me out.
Contributor: Bignuf Bignuf
Originally posted by KyotoAngel
I'm a woman, my mother and boyfriend know but the rest of my family doesn't (I don't think they'd care but we don't get to see them much anyway).
How does one breech THAT topic with a MOM?
Contributor: KyotoAngel KyotoAngel
Originally posted by Bignuf
How does one breech THAT topic with a MOM?
Not sure exactly but we've always been pretty open as far as sex toys go, actually she got me my first one when I was about 16.

Plus we sort of have to share a bedroom because the house is so small so she usually sees me opening the boxes up (and usually there's something as a gift for her inside anyway).
Contributor: Khanner Khanner
I sure hope not! Actually I was drying this toy on my dresser when my mom made an unexpected visit. I guess it's abstract enough that she didn't notice, or at least she didn't say anything.
Contributor: corsetsaurus rex corsetsaurus rex
I have some very chill parts of my family, and some bat*hit insane closed-minded parts of my family, and even some in-between.

One of the chill people was the person that introduced me to EF, so they know.

The crazy people would all flip if they knew, and with the in-between peeps, I'm not telling them or anything, but if they find out, as long as they don't know exactly *what* I'm buying, they'll probably just assume it's another place I feed my (well-known) love of lingerie and be okay eventually.
Contributor: Deleted25 Deleted25
Originally posted by SecretToyLover2
I've always been curious who is open with their family about EF and/or their sex toy usage. And if so, how do they feel about it? Answer the poll and tell me how your family feels in the answers below.

My mother and father finally know ... more
My family is on my facebook so they see the products I like and other than that we are very open about sexuality in my family. My family thinks its funny I keep my marriage spiced up as they say lol. Also, my grandparents raised me and they ordered things from sex sites because I found magazines in their closet once when I was looking for something for my grandmother and a whole chest of stuff I thought it was hilarious!
Contributor: DiamondKoala DiamondKoala
I'm big on privacy with most aspects of my life so this is just another one on the list.
Contributor: LusciousLollypop LusciousLollypop
I live with my grandparents at the moment and my Nana knows because I have got a lot of plain brown boxes shipped to our house on a regular basis and she was wondering why and who they were from. I told her I review sex toys and she started to laugh and didn't want to know any more details but she is chill about it. I tell her everything.. so it isn't a big deal.
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
No, my "family" (I assume you mean my parents) don't know I use sex toys. Why should they? My sex life isn't their business, and I wouldn't bring it up, and I wouldn't bring it up with anyone I even suspect wouldn't keep a confidence.

I have no shame about sex toys. But, I have a right to my privacy. I'm pretty sure our older kids know, they have probably heard motors and sometimes my husband makes (non-specific) jokes about toys (not our use of them, but that they exist) and my kids aren't stupid, so I think the older ones know. I'm sure it doesn't bother them. I'd be surprised if they don't have their own. They probably do. My middle dd works at a famous store that sells sex toys among other things and is always making jokes about the cheap jelly toys they sell, so she has some knowledge of what it's about. Also, she never asks what comes in the unlabeled boxes from Eden on a regular basis. I am pretty sure she's seen a few random pics I've stored on my computer when trying to help me with other things on my computer. But, in respect to their feelings, I've never said anything. My middle one is a very private person, so I wouldn't invade her privacy for anything.
Contributor: Mwar Mwar
It's my own thing. My boyfriend (of course) and some friends know, but that's it.
Contributor: Lock Lock
My sex life is just absolutely not their business.
Contributor: HannahPanda HannahPanda
Yep, my family and friends know.
Contributor: Paula Paula
Originally posted by SecretToyLover2
I've always been curious who is open with their family about EF and/or their sex toy usage. And if so, how do they feel about it? Answer the poll and tell me how your family feels in the answers below.

My mother and father finally know ... more
My sisters know but the rest of my family would be uncomfortable with the idea. Actually the younger of my two sisters is probably uncomfortable too but she got all her sex education from me along with her first vibe, which was probably a little awkward, but I think she's better off.
Contributor: SaraU29 SaraU29
My family knows and could care less, they pretty much leave my lifestyle decisions alone.
Contributor: LoveTies LoveTies
Originally posted by SecretToyLover2
I've always been curious who is open with their family about EF and/or their sex toy usage. And if so, how do they feel about it? Answer the poll and tell me how your family feels in the answers below.

My mother and father finally know ... more
Uh, no lol
Contributor: Secret Pleasure Secret Pleasure
My family doesnt know because I havent told them and its not their business. Personally some of my family probally wouldngt care others would so its just best to keep what i do to myself.
Contributor: MissCandyland MissCandyland
It's none of their business.
Contributor: spineyogurt spineyogurt
My family gives me my space
Contributor: Alx Alx
it's not really any of their business, nor would they really care if I ever decided to tell them.
Contributor: herMaster herMaster
My adult son housesits for us sometimes, I just hope he doesnt snoop around when we are not home. He would be very embarassed.
Contributor: (k)InkyIvy (k)InkyIvy
After becoming an active member of EF, I became a lot more open about sexuality and toys and stuff. My immediate family (mother and sister) knows about it, but that's it. They don't really care.
Contributor: Alyxx Alyxx
Nope, my family doesn't know. My mom is a prude and can't stand the thought of me having any sexuality at all.
Contributor: InnocentISwear InnocentISwear
I came across this link the other day...


There's even more discussion about this topic in the pegging article.


Thought it was interesting. Seemed appropiate for this discussion too!
Contributor: Rin (aka Nire) Rin (aka Nire)
Well, my mother knows I use toys since she helped me get my first one. The subject seems to make her a little uncomfortable and I don't think she gets the appeal, but she's not upset with me, and for her help and support I'll forever be grateful.

The rest of my family doesn't know, largely because I feel it would be like saying, "Hey guys! I like to masturbate a lot!" That's the kind of thing that's funny to share with my friends, but not so much my family. The subject of sex isn't taboo for most of my relatives, but I have no clue about toys. Some of them would probably be fine if they found out, while others might be confused or think it's wrong of me. I've resolved to be honest if anyone happens to ask, though.

My activity on Eden is just between my friends and me. And you guys, of course.
Contributor: PeaceToTheMiddleEast PeaceToTheMiddleEast
My mom knows now because I told her while we were out. She was looking for lingerie and I told her she should come check out EF. Now I am glad that she knows.
Contributor: Badass Badass
my family has been really cool about it.
Contributor: kawigrl kawigrl
some know
Contributor: Femme Mystique Femme Mystique
My mother found out on accident. She was embarrassed for me, but it was OK. We otherwise don't talk about it.