Or just lovely notes to your precious one or anybody else?
Featured by EdenFantasys
Do you still write hand written letters? :)
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Useful topic breakdown on Hands free:
How do you handle it when your love pushes himself/herself without caring about his/her health?
I growl and sigh even when my Master doesn't care about minor things, though blissfully He is pretty damn healthy, and He is happy that I pull His...
Hand Santizer or Soap
What is your personal preference? I personally like to use soap always and feel nice and clean, Sanitizer for me a a quick fix if I cant get to the...
How should I handle this?
Ok, so when i was doing laundry I came across my sisters vibrator (Im her older brother) I very discretely placed it back on her dresser and didn't...
I still do a hand written THANK YOU note for gifts not coming from immediate family. Do you?
Seems the THANK YOU note is a dying art....one that should probably NOT die out as it is a very nice, civil and courteous thing to do. However, many..
Nickel handcuffs – handcuffs
Are these worth the money for someone that's never tried them?
How do you handle it when your love pushes himself/herself without caring about his/her health?
I growl and sigh even when my Master doesn't care about minor things, though blissfully He is pretty damn healthy, and He is happy that I pull His...
Hand Santizer or Soap
What is your personal preference? I personally like to use soap always and feel nice and clean, Sanitizer for me a a quick fix if I cant get to the...
How should I handle this?
Ok, so when i was doing laundry I came across my sisters vibrator (Im her older brother) I very discretely placed it back on her dresser and didn't...
I still do a hand written THANK YOU note for gifts not coming from immediate family. Do you?
Seems the THANK YOU note is a dying art....one that should probably NOT die out as it is a very nice, civil and courteous thing to do. However, many..
Nickel handcuffs – handcuffs
Are these worth the money for someone that's never tried them?
I haven't in a llllooonnnnggg time!!!
I write handwritten love letters to my partners, I like mailing them affectionate thoughts and feelings in a format that they can hold and read over without use of a computer or cell phone.
I never write any kind of letters anymore but if I did they would be hand written.
To myself to remember to do something or buy something. However, that is rare.
I only write handwritten letters for very special people in my life
Yes, I do.
I love writing so yes I do
Yes I do. I make sure to do hand written thank you notes, and notes to my Aunt who lives far away. It's really a dying art, but makes things much more personal.
Definately do, I prefer handwriting them as apposed to typing them
Small handful, it's nice to get and send them, but my handwriting is terrible
I write my gal long, handwritten letters quite often. She loves getting them.
No. No one can read my handwriting.
Once in a while I will. Only for special reasons though.
I am really great at writing letters.
At mailing them...not so great.
I like to write notes on post it notes and leave them randomly around for Hubby to find. (Or at the girls' places for them to find!)
At mailing them...not so great.
I like to write notes on post it notes and leave them randomly around for Hubby to find. (Or at the girls' places for them to find!)
Only when my husband is deployed.
I have not in a few years
sometimes, it all depends on what it is for. somethings need to be personal and not sent by email.
Not usually, no.
ALL THE TIME. Especially for long distance relationships - whether romantic or platonic - and even more so since COVID started. There's something really special about getting a physical letter in the mail; it's like a little gift. Text messages and emails and what have you are fine for instant communication, but paper can be treasured.
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