Do you make lists to make sure you get things done? I have to, I feel like if I don't make lists that I am very forgetful. I even do it on here to make sure I do all the discussions for the day (but I often exceed them anyway!) and stuff. I'm a procrastinator too so it keeps me reminded of all I haven't done haha.
Do you make lists?
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I make ALOT of lists... some for chores i want to accomplish in the day.. some for groceries.. what i would need to survive a zombie Apocalypse.. weird things, im telling you..
Definitely--or else I would jump from one thing to another and never get anything done!!
I have anxiety issues, so I make TONS of lists. Finals week I make about 10 lists a day, it drives my boyfriend crazy!
If I'm feeling overwhelmed I make lists.
Haha, hell yea! I make lists for all kinds of things
Geeks love lists. Mine often evolve into spreadsheets.
I only make grocery lists.
I make them but only use half of them.
Originally posted by
Do you make lists to make sure you get things done? I have to, I feel like if I don't make lists that I am very forgetful. I even do it on here to make sure I do all the discussions for the day (but I often exceed them anyway!) and stuff.
Do you make lists to make sure you get things done? I have to, I feel like if I don't make lists that I am very forgetful. I even do it on here to make sure I do all the discussions for the day (but I often exceed them anyway!) and stuff. I'm a procrastinator too so it keeps me reminded of all I haven't done haha.
Yup. definitely or else i forget
Not really.
I make lists for EVERYTHING....I have inventories of my different belongings in alphabetical order, and I have alphabetical lists of my favorite movies and board games in my wallet for wtf reason.
Yes. It helps me to not stress when I make lists. I use the side of my bookshelf that isn't noticeable except to me at my work area, and I have it covered in post its and taped envelopes where my customers send me payment and I just tape the whole envelope up so I have their address. I've even just written with marker on it for some reminders. It cleans easily and nobody but me can see it so it comes in handy.
Originally posted by
Do you make lists to make sure you get things done? I have to, I feel like if I don't make lists that I am very forgetful. I even do it on here to make sure I do all the discussions for the day (but I often exceed them anyway!) and stuff.
Do you make lists to make sure you get things done? I have to, I feel like if I don't make lists that I am very forgetful. I even do it on here to make sure I do all the discussions for the day (but I often exceed them anyway!) and stuff. I'm a procrastinator too so it keeps me reminded of all I haven't done haha.
I have an hour by hour agenda. (college life really sucks)
I do sometimes, and then I feel good when I cross things off!
I make list all the time.
Originally posted by
Do you make lists to make sure you get things done? I have to, I feel like if I don't make lists that I am very forgetful. I even do it on here to make sure I do all the discussions for the day (but I often exceed them anyway!) and stuff.
Do you make lists to make sure you get things done? I have to, I feel like if I don't make lists that I am very forgetful. I even do it on here to make sure I do all the discussions for the day (but I often exceed them anyway!) and stuff. I'm a procrastinator too so it keeps me reminded of all I haven't done haha.
I make a lot of lists.

I'll make lists less to remember what to get done, and more so I can check off what I have done. Helps to keep thing in order and give you a sense of accomplishment.
sometimes i make list on my phone
All the time.
I use lists to stay organized.
Yes I do. But more in my head.
Sometimes, but not as often as I need to. I really should make lists more often, but I have trouble with it.
If I'm busy, I tend to make them!
I don't make lists cause when I do I somehow always loose them so it turns out pointless to make them
Lists are OCD's best friend!
Lists are OCD's best friend!
I have to do it, otherwise I lose track of what I'm supposed to do for the day.
I make lists all the time, but I rarely get through them all.
I make tons of lists because I have to do it. My medications really do bad things to my memory at times, so in order to get things done, I have to write them down, put them on my white board, or have alerts set on my phone. Especially since I have so many medications to take a day, it is crucial that I get the times to take them correctly.
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