I LOVE it what treasures you can find in them! :D
Do you like thrift stores? :D
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How much do you like thrift stores? :)
(91 posts)
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I only buy things that can easily be sterilized. After living in a complex where someone got bed bugs, I'm too scared to get most used stuff.
I love them! They always have a ton of old records for like 50 cents a pop! absolutely nothing cooler than walking into a goodwill and leaving with a floyd album for less than a buck.
I love thrift stores! You never know what you're going to find there. Though, sadly, GoodWill in particular seems to have increased their prices. I remember shopping there while in high school. For only a few bucks, I could walk out of there with TONS of things. Can't do that now-a-days.
Thrift stores are alright, but I prefer antique stores and estate sales. I collect fountain pens though, and you're more likely to find those at the latter two places.
I LOVE thrift stores! Such good deals with little impact to the environment and zero benefits to the wage slavery at textile plants overseas!
I love them, in fact I work for one too, I love the discounts I get and knowing that I can buy my kids name-brand stuff, some with the prices still on them and im paying less then half...
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And why?
I love thrift stores especially since we live in a climate with no parasites.
I absolutely love them!!! And the antiques, I have gotten....OMG!!!
I rarely visit them. When I do, I rarely find anything great. I have found a brand new, silk kimono top for 5 dollars.
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And why?
I haven't ever been to one. But then again, I don't shop a lot.
I know what you mean! I am so scared anymore about stuff like that, I only go to the "high end" thrift stores where they have a limited inventory that is checked/washed before being put on the shelf.
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True Pleasures
I only buy things that can easily be sterilized. After living in a complex where someone got bed bugs, I'm too scared to get most used stuff.
I like them but it's hard for me to find clothes in them that fit me usually.
I do like them sometimes
i love to shop at thrift stores
I like them, but I start to feel itchy after a while. I usually end up leaving with red, rash-y hands. They can be a great place to pick up ski gear and old electronics though!
Absolutely! I don't really shop at "thrift stores" but I shop at places like Marshall's, TJ Maxx, Ross, etc. I would shop at thrift stores for some of the funky things I NEED, but there's not one in my area. I am a cheapie though so I work hard to find good deals and actually, I always manage to find really fantastic bargains! LOL. It helps when you steal T.P. SOAP and stuff from hotels! Ha Ha. Yes, It makes me happy to find super good deals.
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And why?
I love them! I always find amazing things and have even made money off of my many purchases
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And why?
I like them. I like estate sales too.
I love them! Don't get to visit them enough though
Then if I did I'd end up with too much stuff everywhere haha ^^'
Then if I did I'd end up with too much stuff everywhere haha ^^'
I adore shopping at thrift stores. I can get things that I could not afford new.
Sometimes...especially for clothes.
Thrift stores are awesome!
I haven't been shopping in one in a while, but I do like them. Found a brand new purple dress from Davids Bridal in one one time. There were two of the same dress so I wonder if there was a wedding that didn't go through or if the dresses were donated. I didn't care because I had been looking everywhere to find a dress to wear to my husbands important college event and his brothers wedding.
I haven't been to one ever. But I do know of a few in my area.
I like them sometimes but,they can be expensive.
i usually dislike them, sometimes theres a good find tho
I like them, but only when I've got the patience to really sift through stuff to get those good finds. Given that the only places to shop for clothes in this town literally are Wal-Mart and consignment/thrift stores it's given me a little more incentive to do some hunting in them.
I love them, but whenever I go I give myself plenty of time. I once found a pair of Miss Me jeans that typically retail for $100 for only $7! That pretty much turned me into a convert.
I love getting amazing deals on jeans and whatnot. I've gotten plenty of brand new designer jeans from goodwill/other thrift stores.
i love thrift stores.
Love them!
Sometimes- depends on the shop. I only go there every once in a while
I buy a lot of books there.
Im all over thrift stores! BUT, I rarely find anything in my size I have a horrible time finding anything that is decent. I hate when folks throw out items to the Salvation army or goodwills around here that should, by all means, go in the garbage. Just because you are giving them to a thrift store, doesn't mean they have to be crap. Drives me nuts when folks do that. its like they are too lazy to bring it to the garbage or too cheap to bring it to the dump. Some of the furniture in these stores that I have seen, I wouldn't let my dog lay on! yuck! And let me tell ya, Im not snooty/snotty or picky by anymeans lol...so you KNOW its got to be bad when I won't use it!
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And why?
I have noticed that Goodwill has really increased their prices so much that you could get the same item brand new for about the same price!
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I love thrift stores! You never know what you're going to find there. Though, sadly, GoodWill in particular seems to have increased their prices. I remember shopping there while in high school. For only a few bucks, I could walk out of there
I love thrift stores! You never know what you're going to find there. Though, sadly, GoodWill in particular seems to have increased their prices. I remember shopping there while in high school. For only a few bucks, I could walk out of there with TONS of things. Can't do that now-a-days.
I love thrift stores! You never know what nifty item you might find! Stopped going to Goodwill very often now, but go to several more locally owned mom and pop thrift stores that I absolutely love!
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And why?
I've found some great buys in thrift stores. They're great! I have a seven dollar suitcase from Salvation Army that's travelled the world with me from Europe to Asia!
I love them!
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And why?
I shop more at thrift stores than any other place.
Some of the trendier thrift stores are so over-priced it's ridiculous. But it's so nice to find something cool and unique.
I have occasionally found a serviceable item at a thrift store but usually the inventory is junk. Completely worn out clothes and shoes, chipped cracked dishes and glasses, electronics and or small appliances are too often missing a critical component. Those of us who make donations to the salvation army, goodwill and the other thrift stores often need to be reminded not to donate junk. If the item isn't good enough for me or a member of my family to use, then it isn't fit for donation either.
Love thrift stores.....glad I do since my grandmother used to take me to thrift stores like 4 times a week
I love thrift stores. I am actually waiting on my husband to get up so we can go hit a few today.
they're alright but ther'es only certain things I will by from them, like books and movies, but I wont get clothes.
I like them, but since I am so fat at this time, I can't find much clothing I like there. I admittedly have never had the chance to really search like I'd want and the ones near here are so poorly organized that it'd take forever.
Lately I've been looking at mens neckties, to make a dress from them and some goodwills are $2 a tie. I can get a brand new tie in a design I want for $4 off ebay, so I'm having more luck online it seems.
Lately I've been looking at mens neckties, to make a dress from them and some goodwills are $2 a tie. I can get a brand new tie in a design I want for $4 off ebay, so I'm having more luck online it seems.
Thrift stores are great if you're looking for vintage/antiques or spare parts. Normally I do a lot of shopping at the People's Republic of Walmart for everyday items and eBay for hard to find stuff.
I love Ebay, but not necessarily thrift stores. The thrift stores around my area are really expensive! For something second hand, it's still about $30...for like a good dress. I usually buy new dresses for around that much, so I'm not willing to shell out any more for second hand. Ebay, on the other hand, reaches my price point =)
I love thrift stores. You can find some great stuff sometimes
I love thrift stores! You can find some good stuff, and it doesn't cost you an arm and a leg!
I adore thrift stores. I need to go shopping soon...
I would not buy furniture items for fear of bed bugs.. but clothes, sure! Just wash 'em and they're good to go. I've found some great pieces at thrift stores.
My wife can't stand them. I on the other hand just want to save money and I will go to one from time to time. But it truly depends on the store.
I love them and do most of my clothing/household shopping there. I love coming home with a box of books for just a few bucks!
I mostly go there to buy things for resale online these days.
I mostly go there to buy things for resale online these days.
Eh i like them more for furniture stuff, more like, shelving, dvd storage, book cases etc. Or if I am looking for something more antique like for decoration or a project. Otherwise I don't go there often.
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And why?
Thirft stores are a great place sometimes to get books, and older games that I never got a chance to try. I also like them for buying CDs that I normally wouldn't buy new.
I've found prices vary greatly. I've seen a pair of sweatpants for $8, a stained baby t-shirt for $3, very used flannel PJs for $11, but having patience and sorting through stuff I've found some real bargains and treasures. Not usually clothing, but I've found some really cool housewares and toys I had when I was a kid.
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And why?
Indifferent. I'm a guy, what can I say?
I love them. Rare books and objects and clothes, plus the money goes to charities in some thrift stores. Some tools I've found for almost nothing.
Plus, environmentally, it's better.
Plus, environmentally, it's better.
I love them! u can always find a nice deal
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And why?
I love thrift stores especially Goodwill. Most Goodwill stores does 25% off on Tuesdays for senior citizens. I always go with my mom since she is a senior citizen and she buys the stuff for me.
I love thrift stores. They are the only places I can find older records.
I adore thrift stores. My husband and I have found a ton of great stuff at Good Will.
Not really, you have to spend forever looking around and you might not find anything.
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And why?
I love them. I wish the town I live in now had more like where I use to live. That would be awesome.
Love them, but very selective in my purchases. Just like with my purchases here at E.F.
I love them but I wont buy generic items. If Im going to shop there I want top quality for my dollar.
I love thirft stores for my everyday clothes, because with two kids its very frustrating to pay $20 for a pair of pants and have them ruined in an afternoon by a toddler.
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And why?
i went into 2 different thrift stores and didnt find anything it was a bunch of garbage i really dont know how people be finding nice cloths
I love them!
Love thrift stores! That is, if the prices aren't too high for used items. I love cheap garage sales as well.
LOVE them!!! When I was kid it wasn't so popular, but my kids beg me to go by "upcycled" clothes.... times have changed (in a great way)!!!
Most of my clothes are thrift store finds I have altered or decorated in some way. I love finding a great deal and striking gold when thrifting.
I am indifferent
One time, I went shopping at a thrift store with my sister and we basically bought me an entire new wardrobe for $150. I got at least 15 shirts, 4 pairs of pants and a few skirts. I still wear them and they're still in good shape. I also love to look at the old stuff in thrift stores, like typewriters and old furniture.
I like them sometimes..
There are not a lot were I live, we have a lot of flea stores thow!
I love thrift stores
Thrift stores are amazing
I LOVE going to look for Halloween stuff!
I find the coolest, nicest things. Like finding a little treasure everytime!!
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And why?
I've honestly never been inside a thrift store... I dunno where those would be in my area of residence....
Love them!
I do a ton of shopping at the Salvation Army and my local flea market. I love getting a good deal!
Love them.
I LOVE thrift stores! Some of my favorite things came from thrift stores.
I love to donate to them. Especially the Humane Society one. I don't however, shop there. I am just not into purchasing anything second hand. Just not my thing.
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And why?
I love them! I especially love the vintage stores around here. I've gotten a ton of nice clothes from the 70's and 40's.
I love them! but im very careful what i buy!!
Oh I love them! They're amazing for college students on a budget.
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