Have you ever eaten OKRA? Do you like it fried or in soups?
I'm from the South -- I have a very deep love for fried okra! It's one of my favorite foods ever. That and fried squash! We used to get it from my grandmother's garden and she'd cook it for us and it was amazing! I don't make the best fried okra, but that is one thing I will cook and cook (and eat happily) until I do perfect it! It's never not delicious.
I do not like okra, but my father is from the South so I grew up 'not liking it' every time we had it. I did develop quite a few other tastes specific to the South, which my Northern friends sometimes think are strange.
I like okra, but mostly in curry or in gumbo. I'm not a fan of fried foods. And hey I actually put some okra and tomato in ramen yesterday ... actually kind of good.
The only way that I don't like it is pickled. We have a few quart bags left from our garden last year.. I hope it isn't too dry to grow more this year!