Sometimes, it depends...
Do you judge people based on the cleanliness of their homes?
A little dust or mess is one thing...
I never really mind clutter but when something gets actually unsanitary it is a bit off putting.
If I'm expected over then yes. If their house is messy it makes me wonder what it normally looks like.
Usually not...but if their house is ULTRA clean or MEGA filthy, I can't help but judge :p
Yes, especially if they know that people are coming and they don't make any effort!
It really depends on the circumstances but I'd never say anything to the person about it if I did end up judging based on how dirty/messy their house was. It happens to a lot of people for a lot of different reasons so there's no need to bring it up most of the time, that is unless of course they have like a hoarding issue or something.
Not really unless the home looks like it belongs in a episode of Hoarders.
It depends on the person and how bad it is.
Yes, but it aso depends on the kind of mess and the kind of person
Originally posted by
be honest! I know it sounds bad but I totally judge based on how clean the house I'm visiting is, and it affects how comfortable I am there. What can I say? I'm a clean freak. Am I alone here, and does this make me a bad person?
I do not judge people based on the cleanliness of their home, no. However, I do keep it in mind when it comes to future involvement with said people. I am a neat freak, and I require things to be exactly as I need them. If a person is incredibly messy or dirty, they more than likely will not be willing to shape up as I require them to.
All the negativity here really beaks my heart. I'm a stay-at-home mom to two boys. Do you know what I've done so far today? First thing upon waking this morning I cared for people. Got out the clothes for the kids, made everyone breakfast when they all want breakfast a different way, washed the towels, did the dishes, decluttered the dining table that everyone seems to think is their dumping ground, took out the trash (twice), picked up toys, cleaned the bathroom sink and counter, took the kids clothes shopping after a recent growth spurt and changing weather, went to the seafood market, made Oysters Rockefeller for lunch, bathed one of the kids, helped one of the kids when he got hurt, cleaned up the floors, did even more laundry, and broke up countless fights. It is not even 3:30 yet. And you know what? MY HOUSE IS STILL A MESS.
Those that feel the need to comment on my housekeeping skills don't get invited back to my house. I'm not interested in being shamed by people who don't get it. I had a relative that still lived at home and felt the need to comment on my housekeeping to another family member. Not OK. Not at all. She has not been back. My husband used to question what I did all day (NEVER a good idea). One day I was very sick and did nothing. He happened to be home at the time. He saw first hand exactly what I do, because it didn't get done that day. Further, as we started visiting other people, especially those with kids, we both started to have more realistic expectations of me. Finally, he said to me, "Our house is normal, isn't it?"
"Yes," I said. "It is."
Like everyone else said, there is a huge difference between cluttered and filthy. We're cluttered. I work at it constantly, every day. Clueless people who don't realize that my day is full of work and then want to make a snide comment are likely to get punched in the throat.
Those that feel the need to comment on my housekeeping skills don't get invited back to my house. I'm not interested in being shamed by people who don't get it. I had a relative that still lived at home and felt the need to comment on my housekeeping to another family member. Not OK. Not at all. She has not been back. My husband used to question what I did all day (NEVER a good idea). One day I was very sick and did nothing. He happened to be home at the time. He saw first hand exactly what I do, because it didn't get done that day. Further, as we started visiting other people, especially those with kids, we both started to have more realistic expectations of me. Finally, he said to me, "Our house is normal, isn't it?"
"Yes," I said. "It is."
Like everyone else said, there is a huge difference between cluttered and filthy. We're cluttered. I work at it constantly, every day. Clueless people who don't realize that my day is full of work and then want to make a snide comment are likely to get punched in the throat.
I don't care what their homes look like unless it's an event or special occasion. Then it should be cleaned up.
It depends. It's not a big deal to me because I'm not a neat freak. I like things to be put away and in order, but a little mess doesn't bother me. But it depends on if it's a room mate situation, if they have kids, and if they live in just a bit of a mess or dirty squalor. Then I might raise my eyebrows.
who am I to judge anyone...maybe they were not brought up to be clean freaks...I was never taught how to clean so for the first 5 years of my marriage I did not do it, I did not know how and some friends of ours stopped by and offered to help me pick up and I said what is that and luckily she was awesome and sat down and explained a few different things and I now keep a tidy house is it spotless no, but it is not filthy either if you stop over your here to see me not how clean or unclean my house is right?
Originally posted by
be honest! I know it sounds bad but I totally judge based on how clean the house I'm visiting is, and it affects how comfortable I am there. What can I say? I'm a clean freak. Am I alone here, and does this make me a bad person?
I judge them by the DIRTINESS of their home. lol.
Messy I don't mind, but a place that's disgusting is something else entirely. Mind you, they have to be pretty far on the "absolutely filthy" scale before I consider it disgusting.
I do to a curtain point. If you find that is it just down right gross oh yeah I judge I can't help it. If it clean but looks lived in then I am okay. I just dont want to feel dirty when I leave lol.
i agree
Originally posted by
- Kira -
Even though my house is FAR from perfect, I do this. If I come over unexpectedly, less so. If you know someone is coming, why wouldn't you clean?
I only judge if it is an INCREDIBLY messy house, especially if there are children that live there. Other then that, i dont really care, im not the one who has to live there, and if i dont like how their house is, i can leave.
Not really!!!
Definitely, the cleanliness of your living place leaves a big impression on visitors, so its better to keep it looking relatively clean.
No i don't. I have a lot of friends with kids and can understand its not always easy to keep a pristine house.
Of course this doesn't make you a bad person! I do this to. Less so when it's a friend or if I show up unexpectedly (unless it's repulsive it's so messy). But if it's my first time there and the person knew I was coming over (or if there's mold...) then I do end up judging a bit.
Originally posted by
be honest! I know it sounds bad but I totally judge based on how clean the house I'm visiting is, and it affects how comfortable I am there. What can I say? I'm a clean freak. Am I alone here, and does this make me a bad person?
No. I am a slob myself.
I don't mind untidy papers, books, mail, etc., but if there were piles of trash or it smelled bad I'd probably feel sorry for them and give them some candles and cleaning stuff in a non-mean way.
I do, but it depends on what type of dirty though. It is one thing if someone's place is messy (like how I usually am), and then there is being unhygienic.
I do.
It sometimes depends but most of the time I do. I don't like going to someone's house and the kitchen smelling like shit and dishes piled up in the sink with rotting food. Or the carpet encrusted in dog/cat shit and piss. Or the bathroom sinks are really grimy and there's ungodly amounts of hair on the counters and floor. YES, I have been the people's houses like this....

Sometimes, but it depends. I tend to judge if there is a funky smell and garbage and rotting food, or something else really gross. I try not to judge if it's just cluttered living space, since I'm always living in a cluttered mess. My parents are both OCD, and growing up my siblings and I cleaned and scrubbed and polished all the freaking time. Living on my own, I understand that there's not enough time in the day or energy left in me to keep up with the house work when I'm working full time. :/