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Does anyone else have to make sure when they order something from Eden that it's going to get there on a day where no one is home or no one is going to see? I still live at home, so I make sure my packages get here on a day that my parents are at
Does anyone else have to make sure when they order something from Eden that it's going to get there on a day where no one is home or no one is going to see? I still live at home, so I make sure my packages get here on a day that my parents are at work. So does anyone have to do that to hide it from their parents or kids or someone?!
Random story;
The first package I got from Eden the mail lady for some reason put the box in my mom's car and left a note in the mailbox saying so. I went out to check the mail since I knew I was getting it that day to find the note and hurry to get the box from the car. That could've ended badly if my mom had found it and opened it. Talk about awkward.
ps. not sure if this has been talked about before or not.
OMG! They left it in her car?! Yikes! Now that would make me sweat a little, but I know my mom would never open a package of mine.
I voted no, I don't have to worry. I have packages sent to my parent's house and used to, that was my only option! Then I had to get a PO Box since a family member was stealing my mail, so I really didn't have any worries, but lately, I've had them sent to my mom's house because I'm often there when the mail runs and it gets to me much sooner if I do that instead of my PObox.
One time, around my mom's B-day, I'd ordered her something (Smart Wand) and told her it was coming in the mail. Well, my partner had picked it up from my post office box & we were walking in her house. The problem was, it wasn't only her Smart Wand in the box! It was a piece of lingerie and vibe for me too! And she went to take the box out of my hand and I snatched it back and said "um.. I have to wrap it first silly!" LOL. I tore the vibe and lingerie out of there so quick and had it stashed in the car before things escalated. Lol.
I don't hide them from anyone else besides family and the kids. Other family members though, like my sisters have seen my collection and I've gifted them toys, so it's no big deal if they're around when I get a package, but I would be so embarrassed if my mom or dad saw the inside of one of my packages! Or my grandmother! Oh dear God, I'd be humiliated.
I still have some packages sent to my parent's house if I know it'll be the quickest way to get it -- the post office is really bad about not giving me my packages for days and days at a time. But thankfully, my parents don't think anything of it and they don't ask questions or look in the box if it arrives before I get there. They just sit it on the table for me.
My mom orders a lot of stuff online too, so she often has packages come to her house as well and sometimes, she'll get me to pick it up from the post office. We kind of have a silent rule that we just don't open or question each other's packages! Lol. Unless it's books and we can tell from the package that it's defintely books. I did accidentally open one of her books last week though! I felt so bad, but I thought it was mine. When I seen it was a book and knew I didn't order one, I didn't even look at the front page, just put it back and explained later.
I wouldn't be angry if they accidentally opened one of my EF packages. I would just be embarrassed. My mom would probably laugh. Once I got one of those C-string panties in the mail and opened it in front of my sister and mom and holy crap! I did not know that's what was inside, but it wasn't too embarrassing, and we all laughed hysterically and played with it. But I learned never to open packages in front of people again, just in case.