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I am in the same boat as you on this. I only have one left...everything else is crowned now, or white enamel filling.
Me, too, only most are implants now (OK all the molars - lost from all reflux + the vomiting from migraines over 30 years, sorry for TMI, but I don't want judgements about not caring for my teeth, I do/did better than anyone I know!) I had trouble early on from the mercury and turned out I had to have them all removed, I'm extremely sensitive to it, so they were removing mine a long time ago and trying experimental fillings (which ended up being what they use now on people). Interestingly, the front ones are crowns and not implants (yet?). Implants are the best thing ever and have changed my life for the better! I finally have no tooth pain for the first time in 25+ years! Too bad they are so frigging expensive and my insurance would only cover dentures - Thank God my father paid for them, bless his heart!