Do you have kids?

Contributor: sexysweetieshan sexysweetieshan
I've seen a lot of posts mentioning kids recently, so I started to wonder how many of you have kids, don't want kids, or want kids one day? I personally have no children yet, but plan to one day soon!
Answers (public voting - your screen name will appear in the results):
One child
~Miss Jess~ , Maiden , GreenDaisy3 , Kim! , Jobthingy , Sera , beautifulpierced , Jenniae09 , Paradox , Miki , JE011 , CSM2010 , Allison.Wilder , ViVix
14  (10%)
Two children
Kindred , ToyTimeTim , Gunsmoke , ToyingCouple , SexyySarah , Sammi , Destri , onehotmomma , Mr. E , Danielle1220 , married with children , BrittaniMaree , Bubba29 , Sassy Pam , Ryanne , Deeder
16  (11%)
Three children
Airen Wolf , PassionQT , Lady Venus , trios , Hot'n'Bothered , Miss T , jroho , SexyTabby , captainsgirl , ginnyluvspotter
10  (7%)
Four children
sarahbear , removedacnt , softkkisses
3  (2%)
Five children
1  (1%)
Six or more children
Rayne Millaray
1  (1%)
None - Kids aren't for me
Kayla , GNGenie , sweet sally , BSJ , Chilipepper , LittleBoPeep , AU , sexyhellokitty , gone77 , JEM , Envy , joja , Annemarie , Sexy Machine , Alegria , deltalima , NightNight , Avant-garde , mllebeauty , clp , lamira , Trashley , lovehurts , YvetteJeannine , PussyGalore , namelesschaos , HoneyHoney , Lio , misterazor , Hummingbird , aluminummm , keeweepoo , Geogeo , Incendiaire , SecondStory , Jax Jackson , Real or memorex , invisiblehat , Lavendar
39  (27%)
None, but I want kids someday
sexysweetieshan , David88 , Blinker , El-Jaro , Liz2 , seaofneptune , Illusional , ~LaUr3n~ , MuffysPinguLove , Apinkjellybean04 , Jul!a , Darling Jen , Miss Naughty Kitty , twistedheartsx , Sir , Andromeda , Jenna.J.Ross , BigDaddy10 , Madeira , DeliciousSurprise , razmataz , Viktor Vysheslav Malkin , Persephone Nightmare , learnlivelove , Dusk , Yiggi , Ajax , dv8 , LikeSunshineDust , girl next door , toxie m , darthkitt3n , C4ss , ❦Angel Of Music❦ , sixfootsex , Valentinka , Moein , lezergirl , Lummox , Hallmar82 , BeautiFullFigured , Adam02viper , Lily Night , potstickers , bayosgirl , Breas , Allstars316 , LavenderSkies , 783883877299373783
49  (34%)
Tori Rebel , P'Gell , VieuxCarre , deadpoet , usmcwife99 , Lavender*Moon , Pandahb , Lonewolf , Shellz31 , Chastity Darling , PeppermintFuntimes , Gdom , VeganChick (is Gone)
13  (9%)
Total votes: 146
Poll is closed
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Contributor: Kindred Kindred
Two and done
Contributor: Airen Wolf Airen Wolf
I have two early teenaged daughters and a 9 month old son.
Contributor: Tori Rebel Tori Rebel
I have none of my own and though I sometimes want one, it's an on/off thing and not that dire need-a-baby feeling some women describe. My boyfriend that is becoming more and more of a long term relationship has 4 and I think that us being together and having partial custody of them would be enough for me.
Contributor: David88 David88
Originally posted by Airen Wolf
I have two early teenaged daughters and a 9 month old son.
Airen, I was wondering how your teenage daughters react to your marriage situation since there are three of you. Do they know about it?
Contributor: David88 David88
We don't have any yet but plan to have 2-3 starting in a couple years.
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
I have kids, between the ages of early 20s and as young as 10. I am not going to say how many, to protect their privacy. People who know me have a pretty good idea how many I have.

Nearly every job I have ever had, from the first to the present, involves children. I love them, adore them, studied them in college, baby sit for my friend's kids, and probably would have had even more if my health had allowed it.
Contributor: Blinker Blinker
I want a boy one day. And if he doesn't kill me, maybe another. No girls though, thanks!
Contributor: Kayla Kayla
Both the fiance and I are in agreement about not wanting kids in the future. We don't have any now either.
Contributor: El-Jaro El-Jaro
I'm the last one of my family name. My family (dad) is really looking forward to me having a son and passing on the family name. Really though, it doesn't bother me that much. If I have a son, I do. If I don't, oh well. I think family is passed down in values and beliefs, not name alone.
Contributor: Blinker Blinker
Originally posted by El-Jaro
I'm the last one of my family name. My family (dad) is really looking forward to me having a son and passing on the family name. Really though, it doesn't bother me that much. If I have a son, I do. If I don't, oh well. I think family is ... more
High 5!

...ok that was dorky, but I applaud what you said.
Contributor: sexysweetieshan sexysweetieshan
Originally posted by David88
We don't have any yet but plan to have 2-3 starting in a couple years.
I plan to start in about 1-2 years and I want 2-4 kids.
Contributor: GNGenie GNGenie
Originally posted by sexysweetieshan
I've seen a lot of posts mentioning kids recently, so I started to wonder how many of you have kids, don't want kids, or want kids one day? I personally have no children yet, but plan to one day soon!
I have none and would like to keep it that way. I was a nanny (and a much older sister) too long to think kids are "fun"
Contributor: sexysweetieshan sexysweetieshan
Originally posted by Kayla
Both the fiance and I are in agreement about not wanting kids in the future. We don't have any now either.
At least you both agree! I swear I'm made to be a mommy, so I will be one day soon hopefully!
Contributor: Maiden Maiden
I would have answered the "kids aren't for me", but sometimes life takes over. I had never been the one to want kids, EVER. My man either. I had been on birth control religiously since I was 14. One month I went to Las Vegas and forgot to take my pills. This wasn't a big deal, since I did not go with my man. However, when I got home I realized I needed to go to the doctor to get another RX written. By the time I did all that, I was between cycles and had to wait. So, being so used to having birth control and having been with my man so long, that we didn't use condoms, we just fooled around with no penetration for awhile. Of course, I got drunk one night and thought we would be okay just "pulling out". Then I just decided to take a pregnancy test before I started the new pack of pills. Too late, I was already pregnant. The ONE time in 13 years I messed up my birth control and was stupid about using condoms. I LOVE my son, and would not trade him for anything, but I never wanted to be a mother. I think every thing happens for a reason, but I still don't feel like mother material!
Contributor: Liz2 Liz2
I'm planning on kids 2 or 3 yrs from now. I love children but I want stability for them.
Contributor: seaofneptune seaofneptune
I don't have any, but I'd like to have kids someday.
Contributor: removedacnt removedacnt
I have 4 adult children and 3 granddaughters so far.
Contributor: Chilipepper Chilipepper
Miss Price: "Oh, that's quite out of the question. Children and I don't ... get on."

Hell no. If somebody wants to be born to me so damn bad (and all their taste has to be in their mouth along with being a glutton for punishment) they'd have to consult those silly Gods that believe in 'immaculate conception'.

Everyone at school would always say, "Oh, she'll be the first of us to have kids and she'll have a dozen of them, blah, blah, blah." Well, guess what - I'm one of the last few in my graduating class NOT to have ANY, and I'm not tied down with a bunch of brats like them that THEY didn't want because THEY couldn't figure out how to use birth control.

I'm also told "Oh, you'll change your mind once you have them." Since when was it an 'inevitability' instead of an 'option'? Which century is this???

I'm still hoping to get a job with medical insurance so I can get this damn bleeding crampy thing out of my body. It's been nothing but trouble since the day it activated itself.

Yeah, go ahead, say it - I'm a monster/demon/piece-of -shit because I'm female and DON'T want children.
Contributor: AU AU
Originally posted by Chilipepper
Miss Price: "Oh, that's quite out of the question. Children and I don't ... get on."

Hell no. If somebody wants to be born to me so damn bad (and all their taste has to be in their mouth along with being a glutton for ... more
I don't think you are bad for that. It just isn't your thing. You and I are Childfree, not childless.

When I was a child, I was told I would have kids one day. The idea was so alien to me. By the time I was a teenager, it still was an alien concept. Yet, I kept hearing "when you have your own children...". I am now 28 and I still haven't changed my mind. Most people around me who expected me to have kids gradually accepted that I might not.

I have been with someone for 11 years. He doesn't want kids, either. While I think if we lived in a post-apocalyptic world where there was no birth control or back up plan and I was pregnant, I would have the child and probably come to love it. And learn to change diapers from my significant other! He was sort of forced to help raise a family member's child as an adolescent. I have been told we would make a great parents--but we have no desire at all for children. None. I cannot romanticize the idea--my family has a few children in it and I know what kids are like and I have an idea of what things you must sacrifice to raise them well. It isn't my dream, a part of the plan.

I hear it is selfish to not have children, but often, having them is from a selfish desire, too. To each their own.
Contributor: VieuxCarre VieuxCarre
I'm really undecided on the whole "having kids" thing. I probably won't be able to carry a baby to term if I tried to get pregnant because of my condition and, well, I really don't think I'd have the patience for a child.

I'm only 22, though. That all could change in a few years when I have a career and I'm done with college.
Contributor: ~LaUr3n~ ~LaUr3n~
None yet, but they are in the plans soon.
Contributor: Gunsmoke Gunsmoke
Two kids in college and my niece lives with us. They are all young adults really. We are both proud and relieved to have gotten them to the point of near-independence - this leaves a lot more time for my wife and I to be together.
Contributor: gone77 gone77
I love young kids and have a strong maternal instinct, but kids are just not a feasible option on many levels. I've helped raise plenty of kids, though, so I've got the experience. A few years ago I thought for sure I was going to have kids, but that eventually passed.

My so-called biological clock sure is screaming at me, though. Then reality sets in and I'm like, nope, no can do. heh
Contributor: Illusional Illusional
Originally posted by seaofneptune
I don't have any, but I'd like to have kids someday.
Contributor: Rayne Millaray Rayne Millaray
Between the two of us, M and I have eleven children. I have four and He has seven. None of them live with us, though.
Contributor: El-Jaro El-Jaro
Originally posted by Rayne Millaray
Between the two of us, M and I have eleven children. I have four and He has seven. None of them live with us, though.

what're their ages?
Contributor: JEM JEM
My husband and I are both in agreement NO KIDS! I work with them all day and have no desire to come home to them. My husband has no desire for kids as well and it works for us. Much to my mothers dismay! I would sooner be honest with myself and know it is not for me then have a kid or two and regret it. My husband and I are very spontaneous people and enjoy our freedom. We know that having children really makes some of the things we enjoy impossible or really difficult! Don't get me wrong I love kids. Again, I work with them all day. We also have a nephew and niece and I get to spend large amounts of time with them to fill the "kid void".
Contributor: deadpoet deadpoet
I don't have any of my own, but me and my boyfriend did have part custody of his cousin while his dad was in jail. when his dad got out of jail, they were in a fatal car accident. I miss my little man,
Contributor: sexysweetieshan sexysweetieshan
Originally posted by Maiden
I would have answered the "kids aren't for me", but sometimes life takes over. I had never been the one to want kids, EVER. My man either. I had been on birth control religiously since I was 14. One month I went to Las Vegas and forgot ... more
Wow, that's crazy. What are the odds? Lol. At least you're happy with your son and don't like "regret" him or anything. That's always good to see. I believe everything happens for a reason too, so I guess you were just meant to have a little boy in your life!