Do you have a reoccurring dream?

Contributor: Wicked Wahine Wicked Wahine
I've seen lots of different discussions about dreams, but I haven't seen this question asked.

So, do you have a reoccurring dream?

What is it about?
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Contributor: married with children married with children
I used to when I was a kid. Dont remember much about it, I just remember I would have it all the time.
Contributor: loveme loveme
I've had similar dreams many times for years now. The dream is always different but the same thing always happens to me. For one reason or another, I will notice one of my teeth becomes loose. When I try to wiggle it, it just comes right off with a tiny pull. Like it has already detached itself completely but it's just there in place. So when I pull it, it comes right off. But it comes off in pieces. First I pull half of the tooth off, then the other half. All of a sudden all of my teeth start doing the same thing and I'm just panicking. This happens in every single dream but the situation is always different. It's pretty freaken scary!
Contributor: MrWill MrWill
Nuclear bombs going off. And I wake up having a panic attack and the whole day sucks.
Contributor: Virgingasms Virgingasms
I never have, but I've always been interested in people who do. My dreams are different every nigh and if they're really interesting I'll write them down.
Contributor: Wicked Wahine Wicked Wahine
I will have a dream that I remember having before, but a long time ago, as in years. I don't have one particular one that repeats. It's almost like a deja vu situation where, even while dreaming, I recognize that I've had this one before & I can remember when it was I had it. And none of them are upsetting dreams, just innocuous stuff.

It very much reminds me of when I was being trained in self hypnosis. The psychologist was guiding me to go back to a happy memory at a certain age. Then she would ask me questions about what I was seeing. I remember the same feeling of watching a movie of what happened, yet living it at the same time. It was a memory I didn't even know I had & I was laughing watching my brothers' high jinx on Christmas morning. I have that same experience of participating, yet also observing, when I have a recurring dream.

I also wonder if anyone can guide their dreams? I can occasionally, but not with any great precision.
Contributor: GONE! GONE!
Yes! Well, reoccuring themes anyway:
1. Being stuck in a restaurant where all the food is ridiculously expensive like $50 for a burger.
2. This one celeb I have a crush on giving me pizza.
3. Abandoned houses.
Contributor: K101 K101
Originally posted by Wicked Wahine
I've seen lots of different discussions about dreams, but I haven't seen this question asked.

So, do you have a reoccurring dream?

What is it about?
I have a bunch of them! They're all different, but the most common is a really terrible nightmare -- always the same thing.
Contributor: Allison.Wilder Allison.Wilder
Originally posted by Wicked Wahine
I've seen lots of different discussions about dreams, but I haven't seen this question asked.

So, do you have a reoccurring dream?

What is it about?
I used to have recurring nightmares (too scary/graphic to share) but thankfully I haven't been plagued by them in a few years.
Contributor: Living Doll Living Doll
I have nightmares about my abusive dad screaming at me and chasing me around.
Contributor: ashboo32 ashboo32
i used to about falling and dying or getting in a fight and my hands wouldn't move
Contributor: Trysexual Trysexual
I have recurring themes sometimes.
Contributor: ChubbyNerd ChubbyNerd
When I was younger, I had them all the time. Not so much anymore.
Contributor: KinkyKatieJames KinkyKatieJames
I don't have this one anymore, but I used to get this at least 4 nights a week.

Background: It's 2010 and my first car was as old as I am; it was a 1990 piece of crap that was on its last leg. My father had promised to help fund a car for me, but wigged out as usual and gave me my grandmother's smelly, nicotine encrusted, gas guzzler that had a million things wrong with it.

The dream: I'm driving my car to work and I am going downhill. I am approaching the major intersection of my town, so I gently press on the brakes. Nothing happens, so I press harder; still nothing. At this point, I have all of my weight pressed on the brake, but the car is just gaining speed. I press so hard that the brake pedal snaps as I go full speed into the intersection. I always woke up just as another car slammed into the side of me.
Contributor: Noelle Noelle
Originally posted by Wicked Wahine
I've seen lots of different discussions about dreams, but I haven't seen this question asked.

So, do you have a reoccurring dream?

What is it about?
I have different dreams, but they seem to be in the same place. I think I must have been there before, but I can't remember it from my past. I just know I recognize it in my dreams. It's hard to explain.
Contributor: babyrock babyrock
when i was young, i had monster chasing after me but my legs never seemed to run fast enough.

as i got older, i've had a few dreams where i felt like i was flying. those were cool because i could control how i was flying.

now i forget all of them before i wake up.
Contributor: Sbmsvschoolgirl Sbmsvschoolgirl
I've been having a lot of different dreams about having sex with random people. It's not exactly a recurring dream but its really beginning to get frustrating :/
Contributor: Lavendar Lavendar
I have a few dreams that are recurring
Contributor: stacylyn stacylyn
Originally posted by Wicked Wahine
I've seen lots of different discussions about dreams, but I haven't seen this question asked.

So, do you have a reoccurring dream?

What is it about?
Contributor: sunflower sunflower
I used to have a lot of recurring dreams but lately they've been pretty varied.
Even earlier in the year I had recurring ones. I guess since my life has calmed down, my dreams did too.

The ones that stick out to me the most are the recurring nightmares I had as a kid. When I was about 5 I had dreams where I would start at my bedroom and be chased from my room upstairs to the living room by a big hand and a human eyeball (I don't even know.) They would either catch me and I'd wake up or I would fall into a hole in the floor and they would stand there laughing at me. This sounds really weird when I write it out lol.

The other recurring nightmare themes I had when I was younger were white geese. I think it's because I had a Mother Goose figurine in my closet that I didn't like. Basically when geese showed up I knew shit was about to go down. I had a bunch of those dreams for years. They were usually all different scenarios but involved evil geese. Chasing me a lot of the time. I still don't like geese today!

Oh I know one that I have now! My grandma and mother get these dreams too... I haven't had one in a while but they're dirty bathroom dreams. Basically I have to pee really bad in a public place and I go to find a bathroom and the toilets are all overflowed or really nasty and dirty and I keep looking around for another one while desperately having to go. Grandma said that in some of hers the stall doors are like half of the height they usually are so she would be exposed. Are some dreams genetic??? What is the psychological meaning here.
Contributor: sunflower sunflower
Also all 3 of us kids have had dreams where we are naked in a store and my mom is there and we're like "Mom, I'm naked! I need some clothes!" and mom says something like "No. I can't buy you any. They're not on sale right now." and we're just standing there naked, mortified, and hoping nobody notices.

I think it's really funny that my brother, sister, and I have all had that dream. I guess that says something psychologically about what we think about our mom's frugality? Lol.
Contributor: rosythorn rosythorn
I used to when I was a kid, cyborgs attacking!
Contributor: Wicked Wahine Wicked Wahine
Originally posted by sunflower
Also all 3 of us kids have had dreams where we are naked in a store and my mom is there and we're like "Mom, I'm naked! I need some clothes!" and mom says something like "No. I can't buy you any. They're not on sale ... more
Thanks for describing your dreams! The nightmares usually don't sound so scary when you recount them, do they? I laughed so hard when you said, if you see geese, shit's about to go down! I wish I was an expert & could tell you why your family has dreams in common, but what a neat phenomenon! I wonder if it happens more than we know? At least the naked in the store one is easy to interpret, but how interesting that all three of you had it! I'm sure your mom never mean to stress you guys out about financial matters. She probably thought she was showing you how to be responsible with money & live within your means. Alas, children have a different view on things & it usually involves just wanting to be the same as everyone else & fit in.
Contributor: sunflower sunflower
Originally posted by Wicked Wahine
Thanks for describing your dreams! The nightmares usually don't sound so scary when you recount them, do they? I laughed so hard when you said, if you see geese, shit's about to go down! I wish I was an expert & could tell you why your ... more
They should so silly when I say them out loud! But they were actually awful. Especially the toilet ones which I still have. A while ago in a lucid dream I saw a goose and I was like nope and walked in the other direction. They're still an omen in my dreams!

Dreams are pretty ridiculous sometimes. Does anyone else have "inherited dreams" that happen to multiple people in your family?

I actually love talking about dreams and I'm super interested in the topic but people find it boring.

I mean my mom is pretty frugal. I ended up frugal now that I'm an adult. But when you're a kid you don't understand that as much. You just want toys and stuff. She would do the "I won't buy it because it's not on sale" thing when we went to the store. I don't think she would do it if we were actually naked in a department store though :p She just cuts a lot of coupons and is savvy and thrifty. I still go to the grocery store with her sometimes and she takes like 2 and a half hours using all her coupons and I'm like "omg, can we go??" She has them all in a big folder lol. I'm actually pretty glad she raised me to be responsible with money though!
Contributor: bog bog
Originally posted by sunflower
I used to have a lot of recurring dreams but lately they've been pretty varied.
Even earlier in the year I had recurring ones. I guess since my life has calmed down, my dreams did too.

The ones that stick out to me the most are the ... more
I would tend to think that you and your grandmother worried about similar things, and so your anxiety was displayed in a similar way through a dream. Perhaps you have been worried about the way you're perceived by other people. People losing or damaging teeth, hair, or skin, or being exposed or naked in public in some way are the second or third most common dream after chase dreams and falling dreams. Many people feel these dreams are connected with anxiety about public perception.

I'm just some person, not an expert. I could totally be wrong. I just love dreams and read a lot about them.
Contributor: bog bog
Originally posted by Wicked Wahine
I've seen lots of different discussions about dreams, but I haven't seen this question asked.

So, do you have a reoccurring dream?

What is it about?
I often have recurring themes, characters, or places.

As a child, I had an identical nightmare almost every night for years. Luckily, I don't get that anymore.
Contributor: sunflower sunflower
Originally posted by bog
I would tend to think that you and your grandmother worried about similar things, and so your anxiety was displayed in a similar way through a dream. Perhaps you have been worried about the way you're perceived by other people. People losing or ... more
Thanks for the reply!
It's grandma, mom, and I. I think it's funny that it happened in 3 generations. Maybe we're just all raised with similar values and therefore similar fears? I don't really know anyone else with Dirty Bathroom Dreams. Maybe we're all germaphobes LOL
Contributor: Hummingbird Hummingbird
Answered this in the If you had a Genie question, the situation may change slightly but its always boy meets girl and the passion they share.
Contributor: sunkissedJess sunkissedJess
I had one dream two times as a kid, but nothing more than that.