My exboyfriend had an addiction to porn, and it did negatively impact our relationship. He also was one of those guys that just can't have sex/masturbate/ejacula te in general terribly often, or he'll lose his erection. So what would happen is that after I went to bed, he would sneak into the other room, watch porn, and obviously masturbate. Then the next night when I would try to seduce him, he would say he was too tired or something, because he knew he wouldn't be able to keep an erection if he tried to have sex with me. When he finally admitted his problem to me, I tried to be supportive and positive about it. Even though at the time I was a little weirded out by porn (didn't think there was anything wrong with it, I just felt uncomfortable watching it), I suggested that we watch together, as part of foreplay. I knew that a lot of couples did this. And I told him that instead of masturbating, we would have sex instead. He didn't like that idea and never bothered to come up with ideas of his own. While I wouldn't say that this problem is the REASON we broke up, it was pretty indicative of our problems. There would something he was doing (or not doing) and I would bring it to his attention. He would listen and care and apologize, but when it came down to trying to fix our problems, he never liked my ideas and never tried to come up with his own. I felt generally neglected by him in a lot of ways. It wasn't his addiction to porn that caused the real problem, but his lack of willingness to do something about it.