Helpful topic info on Cock rings:
What Happens When a Guy Uses a Cock Ring?
Havent tried penis rings yet but does the guy cum sooner or do they not feel much?
Penis Pump Question?
My husband and I were thinking about getting a penis pump for him, but were wondering exactly how does it work? and is it painful? it looks like a...
Are penis pumps good for solo play?
Just wondering if penis pumps are good for solo play for guys that have no problems getting an erection. Does it feel good? Does it make for fun...
Anal toy cleaning and sharing
How is best to clean toys that aren't able to be boiled? Can my partner and I share them?
Silicone rings to put on vibrators for anal use?
I've read that silicone rings can be used to put over a vibrator to keep it from going too far during anal use. However, I've also heard that silicone