Informative topic breakdown of Desensitizing creams:
What is your favorite Ice Cream Flavor I love ice cream. Its probably my biggest vice of all bad foods... but everything in moderation. So what's your favorite?
Moaning OR Screaming & Shouting? Which do you do? Personally I think im too shy to scream and show my wild side, I moan most times with a few screams here and there. My boyfriend...
Anyone every try Shunga dragon cream? I just got assigned the Shunga Dragon Cream Lubricant, and i was wondering if anyone has used this cream and what did they think about it?? Thanks so.
I used to like it more. I'd never seen blue before, think it'd be fun but a bit weird. My favorite fizzy drink now is ginger beer. (Guess grownup-me likes stronger drinks than when I was a kid? :p)
I like it every once in a blue moon but it's not my favorite soda. I'm going to have to find some of that Barq's Red Cream Soda though. I'm sure it's delicious.
I love it, that and root beer are my favorite. Well I like Mr.Pibb too but you can't get it canned or bottled here Only have it at a few restaurants and it just tastes better than Dr.Pepper to me.
I absolutely adore all creme soda, but even though I know in my mind they are probably exactly the same, save some coloring, have convinced myself that the light-brown kind tastes best (as opposed to red or other crazy colors).