I personally am much closer to my mother. I grew up with her, while my dad wasn't in my life that much when I was younger.. What about you?
Who are you Closer to? Your mother or father?
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Mom or Dad?
(145 posts)
Which do you consider yourself closer to"?
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I'm much closer to my mom. Don't have much of a relationship with my dad at all.
I am close with both of my parents, but I do spend more time with my mom.
My mom is a controlling black sheep, so I prefer being closer to my dad.
Im much closer to my dad. We have the same interests movies and comics etc. So he always took me and my brother to the toy stores (so he could buy himself toys) and to conventions etc etc. My mom and I get along but its just not the same, Im a daddys girl.
I'm closer to my mom. My dad wan't really around when I was younger, but now that I am leaving with him, we are getting closer.
My Dad and I just get along really well. My mom and I are close too but it's just easier to talk to my dad.
Closer to my mom for sure, could talk to her about anything.
father for sure
ha, i just threw the 50-50% poll off. i would say closer to my mom but you didnt put an option in for not being close to either of them. i'm really not at all.
but my mother and i have fought less.
but my mother and i have fought less.
I'm closer to my dad, I can't stand my mom, she's extremely snoopy and bad-mouths every single thing.
Much closer to my dad, I don't have a relationship with my mom.
You can share dad with me, you know he loves you.
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ha, i just threw the 50-50% poll off. i would say closer to my mom but you didnt put an option in for not being close to either of them. i'm really not at all.
but my mother and i have fought less.
but my mother and i have fought less.
I'm closer to my mom, but 9000 lightyears compared to 9001 lightyears isn't that big a difference...
My mom is my best friend. I love my dad lots, but being female it's always been easier to talk to my mom, especially about certain obvious subjects.
I absolutely hate my dad, and my mom is the most wonderful person I ever met in my life...so yeah, there's a preference
I was much closer to my Dad.
i'm closer to my mom b/c we can go out & do girly things, but i'm still close to my dad.
I am 100% my dad's daughter. I am a female version of him. We get along great and always have. That being said, me and my mom are really close. I talk to her more than my dad now that I've moved out of the house because my dad isn't a phone person, but my mom is.
I'm close with both of them, but I'm definitely closer to my mom.
Neither. I wasn't raised by either of them.
Honestly it depends on the subject. About sexual / health issues I can talk to my mom more...sometimes. XD She's bipolar, really bad, will never admit it.
But with my dad I can talk about just about everything else. xD
I don't talk to them TOO much though. I don't want them to know everything about my life. They're still pretty cool...most of the time. xD
But with my dad I can talk about just about everything else. xD
I don't talk to them TOO much though. I don't want them to know everything about my life. They're still pretty cool...most of the time. xD
My mom died when I was a kid, but when I was little I was much closer to her than I was to my dad but I feel like that's to be expected with small kids with a stay at home mom.
I am very close with my dad now, but dislike my stepmom.
I am very close with my dad now, but dislike my stepmom.
I am close with my Mom, and pretty close with my Dad. Sometimes I feel bad that I am not as close with my Dad though.
about the same for me. I am close to both of them.
My mom for sure.. My dad is kind of hard to get along with. My mom is completely supportive of me being lesbian but if we were to tell my father he wouldn't be too happy.
it must be a mom thing
I voted for dad because we have more in common, but my family situation is complicated.
Totally my mum
Most definitely my mum. I don't talk to my ass of a father!
Dad, most definitely. We're really quite alike, whereas mum's a hothead.
I have a strong relationship with both actually lol
My father is an asshole. I have an 8 yr old son who he has never met. We were never close even as I was growing up and as soon as I turned 18 he "washed his hands of me" so to speak. I called him while in labour and he told me he was ashamed and didn't want anyone to know I was having his grandson. Then about 5 years ago my sister bumped into him and he told her he wanted to talk to me, gave his number but when I called me and told me he didn't love me or my son and never wanted to hear from us again.
I have no idea why my father would hate me. I was a straight A student til I left school to work, never been in any trouble and I've never asked him for a damn thing apart from his acceptance but still he feels like I need to be punished. So yeah, I'm closer with my mum.
I have no idea why my father would hate me. I was a straight A student til I left school to work, never been in any trouble and I've never asked him for a damn thing apart from his acceptance but still he feels like I need to be punished. So yeah, I'm closer with my mum.
My mother, father died when i was 8.
I didn't vote. Not close to either of them. My Dad has passed away. My mom and I haven't talked in years and have no relationship.
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Which do you consider yourself closer to"?
I can't really vote either... I'm not close to either of them
awww, I'm sorry *hugs*
Originally posted by
My father is an asshole. I have an 8 yr old son who he has never met. We were never close even as I was growing up and as soon as I turned 18 he "washed his hands of me" so to speak. I called him while in labour and he told me he was
My father is an asshole. I have an 8 yr old son who he has never met. We were never close even as I was growing up and as soon as I turned 18 he "washed his hands of me" so to speak. I called him while in labour and he told me he was ashamed and didn't want anyone to know I was having his grandson. Then about 5 years ago my sister bumped into him and he told her he wanted to talk to me, gave his number but when I called me and told me he didn't love me or my son and never wanted to hear from us again.
I have no idea why my father would hate me. I was a straight A student til I left school to work, never been in any trouble and I've never asked him for a damn thing apart from his acceptance but still he feels like I need to be punished. So yeah, I'm closer with my mum. less
I have no idea why my father would hate me. I was a straight A student til I left school to work, never been in any trouble and I've never asked him for a damn thing apart from his acceptance but still he feels like I need to be punished. So yeah, I'm closer with my mum. less
my dad is the exact same way though. when I was 16 I got pregnant with the twins, my mom and dad kicked me out and I haven't heard from him since...
my mom, on the other hand, started talking to me because she wanted me to help her pay her rent... needless to say she was evicted and moved 600 miles away!
So sorry to learn that you've had such an awful relationship with your dad. Maybe your mom knows what the alienation's all about? Hopefully, your mom can help mend the bridge between your dad and you. Maybe he's one of those very old fashioned, strong cultural pride sort of person?
Originally posted by
My father is an asshole. I have an 8 yr old son who he has never met. We were never close even as I was growing up and as soon as I turned 18 he "washed his hands of me" so to speak. I called him while in labour and he told me he was
My father is an asshole. I have an 8 yr old son who he has never met. We were never close even as I was growing up and as soon as I turned 18 he "washed his hands of me" so to speak. I called him while in labour and he told me he was ashamed and didn't want anyone to know I was having his grandson. Then about 5 years ago my sister bumped into him and he told her he wanted to talk to me, gave his number but when I called me and told me he didn't love me or my son and never wanted to hear from us again.
I have no idea why my father would hate me. I was a straight A student til I left school to work, never been in any trouble and I've never asked him for a damn thing apart from his acceptance but still he feels like I need to be punished. So yeah, I'm closer with my mum. less
I have no idea why my father would hate me. I was a straight A student til I left school to work, never been in any trouble and I've never asked him for a damn thing apart from his acceptance but still he feels like I need to be punished. So yeah, I'm closer with my mum. less
Neither. My mother was abusive and disowned me when I came out as being bi/pansexual, and my dad wasn't brave enough to stand up to her. I'm ridiculously close to all of my siblings, though.
Even though I had to use dad I would honestly say neither.
I'm not close to either. When I was younger it was my mom but as she got older she became a total snob and just started treating people, mostly my dad and some of my brothers, just horrible. I don't get along with people who are like that, blood or not. My dad was abusive when we were growing up, stealing from us to get drugs and what not and constantly moving us around to keep out of the cops reach so I really hated him. But then he started to change and for the past 7 years he's really tried to make up for it. I still don't care for him but I don't hate him any more but we'll never have close bond like he wants.
It switches. I'm closer to each parent in different respects.
lol aww
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I'm closer to my mom, but 9000 lightyears compared to 9001 lightyears isn't that big a difference...
My dad. Both my parents are crazy, but while my mom is pain-in-the -ass, passive aggressive stone cold crazy, my dad is kind of harmless-fanatical "did you read my blog about how I'm going to change the government?" crazy.
Dad was a workaholic. Very loving dad at home...but not "there" much. Never came to school events or things of that nature. Always working. We are NOT that kind of parents to our kid.
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Which do you consider yourself closer to"?
Amazing description. As a parent, I have to wonder...no kidding...how they would describe you, their child...
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My dad. Both my parents are crazy, but while my mom is pain-in-the -ass, passive aggressive stone cold crazy, my dad is kind of harmless-fanatical "did you read my blog about how I'm going to change the government?" crazy.
WOW...these are some hard events to have lived through. I wish you well and it makes me happy to work hard to be a good and loving parent to my own child.
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awww, I'm sorry *hugs*
my dad is the exact same way though. when I was 16 I got pregnant with the twins, my mom and dad kicked me out and I haven't heard from him since...
my mom, on the other hand, started talking to me because ... more
my dad is the exact same way though. when I was 16 I got pregnant with the twins, my mom and dad kicked me out and I haven't heard from him since...
my mom, on the other hand, started talking to me because ... more
awww, I'm sorry *hugs*
my dad is the exact same way though. when I was 16 I got pregnant with the twins, my mom and dad kicked me out and I haven't heard from him since...
my mom, on the other hand, started talking to me because she wanted me to help her pay her rent... needless to say she was evicted and moved 600 miles away! less
my dad is the exact same way though. when I was 16 I got pregnant with the twins, my mom and dad kicked me out and I haven't heard from him since...
my mom, on the other hand, started talking to me because she wanted me to help her pay her rent... needless to say she was evicted and moved 600 miles away! less
As a parent, I simply cannot understand not loving your child no matter what. I just don't understand that mentality. I am sorry you endured that. Glad your sibs and you are close, however. Everyone really needs...and indeed, deserves a loving family.
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Neither. My mother was abusive and disowned me when I came out as being bi/pansexual, and my dad wasn't brave enough to stand up to her. I'm ridiculously close to all of my siblings, though.
I am lucky, I am very close to my mom!
im closer to my dad hands down recently me and my mom have gottena wee bit closer
Originally posted by
Which do you consider yourself closer to"?
I disowned my mother about 10 years ago. She's nothing but bad news, but I'm not exactly close with my dad, either, but I definitely get along better with him. I'd have to say I'm closest to my paternal grandmother, but again, I'm not exactly close to any of my family.
I was always really close with my mother, but in the past threee years, I have distanced myself from her, and have gotten way closer to my dad(s), both biological and my current father.
This poll doesn't offer much choice, and I couldn't vote.
My father has disowned me and my mother hated me. There should be an option for 'neither'.
My father has disowned me and my mother hated me. There should be an option for 'neither'.
I am super close to my mother, and I refuse to speak to my dad.
definitely closer to my dad.
Well considering that I haven't seen my father since I was two? I'm gonna have to go with Mum.
Same here
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I'm much closer to my mom. Don't have much of a relationship with my dad at all.
I'd say my mom, but when my dad and I do have moments where we conversate, it does mean a great deal to me. I guess neither of them have ever been very big on showing emotions at all. They are loving people, but they are a bit hard as in not very empathetic or sensitive and I am the opposite. I'm extremely caring and loving and doing for people means the world to me. They are loving, but they don't always know how to show it I guess. Anyways, my dad worked a shift our entire lives where we didn't see him until high school and our relationship really wasn't strong then because we weren't close. He's a very caring person, but we don't always spend time together. We have our bonding moments and even a slight hug from him will go in my journal! Lol. I guess it's a dad/daughter thing. I always wanted to have one of those relationships with my dad where we were close and had lots of fun together, but mostly he worries about his family so much that he forgets to stop and spend time with them. We have moments like last weekend I spent the weekend with him, just me, him and the kid one night and then jsut me and him the next night and we stayed up late watching the racoon that visits every night and he cooked for me. Those moments are extremely special to me, but when it comes to having a relationship where we talk daily, I would be closer to my mom.
I love my father dearly but sometimes it's hard to talk to him. On the other hand, my mother drives me batty but at least I can sit down and talk (and drink) with her!
Neither. I was close to my dad when I was little, then he had a heart attack when I was eight and his personality completely changed. He then saw my brother and I as obstacles to be avoided. My mother was always emotionally abusive. I was scared to death of her.
Mom all the way here. My dad was physically, but not emotionally present while I was growing up. Then once my sibs and I were in college he decided he wanted to be close to us. But it's too late at that point. You have to be in the trenches from the beginning.
I'm close to both. I tend to be able to talk more with my mom, but my dad and I have more common interests..playing golf together, etc...
I'm really close with both of my parents. We have very different relationships, and talk about different things, but I'd say we are both so close that it is hard to choose.
Where's the neither option. lol cuz i don't have "parents"
I'm very close to my mom!
There needs to be 'neither' and 'other' options. I am not close to anyone in my family except maybe my uncle, but that, too, has waned over the years.
My mom!
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Which do you consider yourself closer to"?
Mom also
My mother!
Definitely my mom
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Which do you consider yourself closer to"?
way closer to my mom.
I do more things with my mom, but I'm close to both parents.
Mother...wish it could be father but he passed away when I was 1....those of you who have both of your parents in your lives are very blessed. Never forget that.
My mother died when I was 5, so I never had much of a chance to get close to her. I loved her very much, but she was terminal when I was 4, and 4 year olds don't really have a lot of real heart-to-heart talks.
I'm very close with my dad... closer than I am to just about anyone, though I don't talk about certain aspects of my adult life. I wanted to grow up to be just like him, and I have grown up like him in a lot of ways. My siblings and his wife all say I'm his favorite child, but I don't think it's that. I just have a lot in common with him.
I'm very close with my dad... closer than I am to just about anyone, though I don't talk about certain aspects of my adult life. I wanted to grow up to be just like him, and I have grown up like him in a lot of ways. My siblings and his wife all say I'm his favorite child, but I don't think it's that. I just have a lot in common with him.
I talk more and talk more openly with my mother, but I act more and have more in common with my father.
my mom
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Which do you consider yourself closer to"?
Closer to my dad. He is a good man.
My mom...love her to bits.
close 2 my mom.
My dad. My mom and I haven't seen eye to eye for years, and no matter how much I try to have a nice conversation with her, she always manages to make things go from ok to awful.
Last time I really sat down and talked to her, she cut me off mid sentence 5+ times, then told me I was fat and broken out. When I started crying, and told her that her interrupting me and saying things like that hurt me, she said "Well you hurt me too".
Needless to say, we don't get along very well.
Last time I really sat down and talked to her, she cut me off mid sentence 5+ times, then told me I was fat and broken out. When I started crying, and told her that her interrupting me and saying things like that hurt me, she said "Well you hurt me too".
Needless to say, we don't get along very well.
My dad is the parent who gets me. My mother has always been the tougher one that I can't get along with.
Other? Neither? ^^
I didn't grow up with my dad not his choice, and as an adult I am definitely closer to my dad.
my mom, but i hate them both
I think I'm closer to my mom.
My Mom.
My mom is essentially my best friend at times, I can tell her anything, and we go to concerts and such together frequently.
My dad however, I can talk to him about some things, but he doesn't show much of an interest in my personal life.
My dad however, I can talk to him about some things, but he doesn't show much of an interest in my personal life.
Daddy's girl
As a kid I was always really close to my mom, but now as an adult, my father.
My dad, mainly because my mother passed when I was eight, so what few memories I have aren't too vivid. Yeah, it kinda sucks, but it's part of life.
My father, but I'm not very close with either parent.
definitely my dad. my mom is a cold bitch (pardon the language haha) and she has been really getting on my nerves lately. She just has a way about her that irritates me to no end. I used to shrug it off, but since my wife started to point out all the sleezy shit and negative attitudes that my mom has, its hard to ignore lately.
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Which do you consider yourself closer to"?
My birth father was never around. I met him a few times, and he ruined my life. But my stepdad is an amazing guy and he's raised me. Growing up I was closest to him. Now as an adult me and my mom are closer. We have always been closer but more so now then ever.
I'm closer to my mom for sure. My dad is super hardheaded.
I don't consider myself closer to either. I haven't seen my dad in years, and my mother is a selfish egocentric kind of person. I could do without them both.
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Which do you consider yourself closer to"?
My mother by far, it wasn't until I finished school and moved out that I felt like my father stopped seeing me as a failure like he did when I was in high school. I finished my culinary arts training and moved out to live with my fiance, I supported myself and didn't have to ask for help. It was really odd, when I graduated from school the first time in my life he said he was proud of me and I just cried. I'd wanted to shove my degree in his face and show him I could do it, but I didn't have the heart to. Now he and I are getting closer, we talk more and I see we have a lot more in common than I thought. I think that was the issue all along.
Gosh i wish there was a neither option
Neither really.
Originally posted by
Which do you consider yourself closer to"?
Mom. My "dad" is a malignant narcissist/psychopath and I'm in the process of going NC with him.
I'm very close with my mom.. I don't communicate with my dad.. or wait.. he doesn't communicate with me.
Daddy (my stepfather). My mother ruined my trust during her and dad's divorce (their remarried) and she expected me to trust her 100 percent again and it doesnt' work that way. I'm also losing my sisters trust and she's losing mine now.
Dad's the only one that understands my situation from my family. He knows mom lied to me, used me and everything else under the sun, and he knows what my sister is putting me through. So I'm really close to dad.
Dad's the only one that understands my situation from my family. He knows mom lied to me, used me and everything else under the sun, and he knows what my sister is putting me through. So I'm really close to dad.
Like most gay guys I have a closer relationship with my mother.
I don't have much of a relationship to any of my parents (I have several sets of people that consider themselves my "parents" through divorces and re-marriages).
It used to be my mother when I was young, but since their divorce I'm way closer to my dad.
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Which do you consider yourself closer to"?
Neither really. My parents are f'd up. I love them, don't get me wrong, but we are not very close at all.
my Dad passed away so I only have one parent left. I have a very complicated relationship with my mom but it is better than the one I had with my Dad.
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Which do you consider yourself closer to"?
I was close with my mom. I didn't have a relationship with my father.
Mom. Dad was never around
I am much closer to my Dad. My mother makes me crazy!
It is easier for me to talk to my mom
I've always been closer to my mom. She's like my best friend.

I'm closer to my mom. I'm not surprised that most of us who've taken your survey are too. It's been my observation for many years that most are closer to their mom.
my mom, but I only saw my dad every other weekend growing up, and only once or twice a year since I turned 18. My mom was always there for me and still is.
Definitely closer to mom.
My mother. My father really isn't a guy anybody can get close to.
definitely my dad. i don't know what i would do if anything happened to him.
Originally posted by
Which do you consider yourself closer to"?
My mom is my best friend.
Mom. Probably helps that she was the parent I've been around the most (divorce)
Mom was primary custodian, so I'm closer to her.
I'm extremely close to my mother.
My relationship with my parents is so messed up that I really can't say who I was closer to....they were so ill.
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Which do you consider yourself closer to"?
Neither. I don't know my father and my mother...well, let's just say she would NEVER win any mother of the year awards (or even be in the running).
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Which do you consider yourself closer to"?
I haven't seen my dad in years, and I only saw him in court every time he was about $30,000 in debt for child support.
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Which do you consider yourself closer to"?
When I was young I was closer to my dad, because my mother was more concerned with my younger sister. Now that I am older I am closer to my mom, I can tell her anything, plus my sister has moved out. My dad doesn't really deal with me anymore. My folks are still together, plus my dad deals more with my older brother
Even though my father wasn't around too often when I was younger now that I am older I am much closer to him than my mother. I don't really tell either of them much anyways because they both still treat me like a child but I do get along a lot better with my dad.
I have always been able to talk to my father over my mother. I have found out in the last year or so that my parent have lied to me about curtain things. No, nothing about being adopted or anything. I love them but not close to either or them any more.
I have a good relationship with both my parents, but my dad's not much of a talker, so I'm closer to my mom.
my mom for sure, i can hardly make eye contact with my dad most of the time.
I have a really good relationship with my mom, not so much my dad.
My mom for sure.
my mom but i do have a very good relationship with my dad to
Originally posted by
Which do you consider yourself closer to"?
My mom, most of the time.
Mother since she was there from the beginning.
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Which do you consider yourself closer to"?
Mom. My mom is a single mother so she has always taken care of me. I have absolutely NO relationship with my dad.
My mom and I are like best friends.
My mom. She's amazing.
my mom
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