Cleavage limits in public?

Contributor: Bethy Cassatt Bethy Cassatt 01/18/2013

Do you hold a limit on yourself about how much cleavage you show in public (showing your breasts up until the point of nipple-hood), or do you not care? Are you, or have you felt judgemental against women/girls using their cleavage to their advantage? What's up!?

Invited: All users.

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Contributor: Bethy Cassatt Bethy Cassatt
Because we're on the topic of tits, what do you think of mothers and feeding their infants in public?
Answers (private voting - your screen name will NOT appear in the results):
82  (57%)
51  (36%)
6  (4%)
4  (3%)
Total votes: 143
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Contributor: WhoopieDoo WhoopieDoo
Feeding a baby isn't wrong, and simply shouldn't be treated as such. Ever.

Seeing a six-year-old who hasn't been taught to chew with their mouth closed is infinitely more obscene/ off-putting.
Contributor: Gunsmoke Gunsmoke
I agree - breast feeding is normal. It never offends me - most women are breastfeeding modest for their own reasons - to avoid undue attention.
Contributor: edeneve edeneve
I think it's important to consider who's around you when breastfeeding - i.e. I wouldn't do it around teenage boys.
Contributor: Creepellah Creepellah
It's natural no coverage is needed because it's normal. Just don't look if it bothers the person that much.
Contributor: Geogeo Geogeo
Originally posted by Bethy Cassatt
Because we're on the topic of tits, what do you think of mothers and feeding their infants in public?
I'm a little confused as to which question to answer in the poll, but I'm very pro breastfeeding
Contributor: Bleu Bleu
I'm okay with breastfeeding in public but women should learn to cover up and not have one tit out with the baby attached then NOT expect people to say something. It's a bit rude of them to just pull the "I'm a mother trying to feed my baby" card without considering how others feel about it. And honestly, in the age where camera phones are so common, I wouldn't trust my body being out like that and people not taking pictures. I hate it when moms get mad when people they not know what they are doing/exposing in public?

When women get mad and say "it's natural!" I could say "Yea, well so is the human body in general but public nudity is against the law."

I do like how certain places have secluded/off-set places where mothers can feed their babies! That's really kind of them. I know Macy's has a few areas in bathrooms/near them that are quiet and out of the view of the public.
Contributor: Rod Ronald Rod Ronald
It's only wrong if your simple.
Contributor: Missmarc Missmarc
Originally posted by Bethy Cassatt
Because we're on the topic of tits, what do you think of mothers and feeding their infants in public?
Yes, no matter what, it's completely natural!
Contributor: Mrs.Tee Mrs.Tee
Originally posted by Bethy Cassatt
Because we're on the topic of tits, what do you think of mothers and feeding their infants in public?
Of course there should be some top of coverage, i dont care how natural it is. You should have enough common courtesy and decency to try to cover up, even though people may know what you are doing, but common courtesy would be a factor in a situation like this.
Contributor: richsam richsam
Originally posted by Bethy Cassatt
Because we're on the topic of tits, what do you think of mothers and feeding their infants in public?
yes but with coverage..i mean come on u cant be sitting at mcdonalds n just plop a full boob out and start breast feeding
Contributor: Toy Fiend Toy Fiend
Breast feeding is not dirty or shameful and shouldn't be treated as such.
Contributor: Stinkytofu10 Stinkytofu10
Originally posted by Bethy Cassatt
Because we're on the topic of tits, what do you think of mothers and feeding their infants in public?
Yes, no matter what, it's completely natural!
Contributor: sexxxkitten sexxxkitten
Originally posted by Bleu
I'm okay with breastfeeding in public but women should learn to cover up and not have one tit out with the baby attached then NOT expect people to say something. It's a bit rude of them to just pull the "I'm a mother trying to feed ... more
Eek! I didn't think about camera phones. I would have to cover up!
Contributor: FunFantasys FunFantasys
Originally posted by Bleu
I'm okay with breastfeeding in public but women should learn to cover up and not have one tit out with the baby attached then NOT expect people to say something. It's a bit rude of them to just pull the "I'm a mother trying to feed ... more
I completely agree.
Contributor: jr2012 jr2012
I don't like the stigma against breast feeding in public. to be honest, I can barely think of a less sexual image! And plus...babies gotta eat, and it's wrong to trap moms in their homes all the time.
Contributor: Boyfriend Boyfriend
wish they wouldn't
Contributor: Amber Sweet Amber Sweet
Originally posted by Bleu
I'm okay with breastfeeding in public but women should learn to cover up and not have one tit out with the baby attached then NOT expect people to say something. It's a bit rude of them to just pull the "I'm a mother trying to feed ... more
Yea, I agree with everything you posted. I also hate when women say it's natural because the human body does a lot of things that are natural such as flatulence, body odor, and urination/excretion but you don't see that occurring in plain view of the public either.
Contributor: misterazor misterazor
it's fine anytime. but then, i'm okay with pda of any kind as, maybe it's in the same catagory. i would love if it were legal to have sex in public. who wouldn't want to come around the corner and see that from time to time. not that breast feeding a baby is the same as public fucking. not at all...just following out a train of thought.
Contributor: *Camoprincess* *Camoprincess*
I agree with breastfeeding in public Most women toss a blanket over their breast while feeding. An for anyone who says you should go to the bathroom to feed your child, how about you take your steak dinner an eat in the bathroom an tell me how you enjoy it?
Contributor: Hummingbird Hummingbird
I like to show a little cleavage but am self conscious about it because people are always verbally saying out loud how well endowed I am. Ever since I first developed and as a result, I feel embarressed by them. I try not to be but it's hard
Contributor: souviet souviet
Originally posted by Bethy Cassatt
Because we're on the topic of tits, what do you think of mothers and feeding their infants in public?
I don't see why it's an issue. That baby has to eat and I'm sure mama doesn't much like the situation either, so people really ought to chill out. She isn't flailing her tits around, for petes sake.
Contributor: GONE! GONE!
Honestly? I don't like it because of the virgin/mother dichotomy. As in, it's only remotely acceptable by pretty much anyone to show breasts in public if they're some guys moobs or a breastfeeding mother.

I think everyone should be able to show their boobs in public if they have a good reason. For example, if it's a hundred degrees outside, no one is going to be taking their shirt off to get sexy. It's a perfectly rational reason to be topless.
Contributor: gabs33 gabs33
Everyone as boobs so why not show some.
Contributor: Stagger13 Stagger13
Originally posted by Bethy Cassatt
Because we're on the topic of tits, what do you think of mothers and feeding their infants in public?
If the mom has no problem I have no problem with it.
Contributor: SecretKinksters SecretKinksters
I have no problem with it.
Contributor: Hallmar82 Hallmar82
A little discretion is always best. Tact is a lost word to some people.
Contributor: tequilafish tequilafish
I think it's fine to breastfeed in public, but I think it's polite to use a nursing blanket or something to cover up. I know it's natural, but I don't enjoy it when my sister-in-law lets it all hang out in the middle of family gatherings. However, she is feeding her kid so I don't say anything much less be rude.
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Originally posted by Bleu
I'm okay with breastfeeding in public but women should learn to cover up and not have one tit out with the baby attached then NOT expect people to say something. It's a bit rude of them to just pull the "I'm a mother trying to feed ... more
It is LEGAL to breastfeed in every state in the USA, no matter who much is "showing." Breastfeeding is exempt from public "indecency" laws and in Progressive states it is against the law to harass breastfeeding women, suggest they go somewhere else to feed or tell them to "cover up." Chances are, that baby's need to eat NOW is more important than someone's "feelings."

I don't like being "secluded" when I was feeding my children. If I was in a restaurant (I, personally don't eat at McDonalds...) I would feed my babies if they needed it. My kids need to nurse (and nursing is MORE than just food, it is also love and compassion, and kindness and bonding at every nursing session) I fed them. Yes. I have "stared" at people, but only before they did it to me. I usually would stare, while breastfeeding, while wearing a big smile.

What I was doing was legal, ethical, important and necessary. Anyone who feels "offended" by a baby nursing can go seclude themselves, if that's what they want. A woman and her nursing child should not be expected to "seclude" themselves from society.

I'm a Lactation Consultant and have nursed all my children into toddlerhood. I have to admit, I have never seen a woman "whip it out" in public. Has anyone really seen this? And if so, WHY did you keep looking? Isn't your neck able to turn? You don't like it, look the other way. Babies have to eat. I tolerate a LOT things, that I find "offensive" that some do to their kids in public (my personal all time worst pet peeve is blue Kool Aid or Mountain Dew in a bottle) but It isn't my baby so it isn't my business, so I say nothing and I simply don't LOOK at these people. Most women show only what is necessary, and usually only stuff is "showing" during the latch, which only takes a second or two with a baby over 3 wks of age or so. Give the mother of a younger baby, who may take longer to latch the benefit of the doubt. Breastfeeding is a SKILL that takes time to learn, and it may be the first time she's doing it "in public" and may need some wiggle room from oh-so-judgemental people who have never done such a service for a helpless infant themselves.

Most women simply do what they have to do to get their baby to latch on and feed. Some babies (all of mine) refused to nurse if something was covering their heads or blocking their view of the room. They still needed to eat. Mine would cry if we were around people and I did leave the room to feed them. Babies are part of society, and as long as women can bottle feed "uncovered" in public, then anyone should be able to breastfeed in whatever manner works for her and her child in public. And the LAW is with this POV.
Contributor: ViVix ViVix
Originally posted by Bethy Cassatt
Because we're on the topic of tits, what do you think of mothers and feeding their infants in public?
I'm kind of offended by those who want to see it covered up or say no or other. It was uncomfortable enough for me to try to feed a poorly latching preemie without putting a blanket over her head and making her sweat. And if you want to stare, go right ahead. That doesn't make me inappropriate...that makes you inappropriate. Plsu, we watch animals suckle all the time!
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
Originally posted by ViVix
I'm kind of offended by those who want to see it covered up or say no or other. It was uncomfortable enough for me to try to feed a poorly latching preemie without putting a blanket over her head and making her sweat. And if you want to stare, go ... more
I agree, Vix. That's just what I was saying. People who haven't breastfed (or didn't give it long enough time) don't understand the difficulty of latching a preterm baby, a fussy baby or a newborn. These babies still need to eat, even if they take longer to latch and women should certainly be given the benefit of the doubt.

NOBODY breastfeeds in public for "attention." I can pretty much guarantee it. If she's taking a long time to latch, it's because she and the baby are still learning. It's a skill that takes time. You'd think they give us a break instead of whining about "being offended" by our best efforts to do what we know is best for our babies.
Contributor: Gdom Gdom
Breast feeding in public is perfectly fine, with or without covering. I'm not sure that the fact that it's "natural" is really the justification for this--looking at the animal kingdom, non-consensual sex is pretty "natural," but that hardly justifies it--but yeah, yay breast feeding and boo people who get offended by it.
Contributor: Feisty Feisty
I am all for breast feeding in public. However, I do think that women should cover themselves while feeding in public in consideration for others. They are exposing themselves, and it is not like women normally go around walking topless in public.
Contributor: ginnyluvspotter ginnyluvspotter
I have breastfed in public before but always had a blanket covering me so no one could see.
Contributor: Ayumi Ayumi
I think mothers should be able to feed their infants in public without issue.
Contributor: epiphanyjayne epiphanyjayne
Originally posted by jr2012
I don't like the stigma against breast feeding in public. to be honest, I can barely think of a less sexual image! And plus...babies gotta eat, and it's wrong to trap moms in their homes all the time.
Contributor: epiphanyjayne epiphanyjayne
I feed when I have to I prefer privacy but when baby is hungry it can be hard to help it. blankets distract my baby and I find it hard to help my baby find my nipple plus it gets hot and stuffy,so I don't like using a cover. I like to have a blanket close by for tucking back in though, my breast is out but I don't expose my nipple out there my baby covers me up pretty well.
Contributor: KinkyNicki92 KinkyNicki92
some coverage is always appreciated
Contributor: Falsepast Falsepast
I think there's nothing wrong with it at all.
Contributor: PeaceToTheMiddleEast PeaceToTheMiddleEast
It does not bother me.
Contributor: giftdgecko giftdgecko
Originally posted by Bethy Cassatt
Because we're on the topic of tits, what do you think of mothers and feeding their infants in public?
Breast feeding is fine, it's not hard to cover it a bit though
Contributor: chicmichiw chicmichiw
Uh, was this about sexualized cleavage or just breastfeeding? Sexualized clothing that is very low cut can be a distraction and it's not appropriate for a number of settings...but honestly, if you're a reasonable person, it won't be a problem. Breastfeeding is like that, too. It's natural and it's your right, sure. I wouldn't whip it out in a very public setting just because I probably wouldn't ever take care of important personal business of any nature in public. But, like I said with undue sexual cleavage, if you're a reasonable person, it won't be a problem.
Contributor: TrenchcoatHunters TrenchcoatHunters
I'm ehh about it
Contributor: noway noway
Humans have been doing it for millenia
Contributor: Adriana Ravenlust Adriana Ravenlust
Is this about BFing or cleavage. Two different subjects, yo.
Contributor: TheirPet TheirPet
People are weird about BFing. I think it's natural and people need to get over it.
Contributor: RavenInChains RavenInChains
Originally posted by Bethy Cassatt
Because we're on the topic of tits, what do you think of mothers and feeding their infants in public?
There is nothing EVER wrong with feeding a baby. Babies have to eat, and they have to eat as soon as they are hungry. This ridiculous trend we have to find breastfeeding disgusting is what prevents so many mothers from being able to nurse successfully.
Contributor: lainebug lainebug
Originally posted by Bethy Cassatt
Because we're on the topic of tits, what do you think of mothers and feeding their infants in public?
Cover it up and breast feed to your hearts content
Contributor: Kat and Aaron(aaron) Kat and Aaron(aaron)
Nothing wrong with breastfeeding in public at all.
Contributor: captainsgirl captainsgirl
Originally posted by Bethy Cassatt
Because we're on the topic of tits, what do you think of mothers and feeding their infants in public?
Boobs were made to feed babies..what do yo uthink they did before chemical created formula was made...would you want to eat on a toilet or with a blanket over your head. there is nothing sexual aobut it. dont look if u don like!!
Contributor: amazon amazon
I have no issues, but some people do, and I think it's just a respect of others while in public thing.
Contributor: tortilla tortilla
doesn't bother me at all
Contributor: brevado brevado
Doesn't bother me, just be respectful/a little thoughtful of those around you.
Contributor: DeliciousB DeliciousB
Originally posted by Bethy Cassatt
Because we're on the topic of tits, what do you think of mothers and feeding their infants in public?
This natural but for everyone to see the full process.
Contributor: TJtheMadHatter TJtheMadHatter
If the mother is okay with it, by all means. I personally used bathrooms that had the sitting rooms. Simply because it allowed me to relax, so I could let down my milk, and so my son wouldn't be distracted. No sitting rooms? I busted out my cover. At home, friend's houses, I didn't care. My family was uncomfortable about it in public, which ticked me off.
Contributor: namelesschaos namelesschaos
"I'm okay with breastfeeding in public but women should learn to cover up and not have one tit out with the baby attached then NOT expect people to say something"

How dare we expect people their mind their own damn business!

I mean if I'm eating meat how dare I not expect to be harassed by vegans?
I mean I wear a Yankees cap how dare I not expect to harassed by Mets fans?
If I wear a Obama T-shirt how dare I not expect republicans to say something?
If I women wears a short shirt how dare she not expect catcalls?
If I wear orange how dare I not expect fashion critics to say something about my fashion choices?
If I wear a cross how could I not expect atheists to sat something?

Your in public, not minding your own business in any of the above contexts makes you an asshole. Guess what it makes you here. We need to tell assholes to mind there own business ,and to desexualize the breast, not tell mothers to cover up.

A women providing the best possible nutrition for her child is no more obligated to be concerned offend who can't mind their own business then I need to be concerned that eating meat in public will offend vegans that can't mind their own business.
Contributor: namelesschaos namelesschaos
"I'm a Lactation Consultant and have nursed all my children into toddlerhood. I have to admit, I have never seen a woman "whip it out" in public. Has anyone really seen this?"

Related field here Bachelor in dietetics and nutrition never seen this either, in fact I consider this women a mythical creature who I call FreeBooB. i had a professor that ever lief cycle nutrition class makes everyone attend da LaLeache League meeting and also gave that an optional "extra credit" (it was actually a trap, long story) assignment in most of her classes. In all her years of teaching she has yet to find a single student reporting a FreeBooB sighting. In fact they report the opposite at least one student is surprised at how inconspicuous it is (compared to the mystical FreeBoob image).
Contributor: srexom srexom
not an issue for me.
Contributor: Marie Hanna Marie Hanna
Not really an issue, but they should cover up a little.
Contributor: Andrey2052 Andrey2052
Yes, no matter what, it's completely natural!
Contributor: lulz lulz
They should at least cover themselves and not make a scene of it.
Contributor: Kitten has left the site Kitten has left the site
It's completely natural. Babies have to eat too you know. I've actually gotten into fights with people in public about a woman breast feeding her baby. Normally when I see it, the mother will have a blanket over her chest or she has part of her shirt up so all you really see is the side of her breast.
Contributor: surreptitious surreptitious
Originally posted by Bethy Cassatt
Because we're on the topic of tits, what do you think of mothers and feeding their infants in public?
While I don't have a problem with breast feeding in public, I do think that it would simply be easier if women tried to pick quiet or out of the way places. Bringing a nursing cover would be even better - I don't often agree that people should go out of the way to make the lives of others easier, but such a small thing could keep upset to a minimum, and I can't see why anyone should have a problem with it.
Contributor: Cosmonaut Cosmonaut
Yes, but there should be some sort of coverage.

Some peoples nipples freak me long as I don't see nips, I am good. Same goes for dudes btw. I don't like seeing guys shirts off randomly for no reason but to show off.
Contributor: RedGlitter RedGlitter
GO outside or hide somewhere. Yes, I said it!
I would feel weird breast feeding my baby in public!

I'm no prude, but...COME ON.
Contributor: UnknownGirl UnknownGirl
No woman should ever feel uncomfortable about doing something so natural.
Contributor: UnknownGirl UnknownGirl
Originally posted by RedGlitter
GO outside or hide somewhere. Yes, I said it!
I would feel weird breast feeding my baby in public!

I'm no prude, but...COME ON.
Wow. "Go outside and hide." Are you fucking kidding me?

Contributor: kandy anjel kandy anjel
Originally posted by Bethy Cassatt
Because we're on the topic of tits, what do you think of mothers and feeding their infants in public?
breast feeding is not wrong and those who think it is have issues
Contributor: ImmaFreak ImmaFreak
Fine with it, just would like some coverage, at least not showing nipples.
Contributor: spineyogurt spineyogurt
Keep kids locked up until they turn 21
Contributor: Adnerbmw Adnerbmw
I dont mind showing a little boob as long as its the right setting, lke clubbing but not if im out with the family in a family setting thats trashy
Contributor: VeganChick (is Gone) VeganChick (is Gone)
Mothers have the right to feed their babies in public. Period.
Contributor: LoganAshlee. LoganAshlee.
A babies health and comfort is more important than an adults neurosis/
Contributor: WhoopieDoo WhoopieDoo
Originally posted by LoganAshlee.
A babies health and comfort is more important than an adults neurosis/
So eloquent Love this.
Contributor: Bethy Cassatt Bethy Cassatt
Are you a judge or a judgee? Have you had problems with people staring? Should people mind their own damn business, or do you simply not care?
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Contributor: Terri69 Terri69
If you got it, flaunt it...
Contributor: edeneve edeneve
I've found people trying not to stare at me. I don't think nipples showing in public is appropriate.
Contributor: Bleu Bleu
You can't show off cleavage and not expect people to look. Cover up if it bothers you that much. Turtle necks are out of style but aren't hard to come across.
Contributor: richsam richsam
Originally posted by Bethy Cassatt
Are you a judge or a judgee? Have you had problems with people staring? Should people mind their own damn business, or do you simply not care?
i show a lil from time to time but i do think when u r at the point to wear ur nipple is almost hanging out u need a bigger shirt
Contributor: js250 js250
I get stares with no cleavage. I don't care how much others show...its their deal.
Contributor: Martiniman Martiniman
My wife is very careful about the amount of cleavage she shows.
Contributor: gabs33 gabs33
If you got it, flaunt it.
Contributor: Stagger13 Stagger13
Originally posted by Bethy Cassatt
Are you a judge or a judgee? Have you had problems with people staring? Should people mind their own damn business, or do you simply not care?
If you want to show off be my guest!
Contributor: CaseyDeuce CaseyDeuce
Coworkers have made a joke out of my cleavage, but oh well! My guests at the bar LOVE me!!
Contributor: KinkyNicki92 KinkyNicki92
i am average sized in the bust area and i wear low shirts and etc not for attention but because it makes me feel sexy
Contributor: PeaceToTheMiddleEast PeaceToTheMiddleEast
To each their own.
Contributor: noway noway
They are just breasts people. Not that big a deal.
Contributor: ViVix ViVix
Originally posted by Bethy Cassatt
Are you a judge or a judgee? Have you had problems with people staring? Should people mind their own damn business, or do you simply not care?
They're just boobs! Men (including out of shape ones) go around topless constantly (not that I don't occasionally gawk at that!)
Contributor: TheirPet TheirPet
Doesn't matter to me.
Contributor: amazon amazon
Could care less
Contributor: tortilla tortilla
whatever floats your boat
Contributor: doowop doowop
I don't care what others do, but I'm very modest with cleavage. I have no issues wearing mini skirts, yet I like high cut tops.
Contributor: Marie Hanna Marie Hanna
Its a personal choice, as long as nipples aren't showing.
Contributor: lulz lulz
I don't really care if you're flaunting it, but don't get mad when people stare.
Contributor: Kitten has left the site Kitten has left the site
If you're showing off WAY too much cleavage, then yeah, it's bothersome, but if you show off what you really can't help showing off, then it doesn't bother me. Living where I do...the girls around here, especially the teens, tend to show off as much as they can, I've seen GROUPS of girls get sent home from school for showing off so much.
Contributor: UnknownGirl UnknownGirl
Originally posted by Terri69
If you got it, flaunt it...
This. I'll never understand why people get so offended by breasts.
Contributor: Noelle Noelle
Originally posted by Bethy Cassatt
Are you a judge or a judgee? Have you had problems with people staring? Should people mind their own damn business, or do you simply not care?
It seems a bit trashy sometimes, but I don't care really unless my kids are around and the nips are practically showing.
Contributor: ImmaFreak ImmaFreak
Sometimes I judge, just because there are quite a few who push the cleavage limits and are only doing so to get as much attention as they can.
Contributor: SweetSaffron SweetSaffron
It depends on the situation. For the most part, I have the mindset that if you have the body for it, you might as well wear it.

At the office? A small amount of cleavage is typically acceptable. A very conservative coworker of mine once tried to tell me that I'm not supposed to show ANYTHING, though the dress code clearly states that "Excessive Cleavage" is unacceptable. They don't state what that is, but I feel it varies by body type. When I show what's deemed a modest percentage, that's more breast than many women have total. If the managers aren't telling me to cover up (which I have had), then it's not a problem.

At a restaurant? Depends on the type of the restaurant, but I personally don't care.

At the bar? Might as well show as much as you legally and comfortably can. Nobody's going to stop you.

At the Renaissance faire? Please don't show up in a low-cut shirt and then get offended and try to cover yourself when a pirate, of all people, comments on your breasts or neckline - A: You put them on display, of course he's going to look, and B: He's a PIRATE, honey. The typical pirate stereotype/portrayal involves the word "womanizing" at some point. Most of the guys I know who play pirates, do so because they're promiscuous people and that's the role that lets them get away with it.
Also, put on a corset and hoist them up to your neck, it's Ren faire! I can take a nap on mine in the right corset.
Contributor: amie.snape amie.snape
I am both. It really depends where you are, if you are at a school event for your child then cover them up, but if you are around adults and don't mind the looks and possible comments go to town! I LOVE to show mine off when it is appropriate.
Contributor: DigitalSweety DigitalSweety
I don't mind people showing cleavage. A woman ought to be able to walk around topless and not get harassed, if she so chooses. If guys can do it, women ought to be able to as well. People have boobs... get over it. :-P
Contributor: Bethy Cassatt Bethy Cassatt
If so, why do you do it? Do you like attention, or do you have a hard time wrangling the girls?
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Contributor: Terri69 Terri69
Not all the time but a have a couple tops that give a little show
Contributor: edeneve edeneve
I do show a bit of cleavage a lot - leaves me feeling sexy which is very important to me.
Contributor: phroggielicker phroggielicker
yes, because I'm a small person but have a large chest. its hard to find tops that don't show cleavage
Contributor: Bleu Bleu
Nope. I wear t-shirts.
Contributor: Toy Fiend Toy Fiend
I show cleavage mainly because my chest is so large that it is hard to find shirts that do not show off the girls.
Contributor: jr2012 jr2012
I have a big chest and get a little self conscious when showing any cleavage. I tend to cover up the whole thing!

Though if you asked me this question while I was in high school that would have been a much different story...
Contributor: js250 js250
Minimal--I am not comfortable with massive cleavage showing. Therefore the coverups for my corsets....
Contributor: XxFallenAngelxX XxFallenAngelxX
I try not to, but it's hard to hide these suckers!
Contributor: Martiniman Martiniman
My wife shows a little, but is careful not to show to much except on the rare occasion I get her to dress sexy when going out.
Contributor: gabs33 gabs33
Contributor: Stagger13 Stagger13
Originally posted by Bethy Cassatt
If so, why do you do it? Do you like attention, or do you have a hard time wrangling the girls?
Not a shower.
Contributor: P'Gell P'Gell
I have a nice rack. I'm still an attractive woman and I won't always look the way I do now. I have no problem showing some cleavage in some situations. Family parties? No. Out to dinner with My Man. Yes. The Butcher Shop. Absolutely. My Butcher flirts with me and gives me the best cuts.
Contributor: sassyNsensual sassyNsensual
it depends where I am....I'm a teacher, so never at work

but if I'm out and trying to get some (whether that be free drink or a piece of ass) let 'em show
Contributor: CaseyDeuce CaseyDeuce
I'm a bartender, I've mastered the art of showing the right amount of cleave at work.
Contributor: epiphanyjayne epiphanyjayne
I show them off for the most part I can't help nor do I care. unless I want to wear turtle neck tops .
Contributor: KinkyNicki92 KinkyNicki92
i show em off to a minimum
Contributor: Tork48309 Tork48309
Public is free reign to be yourself. Work? Now that is a different subject.
Contributor: PeaceToTheMiddleEast PeaceToTheMiddleEast
I show only a little bit.
Contributor: TrenchcoatHunters TrenchcoatHunters
Originally posted by Bethy Cassatt
If so, why do you do it? Do you like attention, or do you have a hard time wrangling the girls?
I don't mean to
Contributor: noway noway
I wear what I want. If other people have a problem with it, they don't have to look at me. It's MY body.
Contributor: ViVix ViVix
Originally posted by Bethy Cassatt
If so, why do you do it? Do you like attention, or do you have a hard time wrangling the girls?
Not often. It's just not something I I don't know if that's the right word.
Contributor: amazon amazon
Not usually
Contributor: tortilla tortilla
wish I had some to show
Contributor: Hummingbird Hummingbird
Just a little and I mean the hint of a cleavage, I've always felt very self-conscious about them especially when other woman always like to mention how full they are. I'm sure them men don't mind seeing a cleavage but in a business environment discretion is advised. Besides if I show too much someone will say something, they always do making me feel more self-conscious.
Contributor: Marie Hanna Marie Hanna
I don't have enough to show.
Contributor: Kitten has left the site Kitten has left the site
I have a hard time with them =_= They LOVE to show off in v-necks and tank tops. I'm a high set girl and it bothers me and the husband to the point we threw away a few shirts of mine because they were much too showy. Even in his shirts I get cleavage!
Contributor: bratcat bratcat
i dont believe anyone should be judged on the amount of cleavage they show or dont show. i have a large chest so many dresses and shirts i own end up looking low cut when they are not, at all. I would prefer to have people look me in the eyes instead of at my chest, but it's almost become second nature now, since it's hard to find a shirt that covers me completely unless it's a shirt i've borrowed from my partner - and i actually prefer to wear men's v-neck shirts but they still show off a lot of cleavage. As for mothers who choose to breast feed their children in public they have every right to do so, without harassment form others. I've known women to get wide eyed stres and verbally harassed for breast feeding even when they cover, and its so disgusting that people react that way to something that is considered to be healthy for a child's development. society really needs to rethink the way we look at breast.
Contributor: UnknownGirl UnknownGirl
My boobs are 40DD, so unless I'm wearing a turtle neck, chances are good I'm showing ample cleavage.
Contributor: ImmaFreak ImmaFreak
I have a hard time NOT showing cleavage, unless I wear a turtleneck. I don't mean to, but can't contain the girls.
Contributor: SweetSaffron SweetSaffron
I tend to show a lot of cleavage, mainly because of the combination of my breast size and how short I am through the shoulder - they pretty much start at my neck! I have a handy guide on whether I'm showing too much: If my "cleavage freckle" is showing, or the neckline dips below the level of the freckle - it's at a point that a plunging/v-neck doesn't always show - then the top/dress is not appropriate for the office as-is, and needs a cami under it. If I'm going out, let the girls be free (as much as is legal, that is)! The same goes for when I'm working a haunted house or Ren faire - More boob = more good!
Contributor: VeganChick (is Gone) VeganChick (is Gone)
No, but I have small breasts so I can't really show off anything. I don't wear bras though so I do have some nipplage going on!
Contributor: amie.snape amie.snape
I like to look at others boobs, so why not give others a chance to look at mine!
Contributor: Bethy Cassatt Bethy Cassatt
Speeding ticket? Getting your ID checked? Have you been an evil boob jedi? (<- LAST PART IS A COMPLETE JOKE. Also, this is a judgement free zone, I love all you sexy babies in a purely plutonic way.)
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Contributor: edeneve edeneve
never have used them in that way, especially w/ cops for fear they may site me for another infraction.
Contributor: Bleu Bleu
Nope XD
Contributor: deltalima deltalima
Originally posted by Bethy Cassatt
Speeding ticket? Getting your ID checked? Have you been an evil boob jedi? (<- LAST PART IS A COMPLETE JOKE. Also, this is a judgement free zone, I love all you sexy babies in a purely plutonic way.)
Contributor: js250 js250
No....have used them to get into a theater for a comedy show....
Contributor: Martiniman Martiniman
My wife would never think or consider doing that.
Contributor: mdnght mdnght
Originally posted by Bethy Cassatt
Speeding ticket? Getting your ID checked? Have you been an evil boob jedi? (<- LAST PART IS A COMPLETE JOKE. Also, this is a judgement free zone, I love all you sexy babies in a purely plutonic way.)
No, I really don't have much cleavage to work with to be honest. Curse these small breasts of mine!
Contributor: gabs33 gabs33
not to get out of things, but to get free things
Contributor: epiphanyjayne epiphanyjayne
nope not me
Contributor: PeaceToTheMiddleEast PeaceToTheMiddleEast
Contributor: kitty1949 kitty1949
I don't mind showing cleavage, but not excessively, especially at work.
Contributor: TrenchcoatHunters TrenchcoatHunters
Originally posted by Bethy Cassatt
Speeding ticket? Getting your ID checked? Have you been an evil boob jedi? (<- LAST PART IS A COMPLETE JOKE. Also, this is a judgement free zone, I love all you sexy babies in a purely plutonic way.)
Contributor: noway noway
Not on purpose...
Contributor: ViVix ViVix
Originally posted by Bethy Cassatt
Speeding ticket? Getting your ID checked? Have you been an evil boob jedi? (<- LAST PART IS A COMPLETE JOKE. Also, this is a judgement free zone, I love all you sexy babies in a purely plutonic way.)
Not intentionally. LOL
Contributor: amazon amazon
Of course
Contributor: tortilla tortilla
don't think mine would get me anywhere
Contributor: brevado brevado
I'd be lying if I said no.
Contributor: Kitten has left the site Kitten has left the site
Never. My boobs aren't Get Out Of Jail Free cards.
Contributor: UnknownGirl UnknownGirl
Not necessarily to "get out" of anything, but I almost never had to pay for a drink in college.
Contributor: Noelle Noelle
Originally posted by Bethy Cassatt
Speeding ticket? Getting your ID checked? Have you been an evil boob jedi? (<- LAST PART IS A COMPLETE JOKE. Also, this is a judgement free zone, I love all you sexy babies in a purely plutonic way.)
Just to get a drink or two in my younger days.
Contributor: ImmaFreak ImmaFreak
Contributor: twelve13 twelve13
Nope. I didn't even pull a 10 Things I Hate About You and use it to get a guy out of detention.
Contributor: amie.snape amie.snape
My sophomore year of high school (6ish year ago) in turn for having my homework/general school work completed for me, but other than that nope.