I was reading Mental Floss magazine and they are doing an article on chickens. So here is a fun fact for you, in honor of Easter.
Roosters can mount a hen too roughly, leaving bald spots and scratches on her back. The other hens' will then peck at the raw skin and they usually won't stop until the hen is dead. So..farmers strap tiny aprons, called "hen saddles" on the hens' back. The rooster can then climb on the hens' back without injuring her, allowing the chickens to have safe sex.
Roosters can mount a hen too roughly, leaving bald spots and scratches on her back. The other hens' will then peck at the raw skin and they usually won't stop until the hen is dead. So..farmers strap tiny aprons, called "hen saddles" on the hens' back. The rooster can then climb on the hens' back without injuring her, allowing the chickens to have safe sex.