I'm curious of any tips on getting traffic to my personal blog.
The topics range from transgender issues, sex toy reviews, sex in general.
I'm not looking to get any monetary gain. Mostly would just like to get more followers and comments. I'm working toward a career as a sex counselor/educator and I'd like to build a name for myself, figured it would be better to start sooner than later.
my blog is on wordpress at the moment, so it's fairly minimal.
Would anyone be willing to give any critiques? At the moment a lot of my posts are links to my Edens reviews or articles.
The topics range from transgender issues, sex toy reviews, sex in general.
I'm not looking to get any monetary gain. Mostly would just like to get more followers and comments. I'm working toward a career as a sex counselor/educator and I'd like to build a name for myself, figured it would be better to start sooner than later.
my blog is on wordpress at the moment, so it's fairly minimal.
Would anyone be willing to give any critiques? At the moment a lot of my posts are links to my Edens reviews or articles.