Just curious if you could pick where you wanted to live, which would be ideal for you?
Big city or small town
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So...big city or small town?
(90 posts)
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I'm a small town girl...I've been to NYC once and it just made me nervous.
i've always lived in small so-cal towns. they suck, but i couldn't imagine living anywhere else.
Always middle.
i've lived in small towns. unless you are willing (and able) to drive 20-60 miles (or more) there's nothing to do. they're murder on walkers and oftentimes the public transit is lackluster, or nonexistent.
Even thought I don't live exactly in Seattle, I find the suburbs meet my comfort level and still have access to the culture of a large city.
I live in NYC and have lived here all my life. One time I visited just outside of Boston and it was miserable. Nowhere delivered pizza past 10pm. As silly as it sounds, I was hungry.
I love having options and being able to go out for a bite to eat if/when insomnia takes over or when the party isn't over. I couldn't see myself elsewhere.
I love having options and being able to go out for a bite to eat if/when insomnia takes over or when the party isn't over. I couldn't see myself elsewhere.
I am a small town/country girl. NO cities for me, after about an hour I am so very out of them!!! I get super claustrophobic from all the people around me and the traffic.
I'm moving back to NJ, just outside of NYC. If I'm smart, I'll never move away from there again!
In between
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Thanks...please explain
suburbs for me!
Big city,
In small town rumors transfer very quikly in the hole town. Where in large city it could acheive small area.
In small town rumors transfer very quikly in the hole town. Where in large city it could acheive small area.
Big City
I really, really like both.
I would prefer a small-ish town that's close enough to a big city to visit there regularly.
I lean towards the suburbs.
Somewhere in the middle. I think if it was a small town it would HAVE to have super-fast internet, haha!
iw ant to live in the middle between the two
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I prefer either large towns or large cities.
I like both, but I'm a born and raised city boy.
I like being able to control how close I am to other people, and I just can't do that in a city. I don't quite want to be out in the boonies, so the suburbs are a nice compromise.
Love to have all the conveniences of the city on our terms, not the other way around. So being able to go into the city when we want, but otherwise not have to put-up with it, is awesome. Plus, we get a lot more room to live.
I live in the boonies and can't imagine living in the big city.
Somewhere in the middle. I like the idea where everyone knows your name. But have some privacy too.
Small city. Much bigger then a TOWN and much smaller then a megalopolis.
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Somewhere in the middle sounds the most relaxing and pleasing.
I live in a small town but would love to live in a big city.
Except during college, the only places I've chosen to live are NYC and San Francisco.
something in the middle of a small town and a big city. if i live in a small town i need to be near the city
I want to live in a small town where people actually recognize you, where everyone knows each other. But I'd like it to be within an hour's drive of a city, for shopping or whatever.
I want to be out in the country, but not so far out that I have to drive and hour to the nearest store..
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Usually in-between. I'd like to be able to know my neighbors, and have a backyard, but not be far away from a big city... I'm about 4 hours away from a big city right now-and that's fine.
Big city!
Middle of no where works nice 4 me.
We live in a smaller town, but it's about 15 minutes away from a bigger city.
me too!i prefer small cities that a city person would consider to be a town!loll! and I no..i brought my son there and i had a panick attack half of the time we were there.i couldnt live there!
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I'm a small town girl...I've been to NYC once and it just made me nervous.
I like being in the middle, and having the chance to travel to either a smaller town or a bigger city. That's the only reason I like where I am living! Variety!
well...how small is small town?
"Somewhere in the middle" sounds too suburban... how about a small city? I don't like overwhelming cities but I prefer city life. I've lived in Brooklyn but couldn't take Manhattan!
i have always lived in a big city atlanta and chattanooga
I live in a small city, which is ideal for me. Though I could live in a large town, if need be
I prefer the boondocks. I like being able to walk naked or pee in my yard without worrying about neighbors and passers-by. Then again, I like working too so living near a city is important.
At the moment I'm living in a teeny country town and I've gotten to the stage where I've had enough. It's driving me insane cause it's impossible to meet people my age in a retirement type of town.
So in a few years I'm moving interstate to live in the largest populated city in AU. I'm so looking forward to change in pace.
But at the same time, I'll be living in one of the outer suburbs - don't want to be in the heart of the city.
So in a few years I'm moving interstate to live in the largest populated city in AU. I'm so looking forward to change in pace.
But at the same time, I'll be living in one of the outer suburbs - don't want to be in the heart of the city.
I currently live in the city, I have never lived in a city until my adult life. I hate it personally. I live so close to my neighbors I can reach out my window and touch their house. I grew up were your closest neighbor was like 1/8th of a mile away. I love it in the country in a small town. I want to be able to get to the store within 30minutes though.
I definitely prefer small town.. but not too small to where it's the middle of nowhere. I like the mountains, perfect medium for me
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Other, far away from everybody!
Born and raised in the suburbs on the edge of a sprawling city, and I chose to remain here for college. I wouldn't trade it for anything. My family and I used to have a cabin in the mountains near a small town and I have to say - I truly felt stifled!
I prefer cities, but small towns can be really nice as well. I'm only uncomfortable in those places where you're several miles away from your closest neighbor, because I worry that I'll need some kind of help and have nowhere to run to. Plus, I love being able to walk everywhere without any difficulty!
I've lived in a small town all my life. Cities are nice to visit, but once you're used to that peace and quiet there's nothing like it.
I like living in a small town. I like to go shopping and such in big cities but I feel more comfortable and at home in my small town.
I like being in the suburbs of a big city. I've lived in a few small towns, and the lack of anything to do drives me crazy.
I've lived in small towns my whole life and wouldn't feel comfortable living in a city. I like being close enough to visit for shopping and such.
I live in a big city now. I want to go back to a small town I like it better.
small town would be cool.
In between, towards a big city.
Big City <3
somewhere in the middle, but more towards a small town.
small town for me
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I love the closeness of small towns, but I would like to live near a city for the activities and stuff to do.
We live in a small town now, but I'd prefer to live in the country with about 24 acres.
Somewhere in the middle... I don't like the city but I also don't like living far away from everything!
I love big cities, but I also really like small towns--it's places in between I don't like! I think I'd most prefer to live in a small town that's maybe 30 minutes-1hr away from a big city so that I could go on weekends & it wouldn't be a huge deal/ton of money in gas, but I'd still have cheaper rent than if I lived in the city.
I love small cities.
small town
I enjoy big cities more, I like the variety they offer.
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Small town all the way!!!
I like the community feel of smaller cities and towns.
My city I live in is considered to be quite small at 2.5million.
I like the community feel of smaller cities and towns.
My city I live in is considered to be quite small at 2.5million.
I love in the center of a suburban town, but if I had the money I'd live in the center of a city. I love being around things. I like being able to walk, bike, or take the bus everywhere. I could not imagine living deep in the suburbs, or living in a really small town. That's like my own personal hell.

We've lived on the outskirts of a big city for years now and I really love the close proximity to everything while still feeling like we have a bit of space to breathe.
Small town and hate it! Everybody knows almost everyone and usually has something to say , atleast behind they're backs. I've been to bigger cities, including Paris. I was a little nervous but loved it over all!
There's not much of anything to do in my town, hence the large number of teen moms and alcohol/drug related crimes. Hoping to move to a bigger city soon.
There's not much of anything to do in my town, hence the large number of teen moms and alcohol/drug related crimes. Hoping to move to a bigger city soon.
I grew up in a small town (3000 people), now I live in a town of 100,000...I like it better since you can walk down the street and wont know everyone, but its still too small for me.
I've lived in the city, small town, and in between. I have to say my favorite is in the middle. City is too noisy and small town nothing is going on and the fun is far away.
i live in a big city and i love it!
somewhere in the middle
I live in a small town but would love to live in a city.
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Small towns are the best for me.
I love to shop and that is the one thing I would miss if I left my fairly big city, but being in a small town is so much more relaxing to me.
I love to shop and that is the one thing I would miss if I left my fairly big city, but being in a small town is so much more relaxing to me.
Medium city
Both I like small towns because the tend to be so tight knit but I also love the big city.
If it was up to me I would live on the outskirts of a tiny town... like population less then 1000... and on a lake with no one around.. only trees and wild animals... 45 minute drive to the nearest walmart..
I hate living in the city GIR
I hate living in the city GIR
Big forest with the nearest neighbours being 5 miles away.
I like a smaller town.
Even though in a small town everyone knows your business, I love that because everyone knows each other you are a lot closer to one another and are more willing to help each other out.
I live in like a medium sized city. Not too far from larger cities like Minneapolis, but far enough away to be comfortable.
I'd prefer somewhere in between. As long as there are plenty of sidewalks I don't mind though.
Small city. Somewhere in between.
I don't really like the suburbs, the city or the country is better
lol i live in nyc and lived in the south for one year way too country for me nothing but cow fields
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I'm a small town girl...I've been to NYC once and it just made me nervous.
I guess I live in a small town and it's okay. It's close to the beach and not far from Orlando so it's not too far to find something fun to do. Although, I've always seen myself as a city girl. I love to visit a big city but I'm not sure I could live in one.
I'm from a SMALL town.. We were the only black family in my neighborhood. I now currently live in Minneapolis, which is a pretty big city. I'd love to find somewhere that is between.
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I love living in a big city. I would go crazy living in a small town!
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