I tried the honor system once.....till the teenagers, late in the evening, just took it all! I even saw them! What do you do?
Are you "standing at the door" to hand out Halloween candy, or do you use the "honor system" and put out a bowl?
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We live in an apartment complex, it's pretty much pointless for us to hand out candy. There are like two kids that show up, but we "donate" bags of candy to the leasing office every October.
no trick or treaters where we live
There's a pretty steady stream of kids in our neighborhood, so in the past what we've done is have Husband sit outside with the bowl of candy and pass it out. When it's gone, it's gone. We don't buy bag after bag after bag of it. While he's doing that, I take our kids out trick-or-treating.
We take our own kids trick or treating, so we turn our light on to signal that we're "open for trick or treating" and put out a bowl of candy with a note on it to take 2-3 things. We almost always come home to a full bowl, because we don't get more than 8-10 kids.

I don't pass out candy but I did used to go to the door. I'd never leave a bowl of candy out!
We pass out the candy when we're not out with our kids.
We like to see the costumes, so we stand at the door.
We pass out candy. More and more people around our neighborhood have stopped handing out candy, so every year I feel it's really important to do it. I remember how much it sucked when we would go trick or treating and hardly anyone would be handing out candy.
I'm there with Stormy, live alone in a condo, so usually I just go out that night and leave my porch light off.
Where I live not many come around for candy so we don't usually keep any on hand for them. We do however have candy in the house for ourselves so if we happen to get that one or two trick or treaters we give them some out of our everyday chocolate or gum stash. This yeah I am at my cousin's and not sure what we are doing
We tend to hand out the candy personally to the kids who come to the door.
Originally posted by
I tried the honor system once.....till the teenagers, late in the evening, just took it all! I even saw them! What do you do?
we're at the end of a dead end street with few houses - not enough return on the investment of walking for kids. we've left a bowl out to find it untouched hours later
Pretty much the same here. The trick or treating happens farther away from our street, up in the more suburban area so we never get any trick or treaters.
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no trick or treaters where we live
I don't give out candy.
we do not pass out candy but we take kids/ or grandkids trick-or-treating
We stopped passing out candy since no one comes to our neighborhood anymore.
i live in a basement so no one comes to my door
Originally posted by
I tried the honor system once.....till the teenagers, late in the evening, just took it all! I even saw them! What do you do?
I'm not home to do the candy thing - I'm out having a good time
I'm going to be handing out candy & chips this year. I wasn't going to but I changed my mind. It's been (mostly) fun in the past.
we have trunk or treat at our church so we decorate our car/truck and hand out candy. we usually have about 1000 kids come through.
We live in a condo, there aren't any people that hand out candy here.
i was a kid before and that whole honor system doesnt work because i use to be that kid who would grab 2 handfuls and walk off with an evil grin but sometimes karma would bite me in the ass and when id reach another house with the bowl outside that said take one they were all gone and believe me i trick or treated early to get the good stuff so someone was beating me to it
so we pass out candy ourselves.
so we pass out candy ourselves.
There's really no point to handing out candy around here. I may pick up a bag just in case if I'm going to be home but I really doubt anyone will come by.
We hand out candy
We don't pass out candy
My neighborhood has a lot of senior citizens and not very many kids. I've put candy out in a bowl before and still had candy in it the next day so I don't think I had many trick or treaters
we hand it out
Originally posted by
I tried the honor system once.....till the teenagers, late in the evening, just took it all! I even saw them! What do you do?
Where I live, there is not much kids around so we don't pass out candy.
No candy here either.
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